death train

Chapter 1708

"You get something in the American Asian Civilization: shaped charge gun!"

"You get the object in American Asian Civilization: the shield of spotlight!"

Ye Cha's ears rang out a mysterious voice.

When the plague of burning death broke out, yecha felt the feeling of death again. However, it was only a short moment. When yecha lost consciousness, he did feel death at that moment.

In that moment, everything will die out, the body, spirit, will, in the face of death, everything becomes meaningless.

This kind of feeling is quite bad, but it is only for a moment, otherwise in that state for a long time, the spirit and will may really die out.

In the next moment, ye Cha felt his consciousness came back, and then opened his eyes, he had returned to the column tower, with the shotgun and shield beside him.

Ye Cha stood up silently, then picked up the short gun and round shield, and looked around.

This short gun and round shield are yecha's, but there are many things in this layer.

Yecha thought for a moment, and opened a cupboard. There was a long knife in it. It looked simple and didn't look like a technological weapon. But yecha knew very well that these things from American and Asian civilization were high-tech things.

Take out a long knife, leaf brake toward the stairs, the result just stepped out a step, the soft invisible force pushed over, will leaf brake to push back.

Ye Cha tilted his head, only with a short gun and a round shield. As a result, he walked up the stairs smoothly.

"It is." Ye Cha murmured: "only when the mysterious voice appears, the things that have been prompted can be taken away, but why is it so?"

Ye Cha's face was covered with deep doubts.

The doubt is that the mysterious voice should be the same as the mysterious voice of the death train, but why is the mysterious voice of the death train qualified to determine the ownership of things here?

It's really weird.

Ye Cha stood for a while, but he didn't understand, so he continued to walk up the stairs.

This time about 20 stairs, compared with the previous, it is a middle value.

On the next floor, ye Cha looks around. The appearance of this floor is also very surprising. However, if you are more surprised, it is not worth money.

Ye Cha is indifferent now.

The floor and walls on this floor are very different.

There is yellow sand on the ground, and the wall is the kind of low wall common in desert frontier fortress, which can drop countless dust in one beat.

There is nothing in this layer, but there are frescoes carved on the wall. A large area of Gobi is lifelike, horses are in line, and countless people are on their way.

The leaf Cha supported chin to ponder for a while, not quite sure way: "tea horse ancient road?"

Because there was nothing on this floor, the leaf brake tried to go up the stairs directly, but it was pushed back by the invisible force. It seems that it still can't go up directly. In this case, there is only one possibility.

Those walls!

Ye Cha came to the wall and put his hand on the wall.

Sure enough, when ye Cha's palm touched the wall, the strange whirlpool appeared again and rotated clockwise. Then the whole space seemed to be absorbed, and then the whirlpool began to rotate counterclockwise.

A moment later, ye Cha found that the surrounding space changed again.


Ye Cha looks around, surrounded by some towering buildings.

Ancient, vicissitudes!

This should be an ancient city, very old.

The surrounding buildings look like towering rocks, but the stone caves like windows and doors, as well as the internal space, all prove that this was once a city, and there were people living here.

However, the erosion of time has made this place wear out.

As ye Cha walked forward, there seemed to be no one in the ancient city. Ye Cha entered some buildings, empty and nothing.

"Where on earth is this?" Ye Cha looked around and murmured, "if the mural is an ancient tea horse road, is this the ancient city of Loulan?"

Loulan ancient city, located in the west of Lop Nur and the hub of the western regions, occupies a very important position on the ancient Silk Road. However, it suddenly disappeared mysteriously in 630 ad, leaving only a piece of ruins standing in the desert.

At this point, Loulan civilization disappeared in the long river of history.

As far as the current situation is concerned, yecha thinks that this is probably the ancient city of Loulan.

This makes yecha feel a little disappointed. There's nothing wrong with Loulan's world-famous ancient city. However, what can I get here?

In other words, what can ye Cha see here?

In terms of time, Loulan ancient city is in ancient times, old and backward, so it should not bring anything to yecha.

Of course, it's just speculation. It's not easy to say this kind of thing.For example, the fall of the sword in southern Xinjiang is also an ancient sword. According to the description, it also comes from ancient times. Therefore, there may be something good in this place, which is not easy to say.

However, the purpose of yecha seems to be quite clear after entering the previous floors. There is only one ancient city relic in this place, let alone a human being. There is no ghost. After walking for a while, yecha has no idea what to do.

And this is not only about what the blade brake can get, but more importantly, the blade brake may be trapped in this place.

Think of here, the leaf Cha can't help of wrinkling next eyebrow, the facial expression isn't very good-looking.

At this time

Suddenly the wind blows, the dust on the ground is blown up, a piece of yellow, covering the vision of Ye cha.

When ye Cha raised his arm to cover the sand, a figure suddenly appeared in front of Ye Cha's eyes, in the sand.

The figure's wrist trembled, and a dagger slipped out of his sleeve. The next moment, the figure did not hesitate to lift the dagger and stabbed at Ye cha.

Poof, poof.

In front of the leaf brake, the flame beats and makes a slight sound. Then a flame rises to form a wall and crystallizes rapidly.

Ye Cha knew it was not good when he saw that the red flame armor launched its own defense. He immediately took one side of his head, and then the dagger penetrated the crystal flame and swept Ye Cha's cheek.

The leaf Cha a pedal eyes, stretched out a hand to wipe on the face, the palm is suddenly the blood of Yan Hong.

The leaf Cha peeps out some anger, fiercely raises fist, across the crystallization flame, toward the front to blow out.


The crystallization flame was smashed and collapsed rapidly.


No one!

When the crystallization flame broke, what appeared in front of yecha's eyes was still the ancient city, not even half a person.

"It's a great hiding skill."

The leaf Cha sneers a, he certainly can't really think nobody, the wound on his face can't be false, at present still faintly ache.

Well, there's only one possibility.

One miss, they're hiding!

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