death train

Chapter 1627

Ye Cha doesn't know how long he has rested. Suddenly, he feels warm on his face. He can't help opening his eyes vaguely.

The next moment, ye Cha felt the dazzling light in front of his eyes. He covered it with his hand for a while before he got used to it.

Then through the window, ye Cha saw a huge light mass, just opposite the ice lake, pure white, with some golden halo, like a twinkling sun.

At the same time, it's not only the light, but also the warm feeling. The light with temperature can even spread to the hotel.

At this time, the consul quickly walked to yecha and motioned yecha to check the PDA.

Ye Cha took out the PDA and took a look at it.

The heat data sent by the consul has seriously exceeded the normal temperature.

"Damn it, it's coming so fast." Ye Cha quickly waved his hand and said, "withdraw!"

Leaf brake directly broke the window, and then ran towards the side of the hotel, crazy running.

In about a minute or two


A huge roar sounded on the opposite side of the ice lake, and then a white light beam swept directly across the lake. When the light beam swept, the water of the lake swung to both sides one after another, setting off two huge waves.

The next moment, the beam hit the hotel.


The second roar appeared, accompanied by a white light beam through the hotel, the flames burned up, and the hotel almost instantly turned into rubble.

At least half of the hotels were blown directly into the air by the impact of the explosion, fragmented in the air, and then rained down.

Ye Cha also stares. It's terrible. If he's still in the hotel, he can't tell what will happen. Even if it's shenlei, I'm afraid his destructive power is not much stronger.

Bang, bang, bang!

At this time, the dull sound appeared, and ye Cha looked up fiercely. He saw that three monsters were coming towards him.

"Bio mecha?" Ye Cha was surprised and said, "the apostles even have this thing when they walk?"

appeared as like as two peas in the front of the leaf brake, and the height of the three biological machines reached six meters. The three models were exactly the same. They should be mass produced and stood in a triangular position, and quickly blocked the way of Ye cha.

"It seems that there are many good things for the apostles to walk." Ye Cha pinched his fist and said, "it's a bit of trouble."

Ye Cha silently draws his sword. At the same time, the surrounding biological mecha suddenly moves, and the metal cover plate behind it suddenly opens.

Poof, poof, poof!

Only the miniature missile of palm size is ejected continuously. After circling in the air, it continuously falls towards the blade brake.

The leaf Cha quickly starts to run, with the consul a left a right of scatter.

Boom, boom!

The mini missiles landed, and then the sound of explosions continued.

In the explosion, a bio mecha passed by, and a huge alloy knife popped out on the outside of the thigh and fell down towards the leaf brake.


The blade swept, the snow on the ground was broken, leaving a mark.

Ye Cha is bending his body. The alloy knife is measured by Ye cha. It is cut down by his body. Ye Cha can even feel the cold of the blade clearly.

"Hoo The blade brake spits out the turbid airway: "first of all, destroy the mechanical part first!"


Ye Cha blows out, hitting the chest of the biological mecha.

It's too late!

The electric current, almost in an instant, covers the body of the biological mecha. The blue arc is constantly jumping, covering the body of the biological mecha.

The biological mecha kept retreating, and the sound of "click, click" came from its body. Its action was not as smooth as before, and it felt dry and intermittent.


Suddenly, the shoulder position of biological mecha, a metal plate suddenly burst open, red and green cable dragged out, constantly emitting sparks.

Ye Cha sneered, mechanical things will be fragile in front of Lei Di, because ye Cha can easily use the current to destroy the internal mechanical structure.

Of course, it is not so easy to solve the problem of bio mecha.

Although a large number of machines are used in the bio mecha, the manufacturing process is high-end and the protection is very good. It is not easy to use the current invasion.

Secondly, the main body of the bio mecha is made by using the powerful variant zombies as the core. The mechanical part is the auxiliary part. Only destroying part of the mechanical structure can not completely make the bio mecha fall into silence.

However, it's enough to damage the biomecha.

A functioning bio mecha is totally different from a damaged bio mecha. Just look at the action of that bio mecha.

Even if that bio mecha is not half used, it's almost there.But at that moment, ye Cha suddenly heard the strong wind coming from behind, and immediately turned to see the chest of another biological mecha. Two metal covers were opened, and then two black iron ropes suddenly flew out, with a sharp metal cone at the front.

As soon as ye Cha raised his hand and swept forward, he grabbed the two iron ropes.

The next moment, Zila, the current flows quickly from the iron rope, towards the leaf brake.

The leaf Cha Leng for a while, immediately smile a way: "thank you!"

As soon as the current touches the palm of the leaf brake, it is absorbed cleanly by the thunder core and becomes the power in the thunder core and the tonic of the leaf brake.

"Since you are so polite." Ye Cha said with a smile: "how can I not give a gift back?"

It's too late!

Ye Cha blows out, and an electric current blows out towards the front. It hits the chest of the bio mecha and knocks the bio mecha to the ground. Countless electric currents move on the bio mecha, and the bio mecha starts to shake.

On the other hand, the consul helped yecha entangle a biological machine, and the black chain firmly tied the body of the biological machine, and then the consul settled forward.


The archon's fist blew in from under the side of the bio mecha, punched a hole in the shell of the bio mecha, and then the yellow liquid flowed out.

The consul took advantage of the situation to tear off some cables, and then quickly backed away.

The next moment, the bio mecha twisted unnaturally and kept approaching the archon. However, the whole right leg was completely dragged there and could not move.

Obviously, the archon does more damage to the biomecha than the yecha, because the archon knows the structure of biomecha better than the yecha.

He used to be something like that!


The next moment, the biological mecha that was punched through by the archon fell to the ground and fell silent.

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