death train

Chapter 1740

Ye Cha said, "naturally you have a reason."

The conductor nodded and said, "because he lost his duty as a purser. When a person is unwilling to be lonely, he will always do something he shouldn't do, and these things are often fatal and will make people lose their lives."

The conductor's fingers light on the dining table, as if with a certain rhythm, and as if with strange magic, involuntarily attracted the attention of yecha.

Then the conductor said again, "well, what about you?"

"Me?" Ye Cha said with a smile, "I don't know what you mean."

The conductor said, "don't you really know?"

Ye Cha pondered for a while and said: "if you mean limes, there are still things robbed..."

"No, you've done a good job. I don't care who completes the task, or how to complete it, or even snatch it from me to complete it, because it's good to complete the task." The conductor looked at Ye Cha and said, "you are very good. You have always performed very well, because you can always complete the task very well. I like that very much."

Ye Cha said: "I will continue to work hard."

"No, you don't have a chance." The conductor looked at Ye Cha and said, "I know you didn't destroy the information of the constellation plan. I knew it a long time ago, or when you came back with the information of the constellation monster, I knew it."

The leaf Cha heart claps Deng for a while, unexpectedly is this affair exposed.

Ye Cha said: "I..."

"I don't care," the conductor interrupted with a wave

Ye Cha is stunned, is not to pursue this matter?

The conductor said, "do you know why I don't care? Because, if you want to keep the information, you can keep it. Anyway, you can't make the horoscope monster. So, I don't care, but it seems that you are about to make it now. "

Ye Cha straightened up and folded his hands under the dining table. He had already guessed what the conductor was going to say.

The conductor said, "I know that to make a constellation monster, you need the gene of the apostle, and you don't, of course, I think you don't, but in fact, you seem to be more capable than I think."

Ye Cha pulled the next corner of his mouth and said, "it's ridiculous."

Looking at Ye Cha, the conductor said seriously: "you have violated the rules. In fact, I don't care that you secretly hide the body of the apostle. You can even trade with me. I will give you a satisfactory price, but..."

The conductor suddenly got up and looked down at the leaf brake.

"You should not eat the apostles." The conductor said, "it's against the rules, because the rules are to kill or capture the apostle. You can exchange the body of the Apostle for chips. But chips are not money. Chips can't be used as money directly."

Ye Cha said: "I don't think it's against the rules. If it's true, it's also that the task content is not clear enough..."

In the middle of his words, ye Cha suddenly found that the conductor was laughing. The next moment, ye Cha saw mafalian's hand suddenly, and the black ball of light came towards Ye cha.

Ye Cha almost instinctively took out his hand, and an electric current gathered between his palms and ran out towards the front.


Fierce roar sounded, and then the black light ball and electric current burst at the same time. Yecha felt the impact force, like a heavy hammer, hit his chest hard, and then yecha flew out.


Leaf brake hit the back of the table, the table to collapse, the edge of the chair continued to fall.

Marfarian wanted to keep on fighting, but he was stopped by the conductor.

The conductor went to the leaf brake and said, "he did it, but he didn't die."

Ye Cha covers his chest and slowly gets up from the ground.

"The rules on the train of death are rules, and those that can't be violated are rules. Rules are made to be observed, not violated." The conductor said: "it's not allowed to do anything on the death train. Whoever does it will die. Even the Deputy conductor and even I can't violate this point. But he does it, but nothing happens. Can you guess the reason? I think you should be able to guess, because you're not stupid, and it's not the first time you've seen this

Ye Cha of course knows, because this kind of situation only happened once, that is when Wang Likun got on the train of death.

"People who are not on the death train are certainly not bound by the rules of the death train." The conductor said, "but why aren't you on the death train? Do you have an answer in mind? "

Ye Cha grinned and said, "so, am I an apostle now?"

The conductor, with both hands on his back, suddenly sighed, and then said, "do it yourself."

Ye Cha retreated to the rear and said, "I want to know if this is the only answer."

The conductor said, "do you think you can still live?"

Ye Cha said: "why do you think people get on the train of death? To live, and now you want me to die? WhyYe Cha suddenly raises his legs and kicks the dining table around him. The dining table is tossing in the air and smashes toward the conductor.

Marfarian took a step forward. The weight of his palm condensed a black ball of light, which was printed on the dining table. With a roar, the dining table fell apart and scattered around.

It's too late!

When ye Cha's palms open, electric current condenses between them.

"All who want to kill me." Ye Cha said: "I can only let him die first."

Two currents surged forward, and malfarian murmured and came up again. But the two currents were not directed at malfarian, or even at the conductor, but at the ground.


The current fell to the ground and made a loud noise, which blew everything around. Then, ye Cha stretched out his hand and grasped it in the void. An electric current appeared again in his palm, which quickly condensed into a thunder blade.

Leaf brake toward the roof of the force to cut, the roof to cut a hole, then jump out toward the roof.

Marfarian looked at the conductor. The conductor still held his hand and did not make a statement. But marfarian knew what he meant. He jumped up quickly and chased out from the crack.

On the roof of the car, yecha and malfarian look at each other from a distance. With the death train moving forward, there is a constant wind around them, blowing their hair and clothes.

Malfarian spread out his hands with a smile. A black ball of light gathered in his palm again and said to yecha, "I'm sorry, I think you should die, because it's the will of the conductor."

"Is it?" Ye Cha said: "then try to stop me or kill me."

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