death train

Chapter 1751

Friendship can change some things, but it can't change everything.

If Nie Po starts, ye Cha will kill Nie Po mercilessly.

Similarly, if ye Cha is really vulnerable, or you don't need to pay a heavy price to kill Ye Cha, Nie Po will certainly kill Ye cha.

It's a weird relationship.

However, ye Cha and Nie Po didn't feel anything wrong.

This is what the death train gave them.

The law of the jungle, survival of the fittest!

Of course, the friendship between the two people is not without effect, just like if Nie Po does not start, ye Cha will not try to kill Nie Po.

Similarly, if Nie Po has the ability, he will kill Ye Cha without paying a heavy price. However, Nie Po will not cooperate with others, and will not do everything to kill Ye Cha because of the task.

To put it bluntly, people are sentimental creatures after all, and friendship still exists, but such friendship cannot be superior to the law of survival.

People on the death train are all alive like this.

Cruel and strong.

"Is your reminiscence over?" Ye Yue came from the rear, looked at Ye Cha and said: "I helped you kill a team of people, a total of seven, you should pay. Anyway, you have left the death train, and the skeleton coin is useless?"

Ye Cha smiles. Although he knows Ye Yue is joking, he still takes the next money bag and throws it to Ye Yue, because, for him, the skeleton coin is really useless.

The leaf month weighed, immediately a face dislike a way: "so few, you this purser is really poor."

Leaf Cha way: "have good, contented."

Nie po said: "don't talk nonsense. Feilong and Du Lingling will probably come down later. I didn't inform Comus and mu Jieyun. I can't trust them."

Ye Cha nodded. They two joined Ye Cha's gang later.

"In 48 hours, I promise the road will be closed and no one will be able to chase you." Nie po said, "but that's all we can do for you."

Ye Cha was silent for a while and said, "thank you."

"You're welcome." Nie po said: "it's just the end. If we have another chance to meet in the future, you have become the enemy or obstruct me from completing the task, I will definitely kill you."

"The same." Ye Cha said, "I hope we don't see each other again."

Ye Cha turns to leave.

"Hey, wait a minute." Ye Yue took out a gold skull coin from her purse and threw it to Ye Cha, saying, "I'll take the rest. This one should be a souvenir."

Ye Cha nodded, took the gold skull coin and turned around again.

Seeing ye Cha leave, Nie Po moved his muscles and said, "well, it's time to work. Little fat man has set up a monitor at the entrance of the valley. I'm afraid there will be a lot of people coming."

Ye Yue said: "it's really troublesome. In fact, we don't care about it."

Nie po said: "come on, you have collected money."

Ye Yue said with a smile: "that's right. Let's have a fight. However, if Ganlin and the Deputy conductor show up, I don't care. I don't mind helping him, but I don't want to take myself in."

Nie po said: "I have a few."

Ye Yue left her mouth and said, "he's not here. Do you really think you're the boss?"

Nie po said with a smile: "then you command?"

Ye Yue said: "forget it. Don't you think it's strange? Ganlin and marfarian didn't show up until now. "

Nie po said: "maybe they have their ideas. We don't have to worry about so much. Just do what we can do well."

Ye Yue nodded, and then they went to the corner of the shelter.


A mountain peak.

Marfarian stood with his hands down. It was rare that he did not look like a gentleman as usual.

"Why?" Malfarian whispered, "stop me!"

Gan Lin fiddled with her hair and said with a smile: "two hours ago, I stepped into the extraordinary rating, so I also have the task of killing the Deputy conductor."

Marfarian said, "Dongfang Yu's position is still vacant. You don't need to fight with me, let alone stop me."

"You are mistaken." Gan Lin said: "I don't mean to tell you that I want to finish the task and kill you. The reason to stop you is very simple. I don't want you to kill him."

Marfarian said, "why?"

Gan Lin said with a smile, "I like him. Of course I can't let you kill him."

"Nonsense." Malfarian disdained to say: "do you think it's great to step into the transcendence? Or are you not afraid to die! "

Gan Lin sighed: "it seems that you haven't understood what I mean. I think in this case, you should be able to understand."

Gan Lin spread out her hands.

A river of Styx comes from the sky!

Countless ghosts suddenly appeared around the two people, constantly floating, the ground constantly cracked, one by one bone hand, constantly from the bottom out.The river Styx flows backwards in the sky. Suddenly, Ganlin reaches forward and a huge Bone Claw falls from the air. She pats it at malfarian.

Malfarian gave a cold snort, and then a punch shot into the air. The black ball of light suddenly appeared and hit the calcaneus hand together.


There was a huge roar. Almost for a moment, under the astonished eyes of malfarian, the black light ball suddenly broke, and then the bony hand hit malfarian.

Malfarian snorted and kept retreating, spitting out a mouthful of blood.

Malfarian looked at Ganlin and said, "you..."

Gan Lin said with a smile: "I said I stepped into the extraordinary, but I didn't say it was a star."

Malfarian gritted his teeth and said, "no way!"

"Impossible? It's not hard. " Gan Lin said with a smile: "all the rewards are stored in the boss's wife. If I don't collect them after the task is completed, those things will not be counted on my head, and naturally will not affect my rating. Then, two hours ago, when I left the death train, I collected all the accumulated rewards in the dining car. However, the extraordinary task is more troublesome, and I can only get by To kill the first extraordinary level of the ancient species, this is to upgrade the rating

Marfarian was even more surprised. He had never thought of such a way. In fact, who would do such a thing?

On the train of death, it's very important to improve one's own strength. The reason is very simple. Strength is the capital to survive. Who would like Gan Lin to reward and accumulate the task? There's no point in that!

Marfarian was puzzled and said, "why?"

"Why?" Gan Lin tilted her head and thought, "he's already on my guard. If I become stronger than him, he'll be more on my guard and hate me."

Is that the reason?

"I don't know," said malfarian angrily

"The reason doesn't matter." Gan Lin said: "the important thing is that I know it's you who made him unable to stay on the death train. So, I'm very unhappy. Then, you can die and thank him for your death!"

Said Gan Lin, raising her hand again!

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