death train

Chapter 1658

Yecha began to live a hard life.

Bynum really doesn't think of people as human beings. He works 14 hours a day. He works almost all the time except eating and sleeping.

Yecha also understood the rules of this place. The status of alien human beings in this place is superior, and human beings are probably like "farming" cattle, except for being enslaved, they have no human rights.

However, Bynum is a smart man, one thing he does is very smart, that is to give enough food, and sick or injured, can get treatment, really tired, also have a certain rest time.

It's not that Bynum's conscience remains intact, but that labor is a very important resource in the last days. It's more and more difficult to catch people if one dies, so it's natural to ensure that labor is alive.

Ye Cha stood in line, then received two black bread, a piece of meat of unknown ancient species, and a large bowl of broth, and then went to one side.

"Hurry up." A supervisor yelled: "you only have 15 minutes. Give me some food and go on working."

Ye Cha put the roasted meat into his mouth.

Three days.

For three days, yecha had been working hard.

This makes yecha a little irritable, but it's not without benefits. Yecha secretly releases the consul when there is no one, and then asks the consul to scan the structure of those annihilators' cannons and draw a drawing. It's almost finished now.

Of course, just because it was almost finished, yecha became more irritable. Because the drawings of the destroyer cannon were finished, yecha really didn't want to stay in this damned place, but if Martha didn't appear, yecha had to stay.

"Hello." At this time, Ganlin's voice rang out: "ask you a question, this is what you are good at. Do you think it's better to hijack the car directly, or steal people from Bynum's camp after Martha arrives?"

Ye Cha's eyes suddenly lit up and said, "what do you mean by this is that Martha is coming?"

Gan Lin said: "about 15 minutes later, her team will arrive. There are a lot of material vehicles, which should be food and medicine. In addition, I also found that a car is different. I think that should be my goal."

Ye Cha said: "what are you waiting for? I really don't want to nibble at these bad things. "

Ganlin said: "you should know that if you insist, Bynum will show up with people, but it's a huge trouble."

Ye Cha said, "do you think I will be afraid?"

Gan Lin said with a smile: "well, let me talk about the plan. Although the annihilator cannons can't be used at present, there are many weapons embedded in the wall. Those weapons can be used. There is a chip under the shell of the headset. You can invade the weapon system through the chip. You can find the main server and insert the chip into it."

Ye Cha Leng snorted a way: "this is the reason why you want me to be a coolie here?"

Since Gan Lin has prepared the chip of invasion in advance and put it in the headset, it means that Gan Lin has planned everything long ago. The previous inquiry is just a passing show. In other words, Gan Lin has already guessed Ye Cha's idea.

Ye Cha threw the rice basin and got up and said, "how long do I have?"

Ganlin said: "when the motorcade arrives, I will launch an attack. Then Bynum will gather his men and bring them there. It should take between 20 and 30 minutes. You have to do it five minutes in advance so that when they arrive, they can fire."

Ye Cha said, "I understand."

Ye Cha walked towards the city wall. A supervisor stood at the entrance and exit. When he saw Ye Cha, he reached out to stop him and said, "it's not time to work."

Ye Cha said, "I'm full. Can't I start working now?"

The alien human was immediately happy. It was the first time that he saw someone who didn't want to work and wanted to work ahead of time.

"You'd better sit down." The alien human said, "you are a little funny. I can ask someone to speed up the meat for you."

Ye Cha said, "you can keep it for yourself."

Ye Cha is too lazy to entangle with the alien human in front of him. Sometimes, words are easier to use than fists, but sometimes fists are much easier to use.

Ye Cha suddenly took out his hand, raised his leg and swept the alien human, kicking the human out.

When the alien human fell to the ground, he was still a little confused. Obviously, he didn't expect that ye Cha would dare to give his hand. When he got up, ye Cha had come to him again.


Ye Cha pressed the head of the alien human, and then smashed it toward the side. A steel bar pierced the head of the alien human, running through it, and the blood kept dripping down.


Behind the leaf brake, came the smashing sound of things falling to the ground.

Ye Cha looked back, but it was the woman who was sent in with him.

The leaf brake paced forward.

The woman was very scared and stammered: "I don't think you've finished eating. I think you're not feeling well, so I'll come and have a look."Ye Cha grinned. The woman wanted to turn around and run away, but she found that her legs were just like lead, and she couldn't move at all.

The leaf Cha suddenly stretched out his hand and grasped the woman's shackles. He pulled hard and broke the shackles.

"Find a place to hide." Ye Cha said: "there will probably be a riot in a moment. Take the opportunity to escape. As for whether you can escape, it depends on your life."

After ye Cha finished, she turned around and continued to walk towards the deep.

Gan Lin's voice said: "I will be jealous."

Ye Cha said, "shut up."

Inside the city wall, the leaf brake goes up and down.

For the internal structure of the city wall, the leaf brake is basically clear in the heart. The electric control equipment is located in the top three floors. The location of the server is not clear, but it must be in these three floors.

Ye Cha felt the horror of Gan Lin at this time. Obviously, Gan Lin's plan calculated a lot of things. To send Ye cha in advance is not only to destroy Ye Cha, but also to make ye Cha remember in advance.

If you sneak in again when you need to, and act according to Gan Lin's plan, even if ye Cha can sneak in, it will be more difficult to find the server without knowing the structure of the city wall, which is very clear.

A moment later, the elevator opened and there were two foremen of the alien species inside.

When the other party saw the leaf brake, he was also stunned, but he didn't have time to open his mouth, so the leaf brake went into the elevator, and then pressed the button to the top floor.

"Hello, you..."

An alien human reached out to press Ye Cha's shoulder, but at the same moment, ye Cha suddenly raised his hand and smashed an elbow toward the back, which hit the nose of the alien human.

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