death train

Chapter 1775

The huge bone hand in the light, constantly emitting black smoke, and then split in a moment.

Among the white bones turning over on the sea, those skeletons and heads kept undulating, as if showing the color of pain, and then evaporated quickly.

Obviously, Moxi's light has a very obvious restraining effect on these bones.

Tesla's ice gun doesn't seem to be so powerful, on the contrary, it can persist for a longer time, constantly pushing the white light blocking in front.

About two or three meters, the ice gun barely pushed to the front of the leaf brake, and then completely broken.

Moxi is coming!

The next moment, Moshi appears on the frozen ice of Tesla and reaches forward.

"Where I am, it is light!" Mo Xi's body, a large number of white light emerged, stretched out his hand forward: "Heaven's punishment!"

White pillars of light fall from the sky, and then continue to pull up, forming the shape of a cross, falling toward the bottom.

Tesla took a deep breath, and then exhaled, white frost on both sides of the corner of his mouth.

Click, click!

Tesla's body, covered with the body of the ice becomes more thick, and then Tesla's back, the huge icicle rose, toward the sky light cross hit the past.

Liu Hao took the opportunity to kill ye Chasha and yelled: "stop that girl, I only want the position of purser, all the other things belong to you."

Liu Hao attacks Ye Cha, and suddenly a strong air of death appears between his eyebrows and eyes.

There is a river on the sea!

A river that covers the sea!

That's the river Styx!

In the Ming River, white bones are surging, and there are countless floating corpses.

A lonely boat, a green light.

Lonely boat in the river, gradually far away, this is no return!

When Liu Hao drinks, the water of the Styx suddenly rises into the sky, surrounded by the sound of crying and howling, which frightens people's heart and makes people feel palpitating.

Mo Xi is a little anxious. Ye Cha is in a state of embarrassment. It's obvious that several wars have made Ye Cha consume too much.

Then, the white light appeared again, covering the sky.

Holy and serene!

Compared with the river Styx, Mo Xi's ability is completely another extreme.

Light and darkness.

Life and death.

However, in this instant, an ice wall suddenly rose from the sea, towering, with a distance of 100 meters, blocking the light of Moxi.

At the same time, the Ming River rolled upside down into the sky and fell towards the direction of the leaf brake.

Liu Hao roared at Ye Cha: "die."

But in this moment

Ye Cha suddenly raised his head and his eyes were clear. Looking at Liu Hao, he suddenly laughed and said, "do you expect that ice player to stop that woman and let you have time to kill me?"

Click, click.

Ye Cha suddenly clenched his fist, knuckles crackling.

"The other way round." Ye Cha said: "why didn't that woman stop Tesla?"

Ye Cha raised his head, looked at the water of the Styx, and suddenly waved his arm toward the front.


It's just the strong wind. The water of the Styx River in front of Ye Cha's body "bang" and directly burst a large piece and scattered down.

Liu Hao opened his eyes and said, "you..."

Liu Hao didn't expect that ye Cha still had a spare force. It's already such a time. He still had a spare force!

But ye Cha ignored Liu Hao, looked at Mo Xi and said, "I should be able to believe you, right?"

Moxi looked up and said, "of course, I said I would take you home."

"So..." Yecha deep mouth airway: "let's go!"

Ye Cha suddenly clenched his fist, then the muscles of his arms suddenly bulged, and ye Cha's eyes turned red because of congestion.

Crazy warrior state!

Berserker: when you enter Berserker state, your physical fitness will increase by 150%. You can't add other physical fitness enhancement abilities. When using heavy weapons, your strength will increase by 50%. You can gain the ability of speeding regeneration, fighting bravely, killing madly and bravery.

Berserker ability is the only ability that ye Cha doesn't use, because the sequelae of individual bravery means that Berserker ability can only be used unless it is singled out or assisted by a companion.

Otherwise, when the ability is over, there is no difference between blade brake and death.

Now, yecha chooses to believe in Moxi.


Ye Cha raised his head and roared angrily, showing a bit of madness.

When ye Cha enters into the crazy warrior state, the most obvious change is not the sudden swelling of the muscles, but the injury on Ye cha.

"Ha, ha..."

Ye Cha opened his mouth, bent his body, and his mouth was constantly breathing white Qi. His chest was obviously undulating. Then the dense wounds on Ye Cha began to heal.Speed regeneration!

"Now..." Ye Cha clenched his fist, looked down at Liu Hao and said, "it's my turn to ask questions. How long can you stay under my fist?"

Suddenly, the leaf brake rushes down.

Liu Hao's face was startled. In a hurry, he moved the river Styx to the sky.


The leaf Cha didn't have the slightest hesitation, raised his fist to the river Styx, and then with a loud noise, the river Styx was smashed and splashed around.

After breaking the Styx River, ye Cha continued to fall.

In the cracked Styx River, countless bony hands came out and tried to grasp Ye Cha's body, but at the moment of contact, they were completely smashed, turned into countless bony pieces, and scattered all around.

The next moment, ye Cha comes to Liu Hao and cracks his mouth at him.

"You're better than Ganlin..." Ye Cha clenched his fist and said, "it's far worse!"


Ye Cha raised his fist and punched Liu Hao in the face. Then Liu Hao's body flew out to the rear, rolling against the sea, splashing countless waves.

As soon as the paper wings on the back of the leaf brake retract and unfold, they fly out to Liu Hao again. Almost in the blink of an eye, they catch up with Liu Hao who is still flying in the air. They hold Liu Hao's throat and lift Liu Hao into the air.

Ye Cha said, "do you have any last words?"


Liu Hao roared, pressing his hands on yecha's chest, and his arms were constantly imprinting red.

A roar, like an explosion like impact toward the front to push out, the leaf brake to blast out.

Liu Hao's body turned twice in the air, not falling, but floating there.

Ye Yue's floating ability!

Ye Cha stabilized himself in the air and said with a ferocious smile: "it seems that you have no last words. Then, go to die."

It's too late!

Ye Cha stretched out his hand toward the front, and an electric current swept out of Ye Cha's palm, cut through the sky and went towards Liu Hao.

"Good words!" "Against the current!" Liu Hao said softly

The sea is boiling and bubbling.

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