death train

Chapter 1618

"Patience is a virtue." After glancing at yecha, Yu Tong said: "there is a legend among the local Aleutians. In the depths of the far north, where the snow field is connected with the sky, there is the aurora all the year round, which guides people to the city of ice and snow. There is the ice queen who symbolizes eternity. If you can find her, you can get a gift and eternal life."

Ye Cha said: "do you believe this kind of deceiving children? Besides, I'm Chinese. Instead of going to the ice queen, I think I'd better go to the Jade Emperor. "

Yu Tong Kong said with a smile, "are you sure you don't believe it?"

The leaf Cha doubts a way: "eh?"

Yu Tong Kong said, "relics."

Ye Cha glared his eyes and said, "do you mean the apostles came to this place to look for relics?"

"I don't know, but it's possible." Yu Tong Kong said: "moreover, you have seen the mystery of the ruins and the power of them. Maybe in the long past, there was such a civilization, there was a queen of ice and snow. Do you dare to pat her on the chest and say that there was no such thing?"

"This..." The leaf Cha hesitated for a moment, still really can't refute, then way: "I want the map of that place that the legend points to."

"There's no way." Yu Tong Kong said: "I just know this legend. If that is the goal of the apostles, you will have to find it yourself."

Ye Cha said: "can you not drop the chain at the critical time?"

"Hum!" Yu Tong snorted coldly: "I've done all the things I should do. Then you can do it by yourself."

Yu Tong Kong said and left, directly turned back to the death train platform.

Ye Cha shrugged his shoulders and then walked forward.

The buildings here are very distinctive. It is clear that they are in the town outside the snow plain. A large number of buildings use white walls. If it snows, this place will become a spectacle.

Yecha's first destination was the hotel, where the apostles appeared and were found.

"This should be it."

Half an hour later, yecha came to a white building and took the photos for comparison.

It's a small town. It's not hard to find a building.

At the same time, the God of ice and snow fell from the air and kept crowing on the shoulder of yecha.

Ice and snow God is very excited, maybe it's because he went back to his hometown?

Snow owls mainly live in the Arctic permafrost and tundra forest. They are rare in cities and towns, but they can also be regarded as the hometown of snow God.

Ye Cha took out a few raw meat sticks and put them into the mouth of ice and snow God, saying, "go to the sky and be responsible for monitoring. If there are living creatures, tell me."

The God of ice and snow called twice, and then flew into the air.

Ye Cha then said to the consul, "stare at the door. If someone runs out, do it and try to live."

The consul retreated without saying a word, and ye Cha walked towards the hotel.

Although yecha thought that it was very unlikely that there were still apostles walking in the hotel, he could not be 100% sure about this kind of thing. Maybe there were still apostles left behind.

Slowly push the door of the hotel open, and then ye Cha pulls the sword out of Nanjiang, lying on his side.

There was a smell of blood in the corridor, and there were dried blood stains on the floor and walls. Ye Cha came to the end of the corridor and saw the zombies piled up together, their heads were smashed, and they were stacked there like garbage.

Ye Cha doesn't have to guess. It must have been done by the apostles.

In yecha's view, the apostles only need a foothold and a rest place to walk. So they chose this hotel and left after the rest.

Yecha didn't expect the apostles to stay here. He explored here purely because of caution. Secondly, although the apostles were no longer here, it was good to find some clues.

But just as ye Cha went upstairs

Four eyes opposite!

Ye Cha went up the stairs and turned the corner of the stairs. Then he saw an apostle standing on the other side of the corridor without a mask, holding a cup in his hand, still steaming.

The leaf Cha can't help of Leng Leng, he really didn't expect to be able to see the Apostle walk here.

The Apostle walked in a daze, obviously did not expect that there would be other people here.

The next moment, the two moved at the same time.

When the Apostle walked, he smashed the cup in his hand towards the leaf brake, and the hot milk came out in an instant.

The leaf brake dodges to avoid, low shout a way: "stop."

The Apostle quickly rushed into the house and closed the door. The leaf brake caught up with him and kicked the door open, but there was no sign of the Apostle walking in the room.

Ye Cha quickly glanced at the room. There were three computers, many drawings and some equipment on the desk. It was obvious that the Apostle was doing something here. The window in front of him was broken. Ye Cha ran after him and found that the Apostle was jumping down on the air conditioner.

Ye Cha put the sword back into the sheath of Nanjiang. After two steps back, he ran straight up and ran forward.Bang!

Ye Cha smashed the glass and fell down. With a bang, he fell to the ground. Seeing the Apostle walking out of the alley, he immediately caught up with him.

After catching up with him at the entrance of the alley, ye Cha watched the Apostle walk, got into a car on the street, and immediately took out the box containing the 16 yuan alloy ball and threw it in front of him.

Sixteen yuan alloy ball quickly into a silver line, toward each other's car fly past.

Bang, bang, Bang

The 16 yuan alloy ball hit the car body and quickly penetrated the car body. Small holes appeared, but it failed to stop the car from starting.

"Damn it." Ye Cha took out his PDA and switched to voice mode, saying, "black SUV, silver overhead traveling frame, blow up the tires of that car for me."

As ye Cha said, he came to the side of a good looking car. An elbow smashed the window and got on the car quickly.

It's not bad as long as there's no oil in the brake blade, but it's not bad.

Fortunately, both conditions are met. Although there is not much oil in the tank, it will last for a while.

Leaf brake step on the accelerator, quickly start the car, toward the other side to leave the direction of chasing.

There are some zombies wandering in the small town, but the number is very small. After all, it is only a small place with a small population.

Quickly out of the street, ye Cha found the SUV that the Apostle was driving. He stepped on the accelerator to the end without hesitation, and ye Cha hit it hard.


The car collided, making a huge noise, and there were golden sparks.

Ye Cha poked his head out of the window and said, "I don't want to kill you, or I'll destroy that damn car, so you'd better give me some insight."

Leaf brake words fall, front of the SUV window open, and then a black thing was suddenly thrown out.

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