death train

Chapter 1717

Boom, boom, boom!

Huge ice hockey continuous fall, constantly hit the sea, the sea to hit a huge pit.

Virgo is hidden in the sea.

A moment later, the world seemed to be quiet and silent.

"Get out of here." Ye Cha growled, "I know you don't die so easily!"

When the leaf brake pressed down, the moonlight swept towards the sea again. In the place where the moonlight floated, the sea was frozen in an instant, and the sound of "click, click" came out.


There is a twist in the space behind the leaf brake. There is no sound. A circle of white smoke swings away. Virgo suddenly appears behind the leaf brake. A pair of bird claws fiercely grasp the back of the leaf brake.

At the same time, in the shadow behind the leaf brake, the corpse flower vine suddenly darts out and bumps into Virgo.


The corpse flower vine is caught by Virgo in an instant, but it also helps the leaf brake to block a blow.

Ye SHIMENG turns his body and releases electric current to bombard Virgo and bounce Virgo out.


Virgo raises her head and roars, then tears blood out of her body with a pair of claws, and the blood spills out.

There was a wind all around.

Blood wind is coming.

The leaf Cha stretches forward palm, want to suppress the blood wind of Virgo, but maybe it's because of the mixed blood of Virgo, the leaf Cha didn't force the wind to disperse this time.

Ye Cha's eyes became cold, and he opened his arms fiercely.

The sun and the moon shine together!


The sunlight and the moonlight are integrated to irradiate. They collide with the blood wind fiercely, and then the violent impact appears.

The blood wind broke in an instant and fell towards the sea, like a sharp blade, cutting the sea constantly.

The sun fell, the sea water continued to emit white smoke, was constantly evaporated.

Moonlight, large areas of the sea solidification, covered by silver frost, frozen.

Virgo raises his head, screams, and launches a sonic attack towards the leaf brake, then rushes towards the leaf brake quickly.


Virgo came to the front of the leaf brake, a pair of bird claws fall, leaf brake without hesitation of a blow out.

At the moment of attack and collision, the air waves around retreated.

Below the sea, the sea was chopped up, the frozen sea inch by inch cracked, huge waves rolled up, toward the direction of the leaf brake and Virgo.

The leaf brake and Virgo stop at the same time, and retreat towards the rear.

With a roar, the waves swept directly from the two people, and again slapped on the sea, making a huge noise.

Ye Cha raised his head, looking at Virgo disdain way: "you are really weak ah, much weaker than Taurus and Leo, there is no Gemini around, you seem to do nothing."

Virgo says, "you can talk now."

Ye Cha said with a smile: "how can you talk? Then try again. "

Ye Cha bends his arms, and his muscles become angular. Then the scales of dragon scales appear from ye Cha, covering his whole body.

Born dragon horn, dragon!

The leaf Cha enters the state of dragon, at will again low drink a way: "White Dragon King!"

On those scales, the white dragon scales grew out quickly. Behind the leaf brake, the paper wings suddenly spread, falling down like snow, and a pair of White Dragon Wings opened.

The white dragon tail grew out from the back of Ye Cha's waist and kept swinging from left to right.

Ye Cha looks at Virgo and sneers: "you've tried your best. I haven't tried my best yet."

When ye Cha raised his hand towards the front, two eddies suddenly appeared on the sea surface, continuously rotating at high speed, and then surging upward.

Lord of water: use all liquid water to create water elements to fight for yourself. You can only summon two water elements at most each time. According to the quantity and purity of liquid water, the water elements appear are guards, cavalry and Lord. They last for 30 minutes and then break up (broken water elements can be used to summon dragon teeth soldiers of water).

The water Lord is one of the abilities of the White Dragon King, because most of the time, only absorbing water from the air can make the water Lord of the guard level. When you are lucky, you can make cavalry with a small probability.

If you want to summon the water Lord, you must have additional factors, such as environment, climate, or just get a lot of water at a certain moment.

Ye Cha only summoned the Lord level once, but it was still reluctantly summoned by luck, and it was not strong enough.

Now, there is a sea under yecha!

A sea!

Bang, bang!

The two whirlpool, suddenly issued a huge sound, two springs toward the sky jet out.The surrounding water quickly gathered, constantly condensed, and then turned into two giant water giants, 100 meters in size. Standing on the sea, compared with the water Lord summoned by yecha last time, it was the difference between heaven and earth.

For the moment, there is an inexhaustible supply of sea water for the leaf brake.

The next moment, the two water lords wave their fists at the same time and blow out toward Virgo.


Virgo immediately screams, there is a lot of air turbulence in front of the body, when the fist of the water LORD blows up, it will tear the water Lord's arm to pieces.

However, at this moment, the water Lord's body, even broken, formed a huge wave, homeopathy toward Virgo pressure down.

Virgo's face shows the color of fear, stirring the air around again, but it's too late.


Huge smash sound sounded, Virgo was shot down the water waves to a moment of swallowing, falling toward the sea, all of a sudden into the sea.

Then, the sea surged again, and the two lords of the water stood up again from the sea and punched toward the sea.

Bang, bang, bang!

With the fist of the Lord of water falling madly, the sea continued to boil water and spread around, so the whole sea was churning up, and the waves piled up and pushed towards both sides madly.

In a moment, the sharp whistling of Virgo rings again, and a crack suddenly appears on the sea, and Virgo spreads its wings and flies out.

When flying towards the sky, the Virgo's body, constantly emerging fog.

Sharp as a knife!

Those fog along the Virgo wings continue to extend to both sides, directly into two dozens of meters long fog knife.

When Virgo rises from the sky, two fog knives cut the water Lord's body in half.

Re suspended in the air, Virgo looking at the leaf brake way: "you get out of the things, it seems not good."

Ye Cha said with a smile: "do you think this is the end?"

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