death train

Chapter 1712

"Army, alert, refuge..." Ye Cha tilted his head and said, "is the two civilizations at war?"

Although in yecha's cognition, many archaeologists said that Atlantis and Lemuria were the two most advanced civilizations on the land at that time.

But at the moment, it seems that they are not dealing with each other very well?

Ye Cha thought as he climbed out of the river, releasing a little sun and drying his clothes.

There was some commotion on the busy streets, but it was only commotion, not riot.

The people on the street began to leave quickly, but there was no confusion. There was a look of anxiety on their faces, but there was no panic and fear. It seemed that the people here were used to all this.

So, in other words, Atlantis often had wars?

Habit is formed invisibly. As long as you do something frequently and repeatedly, it's easy to form a habit.

If you are often in war, you will naturally get used to the existence of war.

About 15 minutes later, yecha suddenly heard the sound of "boom, boom" in the sky. He looked up and saw a lot of water coming out of the sea.

In mid air, the water curtain suddenly dispersed, forming a huge protective cover, covering the whole city.

Five cities, five shields!

At the same time, the protective cover made of sea water seems to contain some other energy. In the water curtain, it emits a light blue glow.

Ye Cha murmured: "don't know how to defend?"

"General, why are you still here?" At this time, there was a sound behind yecha. Looking back, a group of soldiers appeared behind him and saluted yecha: "general, please rush to the south coast at once."


Ye Cha looked at himself, then looked at the other side, and found that the other side's eyes were really looking at him.

He used to be a soldier 7735. Now he's a general?

Ye Cha looked at the Atlantis soldiers in front of him. The armor of the other side was very strange. He used a lot of shells to make it. It was not beautiful, but strange. Did those shells really have defensive power?

When yecha looked at him, the Atlantis soldier said again, "general, general? Please hurry to the south coast with us

Ye Cha returned to his senses and nodded: "good!"

Let Ye Cha act alone. He doesn't know how to go or what to do. After all, everything around him is strange. It's better to have someone to guide him.

The so-called South China Sea coastline is the direction of the city near the sea. Of course, it is surrounded by the sea on all sides. Being close to the sea refers to the sea near the periphery, that is, the attack point.

Soon, yecha arrived at the coastline.

There are countless Atlantis soldiers here, waiting in the direction of the sea.

At the same time, ye Cha can hear a huge noise around. Then ye Cha can see some buildings near the sea, slowly sinking towards the bottom of the ground. Those buildings can move up and down.

And when those buildings move to the bottom of the earth, or the bottom of the sea, one by one, the fort rises from the position of those buildings.

Those turrets are pure gold, with some light blue lines. The barrel is very long, about five or six meters in shape, extending forward.

In the sky, there are some blue and white fighters flying by, hovering over Atlantis.

On the sea, although I don't know what there is, there must be something, because ye Cha found that the sea was turning unnaturally.

Atlantis, it's ready.

At the same time

In the direction of the sea level line, there is a black line, the black line to both sides, no end.

The army of Lemuria!

When the black line approached, ye Cha's face was surprised.

It's not human!

The soldiers of Lemuria are not human beings, but a kind of other creatures.

The bodies of those creatures, which are similar to human structures, have legs, hands, and trunk structures, but only similar structures.

The Lemurian soldiers, with frog shaped legs and thick webbed arms, are similar to human beings, but their palms are very strange. They have seven fingers, and their fingers are connected by transparent membrane.

At the same time, the soldiers in Lemuria were covered with fish scales. As for the head, it was not so much a human head, but also more like a fish, with its mouth open and triangular teeth exposed.

Moreover, these Lemurian soldiers, without any attack, just stepped on the sea with their feet, did not sink, just came on the waves!

This surprised yecha. Although the attire of those Atlantis around yecha is totally different from that of human beings, which belongs to the aesthetic of different civilizations, there is no difference between Atlantis and human beings in terms of physical structure.The structure of the body is basically the same. Hands, feet, body, eyes, ears, mouth and nose are all the same. We have to say that there is any difference, that is, the difference between yellow people, white people and black people.

However, the Lemurian is a completely new species. If we take yecha's cognition and standard, we should call those Lemurians as xenobiotics.

Of course, perhaps at some time in the world, these xenobiotics did exist as rulers on the mainland.

While yecha was thinking, the army of Lemuria had already started to march towards Atlantis.

The Lemurians opened their mouths, growled, and made a piercing sound. A coronal sarcolemma appeared on the back of their ears, constantly shaking.

And Atlantis' choice is


When the Lemurians approached, the golden Fort slowly turned, and then aimed at the Lemurian army.

The next moment

Boom, boom, boom!

The fort suddenly opened fire. In front of the golden muzzle, the water gathered and looked at, kept spinning, and then gradually became bigger, and then the artillery roared.

The golden fort, launched, is a water cannon.

However, the power of those water cannons made of sea water compression is not as weak as it seems, but a fierce battle.


A water cannonball fell into the army square of Lemuria, and then there was a loud noise. The water cannonball fell apart, and countless water splashed around.

When the water hit the body of the Lemurian soldiers, they immediately penetrated each other's body. Almost in the blink of an eye, the Lemurian soldiers were killed and injured.

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