death train

Chapter 1704

It's too late!

The leaf brake one fist toward the front blows out, the electric current surging, toward the front blew out.

The dinosaur roared, the forehead position was hit by the current, the body constantly twitching, shaking hit the side of a tree, the tree to break.

Ye Cha gave a low drink, jumped up in the air, waved his hand fiercely in the mid air, shook out a large stack of A4 paper from his backpack, formed a paper blade, and fell quickly in the direction of the dinosaur.

Poop, poop, poop, poop

The paper blade skimmed over the dinosaur's body, leaving many wounds.

The dinosaur roared angrily, suddenly turned its body, and its huge tail swept out in the direction of yecha.

With a bang, the leaf brake was blown out, and several big trees were broken continuously,

"hiss!" Ye Cha took a cold breath, and a carp turned over from the ground and said, "it's really rough skin and thick meat. It's hard to beat."

Dong, Dong, Dong

The dinosaur swept the leaf brake away and ran towards the front again. There were continuous blood stains on his body, dragging out obvious blood marks on the ground.

Ye Cha looked at the dinosaur's body quickly.

Frankly speaking, in terms of physical evolution, dinosaurs are really organic creatures born for fighting. There are almost no obvious flaws. All aspects of the body are very strong, and the most important thing is average.

The next moment, ye Cha's eyes fell on the legs of the dinosaur.

At the moment when the dinosaur rushed to the leaf brake, the leaf brake suddenly made a fish jump and jumped out towards the front. Unexpectedly, it passed under the dinosaur's body and rolled on the ground with one hand.

Then, yecha pulled out the double serrated sword and cut it toward the dinosaur's right leg.


Blood flying!

The double serrated sword cut into the dinosaur's leg and brought out a stream of blood, but it didn't cut off the leg.

Ye Cha scolded in his heart that he was so strong that he didn't cut off his leg by taking advantage of the momentum of the dinosaurs when they were running. What's more important is that ye Cha felt cold, and a force of impact came towards him.

That dinosaur is still charging!

The power of the charge took the leaf brake out, rolled continuously on the ground, and then the huge sole stepped down towards the leaf brake.

Ye Cha didn't hesitate to raise his sword. At the same time, the muscles of his arm expanded fiercely.


Using the strength increase brought by the rigidity, ye Cha puts the double serrated sword in front of him.

With a bang, the dinosaur raised his foot and stepped down. Yecha felt the power coming, and the ground behind him was constantly collapsing downward. In other words, yecha's body was deeply embedded in the ground.

But, at last, it held up.

The leaf brake heart read a move, the previously scattered A4 paper flew up again, turned into paper blade flying, under the control of the leaf brake, all toward the dinosaur leg wound fly past.

Poof, poof, poof

After continuous chopping, the dinosaur's right leg finally broke, and the huge body fell to the side, shaking away a piece of dust.

Ye Cha immediately turned over, jumped on the dinosaur and stabbed it in the eye with his sword.

It can be said that the dinosaur's body, the only weak defense.


The double serrated sword stabs the dinosaur's head from the position of the eye, and then ye Cha twists the handle to twist the sword.

The dinosaur struggled violently and threw the leaf brake out, but it was just a dying struggle. The frequency of the twitch of the dinosaur was getting lower and lower, and finally it didn't move.

Ye Chachang sighed, then stood up and looked around.


The space around is not distorted, which makes yecha wonder. Is it not enough to kill a dinosaur? Didn't go back to the tower?

Ye Cha couldn't help frowning. He felt that he was in trouble. If the number of dinosaurs he wanted to kill was plural, it meant that the number was unpredictable. God knows how many dinosaurs he had to kill.

But at this time, ye Cha suddenly heard the sound of "long, long" coming from the sky. He couldn't help looking up and then widened his eyes.


A large number of meteorites suddenly appeared in the sky, burning and shooting down towards the ground.

"Damn it

Ye Cha scolded, then turned around and ran. Unfortunately, it was too late. In other words, the area covered by the meteorite group was too large.

Boom, boom, boom

Ye Cha runs towards the front. Suddenly, a meteorite hits the back of Ye Cha, making a deep hole in the ground. At the same time, the fierce impact waves swing around and lift Ye Cha out.

Ye Cha bared his teeth, then turned over, and saw another meteorite falling, right in his own position.



Ye suddenly fierce from the ground mount, forehead is cold sweat, panting, chest ups and downs.Ye Cha looked up and looked around. Then he found that he was back in the column tower, with the dinosaur skeleton on the side.

"Are dinosaurs extinct?"

Ye Cha wiped a cold sweat and looked at the dinosaur bones on the side.

At the last moment, yecha saw thousands of meteorites fall. It was a disaster. Everything was destroyed and countless dinosaurs died.

There are corpses everywhere, and there are rivers of blood.

As the most powerful creature on the land, it has ruled the earth's food chain for 80 million years. The extinction of dinosaurs has always been an unsolved mystery.

There are many theories, such as the meteorite falling from the sky seen in yecha, the crustal movement, the sea water flooding the land, and the volcanic eruption.

These may cause the sudden extinction of dinosaurs, but there is no accurate conclusion. After all, the period of dinosaurs' existence is too long.

"You got something in the Archean Civilization: dinosaur eggs."

At this time, the appearance of mysterious voice interrupted Ye Cha's thoughts.

Ye Cha then looked up and looked around. Finally, on the side of the stairs leading to the next floor, he saw a big yellow and white egg, at least the size of a human head, and it was quite heavy, at least 40 or 50 Jin.

Ye Cha threw the dinosaur eggs to corpse flower. I don't know if it can hatch, or can I make fried eggs with it? It's about enough for a week.

However, the most important thing is that the stairs leading to the next floor should be available.

Ye Cha thought and stepped up the stairs. Sure enough, the invisible force that blocked him was gone. Ye Cha walked up the stairs smoothly.

This time, the stairs became longer. Yecha walked about forty or fifty steps to reach the next floor. From the normal height, this floor can at least reach the height of four or five floors.

However, ye Cha is now very clear that the floor and space in the column tower can not be confirmed by meat words.

While thinking, while entering a layer, and then look around, the leaf brake can't help but Leng Leng.

This floor is so luxurious!

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