death train

Chapter 162

The silver metal arrow naturally runs through the arrow.

The change of the shape of the arrow is not very big. It mainly comes from the arrow. There are spiral lines. In this way, when the arrow flies out, the arrow will be driven by the air flow and will rotate wildly.

This is the source of 20% power gain.

The next moment, the blade brake released the bowstring, through the arrow will fly forward, with a strong spiral airflow, straight to the pterosaur!

But, no!

Ye Cha's shooting skill is excellent. Endless bow is a good bow. There is no problem in choosing the penetrating arrow, because the penetrating arrow is the fastest of all types of arrows.

Even so, yecha still didn't hit the pterosaur.

Because, pterosaur's speed is faster, although has the huge body shape, actually is more nimble than in the imagination!

When the penetrating arrow fell in front of the pterosaur, the pterosaur stood up directly, dodged the attack of the penetrating arrow in a gliding posture, and then came to yecha.

The huge wing is about to hit the leaf brake

Suddenly, a buzzing sound came from yecha's waist, and then the petal shaped hairpin suddenly dispersed. Each petal was a shield, and the transparent ion barrier around it turned into a shield in front of yecha.

The shield of six flowers!


Pterosaur's wings hit six overlapping shields!

The next moment, ye Cha was hit and flew out, but he didn't feel any pain. The shield perfectly blocked the attack, but the impact was not offset by the shield, so ye Cha flew out backward.

When you twist your body in the air, the leaf brake is a somersault. It falls to the ground steadily and raises the endless bow again!

Ice arrow!

When the ice arrow appeared, the temperature in the air around seemed to be a little lower.

Like the Dragon bat, the most troublesome thing about pterosaurs is that they are able to fly, fast and agile.

Therefore, to deal with pterosaurs, we must first find ways to limit the movement of pterosaurs.


The sound of breaking the air suddenly rang out. As soon as the finger of Ye Cha's clasping string was released, the ice arrow would make a beautiful arc in the air and fly towards the pterosaur.

However, the leaf brake still did not hit.

Looking at the ice arrow flying, the pterosaur suddenly incites its wings, and its huge body floats up in the air, avoiding the attack of ice arrow.



The second ice arrow suddenly flew out, based on the first arrow, obviously shot to a higher place!


Once again, the sound of breaking through the air appeared, the second ice arrow even flew to half, and the third ice arrow followed closely, making a bigger arc in the air and shooting to a higher place!

A string of arrows!

The fourth arrow, the fifth arrow

Ye Cha's fingers were constantly buckled on the bowstring, and then the cold ice arrows appeared in his imagination. Almost without any pause, he shot five arrows in succession!

The radian of the five ice arrows is bigger than that of an arrow. Naturally, they fly higher than that of an arrow!

Obviously, this is anticipation!

Ye Cha guessed that the pterosaur would dodge the first arrow, and that the pterosaur would take off, so he shot the ice arrow to the position where the pterosaur flew in advance.

First arrow, second arrow, third arrow

The pterosaur continued to move left and right to avoid the first three arrows, but when the fourth arrow came, the pterosaur could not avoid it, because when it flew up, the cold ice arrow had already arrived.

Come on!

The ice arrow hit the root of the pterosaur's wing, but failed to pierce its hard skin.

However, at the moment of hit, the ice arrow suddenly broke, and then at the speed visible to the naked eye, the wing on the left side of the pterosaur was frozen by the frost.

One wing was frozen, which made the pterosaur lose its balance. The other wing was constantly agitating, but it could not stop the huge body of the pterosaur, falling down obliquely.

Ye Cha narrowed his eyes and raised the endless bow. Once again, he imagined that there was a penetrating arrow.

The next moment, ye Cha's eyes widened fiercely. At the same time, he released the bowstring and shot the arrow into the air.

The strength of this arrow is very strong, almost no radian, after breaking the air, straight to the pterosaur!


Blood all over the place!

The penetrating arrow actually hit the pterosaur's left eye with great accuracy, and then most of the arrows were directly inserted into the pterosaur's brain.

"Congratulations, you have reached the master level of archer mastery!"

The mysterious voice suddenly rang out, but ye Cha was not too surprised.

Because of the memory of the previous life, yecha's archery itself is not vulgar. After learning to master the archer, he jumped directly from the primary level to the advanced level, only one step away from the master level.At the same time, ye Cha has never stopped using bows and arrows. It's not surprising that he has accumulated so long and made a breakthrough at any time to upgrade his master of archery.

At the same time


The pterosaur hit the ground hard, the street suddenly cracked a large spider web crack, and even directly collapsed more than half a meter down.

Frozen wings, shot through the left eye, this is not enough to kill pterosaur, but let pterosaur incomparable pain, the sharp howl never stopped.

The huge body kept struggling and turning on the ground. The huge wings hit a layer of parked cars. The car creaked and was directly flattened by the wing of pterosaur.

Huge wings swept across the crosswalk, the guardrail of the crosswalk was swept away by a blow, the roadside fire hydrant directly lost half, and began to spray water madly into the sky.

As ye Cha walked forward, he opened the bowstring continuously. One by one, the explosive arrows appeared in front of Ye Cha's eyes, and then they were shot forward by Ye cha.

Boom, boom, boom

The sound of the explosion continued to ring out, and the explosive arrows constantly hit the pterosaur, and then burst into a group of flames on the pterosaur's body, engulfing the pterosaur.

"Now, it's just one last shot away!"

Ye Cha suddenly drew back his arrow and quickly drew close to the pterosaur.

At the moment, the pterosaur's body has been bloody, the whole body is a piece of scorched black, black blood constantly flowing down from the pterosaur.

However, the pterosaur was not dead after all. Looking at Ye Cha's culprit hand close to him, he immediately struggled to lift a wing and slap it hard at Ye cha.

However, ye Cha is like a loach. Suddenly, he jumps to the side, dodges the wing slap of pterosaur, and then goes to the other side. Then he runs quickly to the front of pterosaur, and then stretches his palm to press forward.


There is only one reason why yecha tries to get close to pterosaur, that is the attack distance of 15 meters of shockwave!

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