death train

Chapter 1736

The last golden thunder ball appeared in Ye Cha's palm, and then ye Cha pushed the ninth God thunder forward.


When the ninth God thunder hit the skeleton, ye Cha's face was happy, because ye Cha obviously saw that when the God thunder hit, the skeleton embedded in the wall suddenly trembled.

The next moment, the golden thunder light, like liquid water, pushed around crazily, incomparably bright, and the fans couldn't open their eyes.

In a moment, the golden thunder scattered, and ye Cha couldn't wait to look at the skeleton, and then his heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

It's useless. Even the ninth God thunder, with the power of jiuxiao field, can't destroy the skeleton.

Suddenly, ye Cha kneels down on one knee and presses it on his chest.

The location of the heart, came a trace of tingling feeling.

Ye Cha feels that he seems to be dying.

There is no reason for this feeling, but ye Cha can clearly feel that he is going to die soon. It's like a return to light. There are always some feelings about the death of people.

Ye Cha's forehead was sweating.

Ye Cha knew the horror of death, but he was not so afraid of it.

Because only those who have died know the fear that death can bring to people.

At the same time, it is precisely because they have died that they are more fearless. Of course, it is also because of the resurrection.

However, even if ye Cha has the ability of resurrection now, he doesn't have any joy, because if he can't break this situation, no matter how many resurrection opportunities there are, it won't be of any use.

Yecha can't leave here!

The feeling of stillness is still spreading. Even if ye Cha is revived, the final result is nothing more than death here one after another.


Completely become a skeleton, with the skeleton on the wall for company.

"Calm down, calm down..." Ye Cha took a deep breath, constantly admonished himself in psychology, and then whispered: "there should be a way, calm down."

The emperor of time!

Yecha's eyes suddenly brightened, and the conversation between mafalian and himself rang out. The reason why mafalian let himself come here was because he was the emperor sometimes.

"Foresee the future!"

Ye Cha took out his pocket watch, adjusted the clock to 3 o'clock, and then began to predict the future.

The space in front of yecha's eyes is distorted, and then a picture appears. One minute later, yecha lies on the ground, pale and stained with sweat.

Ye Cha was crazy and unwilling to climb towards the skeleton, but it was useless.

Ye Cha is like a sudden cardiac arrest. The vitality suddenly disappears, death and silence.

This is the end of the predictive picture, but ye Cha is not to see his own death with his own eyes.

Four o'clock, predict the future!

Predicting the future is not to let the blade brake change his own future, but to find out the future he needs by cooperating with predicting the future.

Life and the future are full of uncertainty.

People's life is always accompanied by a variety of decisions, some decisions have no impact, some decisions can change life.

For example, one day, when it's sunny, you decide to play games at home instead of reading in a coffee shop. This is a decision, and this decision, seemingly unimportant, may affect your life.

If you play games at home, you may get nothing. If you go to a coffee shop to read a book, you may meet a girl, or even the other person may be the one who accompanies you all your life.

Of course, if you choose to play games at home, you may avoid a car accident. If you go to a coffee shop, you may encounter a car accident and be paralyzed in bed.

Such choices are always numerous in the course of life. Maybe you choose to drop out of high school, which seems to be a wrong decision, but you step into the society too early, accumulate experience, succeed in business, and have a lot of money.

However, it may really be a wrong decision, let you mediocre, starve to death on the street.

You may miss your talent in business. You will go to school, study, and finally be like most people, and then disappear.

On the other hand, it may also lead to another outcome: University, postgraduate entrance examination, master's degree, doctor's degree. Maybe you will feel something in the ocean of knowledge and eventually become a scientist who can make contributions to the world.

This is life, no decision is right, it is full of uncertainty, life will become meaningful.

So, how can we make life definite?

Very simple, when you can see the future!

The ability to predict the future allows you to find the only right one in hundreds of choices, such as now!

In front of yecha's eyes, there are many pictures, just like the film, constantly passing by in front of yecha's eyes.In those pictures, yecha tries to use all kinds of abilities to attack the skeleton, or to attack the barrier at the entrance of the cave, or to find a way to escape.

This is the ability to predict the future, that is, to show all the choices and possibilities in front of yecha. When yecha knows what is the right choice, he can make the same choice and change his future.


Die, die, die, die, die

Ye Cha felt his heart twitching constantly, because in those pictures, although the process was different, the result was exactly the same.

That's death!

In those pictures, yecha struggles tirelessly and tries to resist, but in the end, it is no different. No attack can destroy the skeleton, and no way can yecha leave this place.

In the end, the end of yecha is to be engulfed by the feeling of stillness, then resurrect again and again, die again and again, and finally bury the bones here.

"I'm not reconciled!"

Ye Cha grits his teeth and roars. It's not omnipotent to predict the future. If ye Cha's future is all death, and there is no choice to bring hope and vitality to Ye Cha, then there is no way to predict the future.

The future can be changed, but first of all, we need to be able to change our choices in the future.

But at this time, a picture suddenly passed by Ye Cha's eyes, making Ye Cha's eyes bright.

That's the only picture of yecha still standing.

Predicting the future is also a minute. Therefore, we can't guarantee that the yecha will survive. However, that is indeed the only picture that the yecha is still alive after one minute.

And the choice that the picture brings to yecha is

Apostolic power!

The next moment, all the pictures disappeared in front of yecha's eyes.

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