death train

Chapter 1621


The leaf brake raises the palm of the hand, mercilessly pats down toward that car, pats a handprint on the front cover of the car, and blocks down that car.

But in this moment

The second car ran into the leaf brake at a high speed.

"Get out of here!"

The leaf brake low drinks a, the electric current emerges on the body, toward that car to bump past.


With the electric current surging, the violent explosion sounded, and the car was directly lifted up and smashed into the distance.

At the same time, the leaf brake pushes forward.



Front of the car was also a slap of the leaf brake, completely turned over, the tire is still turning.

But it's not the end!

The sound of tires rubbing against the ground came from the street, and a yellow snowplow came at full speed, crashing toward the leaf brake.

Ye Cha said: "do you really think this little trick can hurt me?"

Ye Cha said and raised his right arm.

Railgun form!

The sound of mechanical rotation quickly came from the exterminator, and then it became the shape of gun barrel. Then one by one, the pulse bombs blasted forward continuously, sticking to the snow shovel of the snow shovel.

The next moment

The pulse bomb exploded suddenly, and the whole snowplow was blown up into the sky, then fell down and hit the ground.

The leaf Cha sneers and looks around, looking for each other.

There is no doubt that the ability to make the car move by itself is beyond doubt. That is to say, there are definitely apostles walking here.

At this time, the God of ice and snow hovered in the sky, suddenly hissed, and then hovered above a house.

Ye Cha immediately walked towards the house.


The window was smashed. An apostle walked, broke the window and jumped out. Then he was ready to run in the opposite direction.

Ye Cha sneered: "can you run away?"

Ghost step!

Ye Cha's figure flashed and forced him to catch up with the other side. Under the eyes of the apostle, ye Cha swept towards the other side with a fierce foot.


The Apostle instinctively raised his arm to block the strike of yecha.

"Oh?" Ye Cha tilted his head and said, "it's more powerful than I imagined."

Although Ye Cha kicked the other side, he had a strange feeling. He didn't feel like he was hitting someone, but like he was hitting some hard metal.

At this time, the Apostle walked and lifted his cloak. His right hand was made of metal.

It's not a complete metal arm, but a mess of metal products sticking to the arm, forming a metal arm.

"Is that your ability?" Ye Cha said: "control metal, or control machinery?"

The Apostle walked without saying a word and reached out to both sides. The two cars on both sides of the street kept shaking. Then the door suddenly flew up and smashed at the leaf brake.

The leaf brake didn't care to walk forward. At the moment when the door fell towards the leaf brake, the blazing flame suddenly appeared in front of the leaf brake, quickly crystallized and pushed the door to one side.

The Apostle walked and glared, then raised his arm. The metal parts on his arm kept surging, finally turned into the shape of a drill, and then rushed towards the leaf brake.

Ye Cha was still indifferent, and let the other side blast the metal drill on the crystallization flame, and kept turning. The sparks were splashing, but they could not penetrate the defense of the red flame armor.

Ye Cha said: "I didn't expect that there were still apostles walking in the town. Let me ask you a question. Do you want to live?"

The Apostle walked, gritted his teeth, looked at Ye Cha and said, "faith is above everything."

"Another guy who doesn't cherish life." Ye Cha said: "to live is the highest faith!"

Ye Cha took out the picture he was looking at from his pocket and put it between his fingers.

"Do you know?" Ye Cha said: "paper can also kill people!"

Words fall, leaf brake clip photos, force toward the front to throw.

As the picture swept forward and collided with each other's arms, the metal parts on the Apostle's walking arms smashed and all fell to the ground.

The Apostle walked and looked at his arm with wide eyes. His face was full of disbelief.


The mask on the Apostle's face cracked and blood lines appeared on his forehead.

Ye Cha's blow was not just across the other side's arm.

"You can't run away..." The Apostle walked hard looking at Ye Cha and said: "my companion will come to snipe you, all the time, continuously, until you die!"

The Apostle walked and said intermittently, then with a "plop", he leaned back and fell to the ground."Snipe me?" Ye Cha laughed and said, "come on. I want to know how many people you will kill before you can walk."

Ye Cha looked at the Apostle walking with indifference, and then turned to leave.

Back to the hotel, the consul just came out of the hotel and handed a map to yecha.

Ye Cha looked at the map, and the consul marked a route.

This is inferred from the route of continuous aerial photography by satellites. It is not necessarily the route of the apostles, but at least it is certain that the direction should be roughly the same.


The leaf brake doesn't talk nonsense either. With a wave of his hand, he finds a car at will and sets out.

It's impossible to enter the snow plain by vehicles alone. However, Yu TongKong has made arrangements to prepare a sled for ye cha.

Therefore, the destination of yecha's next stop is the snow field outside haineiye.

Not to mention, before the end of the world, haineiyewai was a large-scale and famous snow resort in this area, not only because of its complete facilities, but also because of the presence of Aurora all the year round.

In the guidebook, the resort is also recommended by Aurora, and it is backed by the snow.

An hour later, ye Cha stops the car at the entrance of the snow field, takes out the key given by Yu TongKong and enters the snow field. The sled has been put in the warehouse of the snow field in advance.

But before we get to the warehouse

"Fast enough." Ye Cha stopped, looked around and said, "now that you're here, come out. Do you think it's useful to sneak attack?"

After the fall of Ye chayan, in the surrounding snow, there was a continuous surge of snow, and then the three apostles walked out of the snow.

Ye Cha said: "only three? Looks like I'm being looked down upon? "

"Who dares to belittle the purser on the death train?" One of the apostles took off his harness and said, "that's why I came here."

Ye Cha said, "Holy Son?"

"No such honor." The man laughed and said, "an ordinary apostle walks. You can call me Tim Coster."

"Ordinary apostles walk?" Ye Cha suddenly raised his hand and said, "are you talking to me?"

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