death train

Chapter 1685

The leaf Cha suddenly, the boss Niang says so of words, he is clear.

In short, tasks divide different people into different levels.

If the conductor appears, he and the guide, as well as the Apostle Noah, will be the first level. If the conductor does not appear, it will be the Deputy conductor. The real battle of theory mountain should be between them.

Then, Yasha, Ganlin, Gemini, Virgo and Shengzi belong to the second level. Although it is difficult to compete with the above people, they belong to the type that can stir the wind and rain. Each of them is x factor, which may affect the competition for goods.

The next level is the steward, whose main goal is to walk with the apostles and some good hands from CommScope.

As for the members of the dead car, it's just for cleaning.

If you think about it, Charlie is still a bit of a brain. He can see clearly, or his own position.

"Here we are." Over a hillside, Charlie pointed ahead with a smile and said, "they rest there."

Ye Cha nodded and said, "I've decided. Count me in."

Charlie and Alex laughed and said, "welcome to join us."

After Charlie finished, he called out to the four people who were resting under the hillside, and then took the lead to go down and said, "come on, let's introduce our new friend. This is krisya, this is Baimo, this is Luocheng, and this is Grady."

Charlie simply introduced the people to Ye cha. The name is not important, it's just a title.

What matters is strength.

The weakest is Luo Cheng, the strength of King Zun 1 star. Most of the others are king Zun 2 star. Among them, Charlie and Bai Mo are the strongest. Their strength rating has reached King Zun 3 star.

Ye Cha Baji's mouth, the landlady's words are really right, can become a steward, can only say have strength, but can't say strength must be the top.

It's true that many of them can't be killed.

At present, the proportion of stewardess who can not reach the king level is very low, but about 10% to 15% of them have not crossed the threshold.

Therefore, theoretically speaking, Zunwang level has the possibility and potential to become a steward. For example, Charlie and Bai Mo can reach Zunwang 3 stars, and they are also the best among the steward. Ye Cha remembers that Feilong seems to have only 3 stars.

Of course, Feilong is an alien. His combat power can't be estimated by rating. The type of extreme evolution of his body is so terrible.

Charlie looked at Ye Cha and said, "Ye, what about you?"

Ye Cha said: "just respect the king."

Charlie nodded, still enthusiastic attitude, but Grady seemed to lose interest in a moment, just nodded, ye Cha more from the white ink face to see the dislike.

Ye Chagou's mouth, this team is not monolithic, but it's understandable that it's a temporary team.

Charlie said, "I've already said the rules. You're the last one to come, so before the end of this round, you're the last one, OK?"

Ye Cha said: "no problem."

Charlie said: "if you want to leave the team, you can leave at any time. I don't limit anyone to leave here. Of course, you have to finish a round of distribution before you can leave. If you can't get something, you can leave. That's fair."

Ye Chadao: "also can."

"What are you going to do?" White ink disdains a way: "purser and vice train but all come, does he still want to fight for a task?"? It's better to hold your thighs and do some good. "

Bai Mo's words made the atmosphere a little embarrassed. Charlie reluctantly laughed, patted his hands and said, "get ready. I've been scouting around. There's no enemy situation. Let's go to the next area."

Alex patted Ye Cha on the shoulder and said, "don't care too much. That boy has such a temper. Moreover, it's said that he got the task of steward, so he feels like..."

Alex spread his hand and made a "everybody knows" gesture.

Ye Cha laughs and says he doesn't care.

Ye shazheng is thinking about how to fish in troubled waters. Now it's a good chance to mix in this team first, and then look at the situation.

Alex nodded and went to pack up with the others, who probably camped here last night, so there are some things that need to be repackaged.

There was nothing wrong with Ye cha. He went to one side and thought, "help me get a mask."

A moment later, a corpse flower vine came out of the shadow behind the leaf brake, and then threw a mask on the ground.

The mask is made of leaves, connected by small branches, and decorated with petals on the edge. It's very beautiful, but it's not suitable for men. The leaf brake doesn't pick it, so it's easy to put on.

No one is surprised that ye Cha suddenly puts on a mask. There are many strange equipment and props on the death train. People only think that the mask is Ye Cha's regular equipment.

Before long, everyone was almost ready. Charlie took out a hand-painted sketch and said, "let's go in this direction. The main activity area is in this circle. Leave the peripheral area, but don't go too deep. Don't go into the central area, and move at the junction."Charlie is a good leader. We can see that his ability in this aspect is good. It's not only because he has the strongest strength, that he has set up this team. Obviously, his ability in leadership has also been recognized.

Charlie said, "if everyone is OK, let's go."

Ye Cha said, "I have a problem."

White Mo Pai Ye Cha one eye way: "new what thing didn't do, the thing pour is quite many."

Ye Cha squints his eyes. I don't know why. The white ink doesn't seem to like his eyes.

Ye Cha was lazy and said, "I mean, we can't seem to go."

The leaf Cha side says, at the same time stretched out a hand to point to toward the sky.

Charlie looked up. Through the shade, he could see a huge guy floating in the sky. He had big eyes and looked at them through the shade.

“Fuck!” Charlie scolded a way: "prepare to fight, it is armor dragon, damned, how can meet this thing."

Armored dragon, mutant sub dragon species, king 5 star peak!

Although Charlie's goal is to hunt and gain some benefits, waiting for the death train to start again, the armored dragon is definitely not Charlie's target.

This thing is terrible. Although it is the peak of Zunwang 5 star, it has extraordinary defense ability, which is recognized as difficult for Zunwang Yalong.

At the same time, the armored dragon in the sky suddenly rushed down.

A large number of trees were crushed by the huge body of the armored dragon, falling down and hitting the ground.

"Scatter!" Charlie immediately said, "get out of the way first."

People have to open the distance towards all around, at the same time, Kailong's huge body fell to the ground.

A roar, the ground inch turtle.

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