death train

Chapter 172

"Say it The leaf Cha low roars a way: "still have what good worry now? Anything can be said later, but now, the most important thing is to get rid of the ghost behind. "

Although Ye Cha only hit the antennae once, it was only a fight. Ye Cha knew that he could never be the opponent of the antennae behind him, and those Tianlong soldiers were even worse.

If we have to use the zombie level to divide, the strength of the tentacle is at least platinum level.

However, this is not a reason to avoid war.

In order to survive, we must fight!

A dragon warrior said: "I don't know the origin. We were suddenly attacked."

For such an answer, it was basically the same as no answer. At the same time, ye Cha's four had already run through the channel.

This is a huge hall, but it is a little dense. It is surrounded by metal cans, about two meters high, and there is a glass window in front of it.

Ye Cha looked around and said, "what's this place?"

The three Tianlong soldiers were silent, but from the expression, they obviously knew the place.


At this time, a face suddenly attached to the window, showing the abnormal ferocious, constantly hitting the window, is a zombie.

Ye Cha sneered. He already knew where it was, and said sarcastically, "human experiment?"

The three Tianlong soldiers didn't answer. Human body experiment is no doubt taboo. If it's not for the terrible monster chasing behind, the only thing the three Tianlong soldiers will do now is to sentence yecha to death.

The secret of CommScope can't be known to outsiders.

At this time, a dragon warrior suddenly showed a look of joy, shouting: "listen to me? The sound of the monster rubbing against the wall is getting smaller. No, it's not getting smaller, it's not audible. Didn't it continue to chase me... "


Before the dragon warrior's voice fell, the ground under his feet suddenly made a loud noise, and then a big hole opened.

The terrible tentacle suddenly came out from the bottom of the earth, directly rolled the dragon warrior, lifted it into the air, and then smashed it down to the ground.


The Tianlong warrior was smashed on the ground, and the metal backpack behind him was smashed, flowing out a light golden liquid. At the moment of impact, the Tianlong warrior's body was as broken as glass.

Hands, feet, head, so split open, countless broken bones stabbed out from the body, so that the Dragon Warrior looks like a mass of flesh and blood.


Ye Cha side of a dragon warrior can not help retching up, this death is too tragic.

Ye Cha also felt a little disgusted, but he knew that he was not doing these things at the moment. Before the tentacle began to wriggle again, ye Cha reached out to grab the endless bow and set up an explosive arrow.


The sound of breaking the air suddenly rang out, and the explosive arrow took out a radian and shot towards the antenna.


The sound of explosion suddenly sounded. When the explosive arrow hit the antenna, the huge fire burst, directly cracked the antenna, tilted back and collapsed the surrounding metal cans.

The metal can was deformed and twisted, and the corpse inside immediately hit it, rushed out of the shackles of the metal can, and then rushed over.

Ye Cha yelled to the two remaining Tianlong soldiers: "you deal with the zombies, I deal with the big meat regiment."

The two Tianlong fighters don't talk nonsense. Although they don't know who ye Cha is, they don't have as much air traffic control. If they don't work together, there will be only one end, that is


Suddenly, suddenly, suddenly, suddenly, suddenly

Two Tianlong soldiers shot forward with guns to kill the corpse, while yecha raised endless bow again.


The sound of breaking the air sounded again, and the explosive arrow circled a curve in the air and hit the antenna again.


With the sound of explosion, the position of the front end of the antenna was abruptly blasted down.

Ye Cha knows the truth of killing you when you are ill. Without any hesitation, he takes the arrow again.

Ye Cha half squinted and began to aim.

That antenna is very huge. If you want to hit it, it's not very difficult. As long as the landing point is roughly in a certain area, you will be able to hit the antenna.

However, ye Cha knows that this degree is not enough. To defeat that antenna, it must cause more damage.


This time, the blade brake was replaced by a burning arrow. At the same time, the blade brake took aim, and the burning arrow ran to the wound of broken antenna.


The sound of the arrow entering the flesh appeared, and the burning arrow accurately shot into the antennae from the wound, and then burst into flames.I don't know if there are flammable ingredients on that antenna. The flame spread very fast and quickly to the whole antenna.

Because of this, the antennae also shook violently and swept around, not only sweeping down the metal cans standing in the hall and releasing the zombies, but also constantly hitting the wall, making the whole hall shake violently.

The two Tianlong soldiers no longer need to clean up the zombies, because even if the zombies are released, they will be swept away by the tentacle immediately.

The two Tianlong soldiers began to cooperate with Ye Cha to attack, inserting the power output tube into the back of their heads, and then began to shoot at the crazy tentacles.

Suddenly, suddenly, suddenly, suddenly, suddenly

The sound of gunfire continued to ring, the bullets poured forward, constantly hit the tentacles, and then the bright blood bloomed out.

"Try to contain him!" Ye Cha yelled: "this level of attack is not effective on it, we need a more violent attack."

To contain that antenna?

This is a crazy idea.

The leaf brake once collided with the antennae head-on, and then they were swept away. The antennae were not easily contained.

But, if not, it must be done.

Yecha knew this, and so did the two Tianlong soldiers.

The antenna is burning and constantly sloshing. In this case, the blade brake has no way to aim. It's no problem to shoot the antenna, but it's impossible to shoot accurately.

So, the two Tianlong soldiers rushed up like playing with their lives, because if they didn't play with their lives, they would die!

Two Tianlong soldiers, one left and one right, approached the antennae, and then jumped on them fiercely. However, with the sudden shaking of the antennae, they were thrown out at the same time.

They're down, and they're up again.

Ye Cha is not idle, holding endless bow, carefully aiming at the wound of antennae.

No matter how strong the fortress is, if it collapses from the inside, it will be annihilated in a flash.

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