death train

Chapter 1738

Ye Cha looks at Dr. Davis suspiciously.

Dr. Davis said, "why did wittsell give you the information so easily? I can think of only one possibility, that is, he is sure that even if he gets the data, he can't make it. Why? It's very simple. He's convinced that we can't find that ingredient in the blood. "

Ye Cha said: "in other words, the company must have something in its hands, which can be used to make constellation monsters, but without it, it can't be made. So, in the final analysis, we have to start from CommScope."

Dr. Davis nodded. "It's probably like this, but do you know what that thing is? And where the hell is that thing? There are still many bases for CommScope. We don't know where the laboratory made by wittsell is. I don't think it is necessarily in the headquarters. "

Ye Cha said: "it's really troublesome."

Dr. Davis came to the semi-finished Aries, stroked the arm of Aries, and said with regret: "what a perfect experiment this is. The last step is really the last step. It's a pity."

Yecha left his mouth. Although yecha also wanted a constellation monster, he was definitely not as infatuated with Dr. Davis. Even from the species point of view, yecha preferred alien creatures, because they were creatures after all.

The constellation monster is just a man-made killing weapon. It is a complete monster.

However, Dr. Davis is right in saying that Aries looks perfect and is a natural warrior body.

Even if you can't wake up, you can feel the danger.

Ye Cha thought and patted on the shoulder of Aries.

But at this time, Dr. Davis immediately yelled, "be careful."


On the outside of the shoulder of Aries, the blade suddenly ejects and cuts the palm of the leaf brake.

Dr. Davis said: "be careful, although I can't wake this guy up, the structure of the body has been completed at least 90%, the gene implantation has been completed, and I am equipped with some offensive weapons, which will trigger..."

Dr. Davis said half, suddenly his eyes stare big, looking at the constantly changing data on the screen, and then grabbed Ye Cha's palm.

"What are you doing?" The leaf Cha Leng for a while, then break free to come out a way: "crazy?"

"Your blood!" Dr. Davis said excitedly

Ye Cha looked at his palm and said, "I see it. It's just skin trauma. I have the ability to regenerate. I'll be healed soon."

"No, it can't heal." As he spoke, Dr. Davis looked around and said excitedly, "knife, where's the knife?"

Then he asked, "what do you want to do? Will swords do? "

"Yes," Dr. Davis said

Dr. Davis took over the sword and went down to southern Xinjiang. He planned to chop it towards yecha.

"You are crazy!" Ye Cha avoided the sword and said, "do you want to die?"

Dr. Davis yelled, "I won't kill you. I want some blood. Your blood. Look at the data. Aries is reacting to your blood. Your blood is the last ingredient that is missing."

Ye Cha grabbed Dr. Davis's wrist and twisted it. He took the sword back to Nanjiang and said, "are you crazy? CommScope uses my blood to make Zodiac monsters? Where do you think they got my blood, and why can my blood make constellation monsters, but I don't know. "

"But look here." Dr. Davis excitedly pointed to the screen and said, "see? The cells of Aries are active

Ye Cha frowns, and then finds that her blood on Aries is absorbed into her body.

"Calm down." Ye Cha said to Dr. Davis, "calm down first, let's have a good look."

Dr. Davis was excited for a while, and really calmed down. Looking at Ye Cha, he said, "you must not be from CommScope, right?"

Ye Cha said: "nonsense."

Dr. Davis said, "vetsell certainly didn't use your blood to make Zodiac monsters, did he?"

Ye Cha said: "it's more nonsense. Can't you think that if I'm so precious, can I stand in front of you now?"

Dr. Davis said: "it makes sense that if you are really needed to create a horoscope monster, CommScope will certainly imprison you at all costs. So, regardless of these two absolute possibilities, there is only one possibility."

Ye Cha said: "what is possible?"

Dr. Davis said: "there's something wrong with your blood. It's the same ingredients that you need to make horoscope monsters. Think about it. Have you ever experienced anything? Are you alien? Or have you ever been arrested by CommScope, and what experiments have they done on you? "

"All wrong, my blood..." Ye Cha suddenly murmured: "apostle?"

If you throw away the power on the train of death, it seems that there is only apostolic power in addition to the physical strengthening potion.The first two are too common. They should be wrong. Otherwise, all the people on the death train can do it, and then only the power of the apostles will be left.

Dr. Davis said anxiously, "anyway, it's always true that Aries reacts to your blood. Try again?"

Ye Cha thought, the wound of the palm has not healed completely, ye Cha squeezed in the wound, and squeezed out some blood on Aries.

Sure enough, when ye Cha sprinkles blood on Aries, the blood will melt into the body of Aries.

"Aries cells are more active and genes are activated," Dr Davis said

Ye Cha said: "but you can't expect me to let this thing move with my life, can you? Damn it, how much blood do I need? "

"Don't get excited. I won't let you die." Dr. Davis paced back and forth, then showed excited color, said: "I think this thing has basically become."

Ye Chadao: "how to say?"

Dr. Davis said: "you should know the common sense of hematopoietic system, right? The hematopoietic system consists of two parts: hematopoietic organs and hematopoietic cells. It is the whole system that makes blood in the body, mainly including yolk sac, liver, spleen, kidney, thymus, lymph node and bone marrow. "

The leaf Cha suddenly way: "you mean, interval of draw my blood?"

"Yes." Dr. Davis said: "it won't do any harm to your body. You should know that many people have the habit of donating blood all the year round. Have you ever seen those people die because of blood donation? A healthy adult donates 200 to 400 ml of blood at a time, which only accounts for 5% of the total blood volume of the whole body. After blood donation, the body will automatically adjust, so that the blood flow will soon return to normal, and at the same time, it will stimulate the body's hematopoietic function. "

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