death train

Chapter 1646

Ye Cha's hands point out continuously, and the snake shaped cunning hands attack continuously.

The leaf brake didn't touch the fog. Every time at the moment of contact, a small circle of air waves would come out from the fingertips and shatter the fog.

Ming Jin out!

The leaf brake just walked forward. With each blow, the fog burst into pieces, and then it was like making way for the leaf brake. The fog separated on both sides.

Ye Cha looked at Tracy with a smile and said, "your things seem to be useless to me."

The leaf brake stretched out his hand toward the front, but at this time, a dark shadow suddenly appeared in front of the leaf brake.

The wolf howled suddenly, but the crescent werewolf who had been hit and flew before got up again and appeared in front of Ye Cha again.

The wolf's claws fall!

The new moon werewolf has the same strength as the giant warrior, faster speed, and the most important thing is the way to move.

Like ghosts in general, every time is a sudden appearance, there is no sound, people can not prevent.

This is a born assassin!

However, when the assassin stood in the sun, his strength was already half gone.

Meet on wolf claw, leaf Cha suddenly hand.


Before the wolf claw smashes his head, ye Cha's finger suddenly points on the little arm of the new moon werewolf, and then the palm of the new moon werewolf's falling hand suddenly freezes there.


The next moment, the crescent werewolf's arm tears out a hole, fresh constantly gushing out.

"No way!"

Noe's eyes widened. He couldn't believe that the new moon werewolf would be injured so easily. As his trump card, the new moon werewolf has the ability to attack and defend as well as the superior ancient species. How can he be injured so lightly!

"It's called pulse cutting. It's a way of using dark energy. No matter how strong his body is, if his meridians are cut off by dark energy, he will be injured." Ye Cha looked at NOE and said with a smile, "do you want to have a try?"

The new moon werewolf kept howling, shaking his body, suddenly raised his hand and cut off his arm. Then, the flesh and blood of the wound wriggled, and then "poof", a new arm suddenly grew out.

The new moon werewolf looks at Ye Cha again. The injury makes the new moon werewolf angry and more fierce.

On the other side, Tracy suddenly opens her hands, and a lot of black fog comes out of Tracy's body, quickly wrapping her body.

In a moment, Tracy's body suddenly disappeared, completely hidden into the fog.

Suddenly, the new moon werewolf rushed up again, and the giant soldier suddenly gave up the consul and rushed to the back of Ye cha.

The consul quickly releases the crystal feather to attack, but the giant magic weapon is as if unheard of, even let the crystal feather hit behind him.

Boom, boom!

The roar of the explosion sounded, and two groups of flames exploded behind the giant soldier.

The giant soldier's face was ferocious. He forced his body not to be blown up. Then he came to the back of yecha and chopped down towards yecha with a sword.


Ye SHIMENG turned back and broke the sword in a boxing. He deviated the chopping trajectory of the broken sword, wiped his body and cut it on the ground.

Then the leaf brake again turns the body, because, the new moon werewolf also rushed up at this time.

The sky cannon!

To deal with the giant warrior, ye Cha uses the clever strength to guide the attack, while to the last crescent werewolf, ye Cha's momentum suddenly changes and becomes extremely overbearing.

There was no hesitation.

There was no retreat.

There is no evasion.

It's the opposite.


Ye Cha's fist blows out toward the front, and the crescent werewolf's claws scratch the back of Ye Cha's hand, and then ye Cha's fist blows in the palm of the crescent werewolf.

The new moon werewolf, who just rushed up, was blasted out, constantly smashed on the ground, constantly smashed the ground, kept rolling backward, and finally came to the position of the cliff.


The cliff is broken, the momentum of the new moon werewolf is not reduced, constantly smashing the cliff.

Six or seven meters deep, looking up, the place where the new moon werewolf bumped out was as dark as Shandong. The body of the new moon werewolf was directly embedded in the cliff.

Still, this is not the end.

Ye SHIMENG looked up.

Giant soldier or new moon werewolf, are contained, the real attack in the top!

A large number of fog around the top of the leaf brake, constantly rotating, forming a huge vortex, as if the whole sky has been covered up in general.

The thunder pillar is still falling madly, but the moment it collides with the fog vortex, it is cut to pieces and becomes countless arcs scattered around.

A thunderstorm is coming at this moment.

Tracy's voice came from the fog and said, "do you really think you can win? No, you can't win. This will be your burial ground in the end! "With Tracy's voice falling, the fog whirlpool seemed to collapse, like mercury pouring down the ground, falling continuously downward.

A waterfall formed by fog fell from the air.


When the fog falls, the cliff on the side is directly cut off by the fog, just like a huge, extremely sharp knife, cutting the cliff.

Then the fog fell to the ground, the crazy tide, churning, rolling up, towards the front.

Break, break, everything is breaking.

When the fog spread, everything in front of the fog was cut to pieces.

The standing ice rocks were cut to pieces.

The surrounding remains were cut to pieces.

Noe's dream jungle was completely destroyed at this time. All the plants were crushed in the fog and became pieces the size of nails.

Then, the fog came.

The only target now is yecha!


Ye Cha took a deep breath and watched the fog come to him. Suddenly, the fog rose to a height of seven or eight meters, like a huge wave, and fell down on Ye cha.

Next moment, ye chaquan!


With Ye Cha's fist moving forward, a dull sound suddenly appeared, just like the sound of something rolling on the ground.

Then, like riding the wind and waves, in front of Ye Cha's fist, the fog scattered around.

"It's no use." "Tell me, how can you destroy the fog?" came Tracy's roar


The leaf Cha didn't have any hesitation, again blew out the second fist, along with the fist forward, that piece of fog again split a piece, toward both sides scattered.

But just as Tracy said, Wushen made yecha have unimaginable fighting skills.

It's just that fists can't destroy the fog.

"But..." Ye suddenly raised his head and said with a smile: "the wind can!"

The next moment, the hurricane came.

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