death train

Chapter 1764

Ye Cha said, preparing to go to the side.

Ming Hai hurriedly followed and said, "take me with you. I'll play with you."

Ye Cha said, "what can you do for me? Can you kill people? "

Ming Hai thought and said, "I can be killed."

Ye Cha said: "you still don't admit that you are cheap?"

Minghai scratched his head and said: "you guys are so abnormal, fire and wind. How can you make a mess of your abilities? However, it seems that there are a lot of egg twisting machines. We can look for them when we have time. There are so many people like us."

Ye Cha said: "their ability doesn't come from the egg twisting machine, and they can't kill like you."

Minghai said, "what's the matter with them? The innovator of CommScope? It's not like this either. I've seen all of them, although they can spray flames, they all use machinery and technology. "

Ye Cha said: "I can't explain it to you clearly..."

The leaf Cha says with the sound sea side to walk, then cold not Ding, the leaf Cha stopped the footstep.


No, no!

Ye Cha looked around, and a circle of light appeared around him.

The light is just like the luminous powder, very introverted.

It feels like the aperture of the field. In fact, it doesn't seem to be so simple, because what those rays form is not a simple circle.

Ye Cha looked at his feet.

Those lights, like liquid water, just flowed, and then formed strange patterns in the circle, which had no meaning.

Suddenly, in the light, a zombie suddenly appeared and rushed towards yecha and Minghai.

"I'll do it, I'll do it!"

Minghai saw that he didn't need to be beaten at last. He took out a dagger from his thigh to meet the zombie and raised his hand against it.

The zombie bit on Minghai's arm, and Minghai didn't care at all. He stabbed the dagger into the Zombie's head.

The leaf Cha good strange way: "you that can't die of ability, even zombie virus also can dissolve?"

"No Ming Hai stabbed himself in the throat. About half a minute later, he got up again and said, "just die once."

Ye Cha is speechless. This ability is really amazing. It's all glue. Everything can be touched. It's omnipotent.

However, the presence of the zombie is not the end.

Poof, poof, poof, poof!

In the southeast, northwest, four directions, suddenly appeared the sound of flames beating, and then four groups of green flames appeared, behind the flames, there were zombies.

Not gathered, but out of thin air appeared there, constantly close to the two people.

Minghai was surprised and said, "what's the matter? Can zombies come out so suddenly? "

Ye Cha snorted: "what else can it be? If someone uses any ability, kill them first. "

The zombies pushed each other and kept moving towards yecha and Minghai. After yecha finished speaking, he didn't talk any more and immediately killed them with his sword in front of him.

Poof, poof!

With a sword, the heads of the two zombies flew into the air and fell to the ground.

With the fall of the two headless zombies, the sprayed blood dispersed in the air, forming a blood mist.

Ye Cha killed two zombies at the same time, but also a sword to the ground.

In yecha's opinion, the appearance of these zombies must be related to the lines on the ground. In this case, trying to cut off the lines may prevent the appearance of zombies.

Unfortunately, this method doesn't work.

It's not that it's useless to cut the lines, but that with the ground being cut, the lines do break.

But soon, the lines swept through the cracks in the ground and joined again.

Ye Cha frowned, which was a little troublesome. Unless it was a powerful attack that directly destroyed the terrain on a large scale, it was possible to cut off the lines on the ground.

But what's the point of doing that?

If you really use that level of attack, you can kill a large number of zombies, and then directly leave the area covered by the lines.

The leaf Cha side thinks, the ear suddenly rings out a roar, but is the son of a head Night suddenly appear, toward the leaf Cha Fei to rush to come over.

The leaf Cha quickly a yang body, hide the son's attack of overnight, single palm a prop ground, turn over to fall to one side.

"I'm surprised to see the sound of the sea at night," he said

The leaf Cha doubts a way: "eh?"

Ming Hai said: "I left those two wounds on that guy's forehead. I encountered this guy when I was cleaning the entrance to the city, but I couldn't kill him because it was almost dawn and he ran away."

"I see." Ye Cha looked around and whispered: "this should be the ability to gather the zombies around. No, it should be sent directly across the space."

Ye Cha didn't hesitate. At the moment when the night's son turned around, a punch shot out towards the night's son. With a Zila sound, the electric current surged past. The night's son's head was hit by the electric current and burst out directly."Go Ye Cha waved his hand to Minghai and said, "you are in charge of my back, follow me."

Ye Cha doesn't know how long the opponent's ability lasts, or how many zombies he can deliver.

According to the worst plan, if the other party can transmit from the whole city to yecha and Minghai, it will undoubtedly be a very terrible thing.

That means that the other party is likely to create a zombie tide in a very short time.

Ye Cha quickly put out his sword, and the sword fell to the south of Xinjiang. He continued to put forward the sword shadow, and killed the zombies.

Soon, there were a lot of zombies around yecha.

Ming Hai's ability of killing people is not good, but his ability of killing zombies is not bad, because this guy is not afraid of death, as long as he attacks the zombies crazily.

Ye Cha suddenly said: "I'm very curious. In case you are infected with zombie virus, and you don't have time to commit suicide, what should you do?"

Ming Hai said: "it will become a zombie, but it doesn't matter. Even if I become a zombie, I will come back after I die. So if I become a zombie, you can kill me."

Ye Cha said: "what I want to say is that I have finally figured out a way to deal with you, let you get zombie virus, and then shut you in a sealed room."

Minghai said angrily, "what's wrong with you? Try to deal with me. We're a group now."

Ye Cha laughs. The immortal ability of Minghai is too helpless. Ye Cha can't help thinking about how to deal with it. To say the least, it's very unlikely, but what if he meets a guy with similar ability in the future.

While speaking, ye Cha and Ming Hai also came to the edge of those stripes. As soon as ye Cha raised his foot, he stepped out.

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