death train

Chapter 1733

Ye Cha continued to advance forward, and soon saw the so-called altar.

This is a large square space, the altar is very huge, stone, like a tripod shape, placed in the front position.

To Ye Cha's surprise, there are people here.

Ye Cha stood on the edge of the entrance and looked at it. In front of the altar, there were two rows of people. The clothes of each other were not old, but they were different from the clothes Ye Cha knew.

If ye Cha has to say it, it should be described as having ethnic characteristics. The facial features are more like Caucasians.

Those people constantly came to the altar and knelt down, then walked in circles, returned to the original position, and then knelt down on the ground, constantly singing something, but ye Cha could not understand each other's language.

Is that what marfarian is talking about?

If so, there are only two possibilities.

The first is that this is not an illusion. Otherwise, because of the fantasy of gentian, ye Cha should not see these talents.

The second is the fantasy effect of gentian.

Originally, ye Cha believed in the ability of the dead train and the effect of objects. However, after experiencing the shape of Senhai and seeing the cylindrical tower that could not be destroyed, ye Cha was not sure.

Since there is something like a cylindrical tower that can make the destructive effect ineffective, there may be something that can make the fantasy gentian ineffective.

Yecha looked around, and found no other way. Then yecha took out the map and looked at it. According to the records of marfarian, the way to the front was behind the altar.

In that case, there is no way.

Originally, whether these people are real or not, ye Cha wants to ignore them. Just move on after bypassing them. As for what they are doing, ye Cha can't care.

But since the passage is behind the altar, it can only move on.

Ye Cha didn't hesitate, and continued to walk forward. He walked past the center of the people who knelt down. However, to his surprise, those people didn't pay attention to Ye Cha, so they let him go to the front of the altar.

Yecha has seen the access road. Behind the altar, there is a downward collapse on both sides. There is a stone bridge above.

Yecha tried to bypass the altar, but at this time, a bird song suddenly appeared in the altar, and then the three color streamer, like fog, surged up from the top of the stone platform, constantly expanding.

In a moment, the three colors of light gathered in the boss's group, and then in that group of light, a big bird with three colors of color feather suddenly flew out.

After the tricolor bird appeared, he did not hesitate to attack the leaf brake. With one mouth open, the blazing fire came out of the mouth of the tricolor bird.

People kneeling around, holding up their hands and shouting: "welcome to the Holy Spirit!"

Ye Cha looked around and said, "what a mess."

Ye Cha raised his head and looked at the tricolor strange bird. Although he didn't quite understand the current situation, he should kill the flat haired animal in front of him.

It's too late!

The leaf Cha didn't have any hesitation, immediately toward the front a punch to blow out, the arm wound up the blue electric current, with that fire regiment to bump together.


The sound of the roar and explosion spread around, and the fire burst with the electric current at the same time. The fire turned into sparks, and the electric current turned into an arc, falling down at the same time.

The tricolor's wings spread out and swung rapidly forward.

But just then

Jingle, jingle.

The black chain drags across the ground, making a clear metal cross song. Then it flies away from the ground like a snake, quickly entangles the body of tricolor strange bird, and its arms suddenly pull the tricolor strange bird down from the air, and smashes it on the ground.

The snow queen did not know when she came to the back of the three color strange bird and blew her breath gently.

Then there was a blizzard all around, and frost appeared constantly, covering the cage of the three color monster.

Tricolor strange bird's body, soon covered with a piece of ice, the tricolor strange bird's body to freeze up.

Tricolor bird fierce struggle, wings fiercely toward both sides of a swing, the frost to shock the crushing, and then fly again.

The next moment, accompanied by the tricolor bird constantly flapping wings, suddenly appeared around a vertical lightning, constantly around the tricolor strange bird's body.

Ye Cha was very happy and said, "I'll take this."

Since having the ability of Lei Di, ye Cha has been very kind to the electric current. Every time I see it, it's like seeing delicious food.

The leaf Cha completely disregards the thunder and lightning that is continuously encircling, directly welcomed up.


A thunderbolt hit the leaf brake in the front, and the leaf brake didn't care. Anyway, the thunder core would absorb the current. But the next second, the leaf brake suddenly felt that it was wrong, and there was severe pain in all parts of the body.


The leaf brake is directly shaken out and rolls continuously on the ground.Ye Cha looks at the tricolor strange bird in amazement. There is something wrong with thunder and lightning, and it can't be absorbed by thunder core.

A closer look, the lightning around the three color strange birds, even burning a blue flame, with the current integration.

"Thunder fire?"

Yecha frowned, but at this time, the three color strange bird flapped its wings again, thunder and fire mixed, and they all covered yecha.

If it's not pure thunder and lightning, the thunder core can't be absorbed. Ye Cha doesn't dare to hard connect the thunder and lightning advancing towards himself.

Blood world sword chop!

Ye Cha draws out his sword and falls to Nanjiang. He draws a line on his palm. The blood flows through the body of the sword, and then ye Cha cuts it out. The huge blood shadow appears on the sword and cuts it toward the current.


At the same time, the consul once again put out his hand, the crystal wings behind him opened, and countless red crystal cones fired at the tricolor strange bird.

The tricolor bird chirped, and then its wings kept flapping. There was a hurricane around, forming wind blades one by one, which collided with the crystal cones.

Boom, boom, boom!

The wind blade collided with the crystal cone, and there was a burst sound in the air.

"I see."

Ye Cha murmured, looking at the tricolor feathers on the tricolor strange bird, the different colors should represent different abilities, namely, wind, thunder and fire.

If it's just a single wind, thunder and fire ability, it's OK, but it's obvious that the tricolor can integrate these three abilities.

Ye Cha grinned and said, "that's a bit severe."

Ye was thinking, and a mysterious voice suddenly rang out in his ear.

"Feel the user's desire for power, which is triggered by the character of demigod."

"Half man and half god Lv2: if you want to, you are God!"

"Half human and half god character random acquisition ability: manwang!"

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