death train

Chapter 1778

As for ye Cha and Mo Xi, it's just a matter of habit.

The leaf brake pushes open the door of the death train. When you get out of the platform of the death train, you can lead to any city. Generally, a car is enough to drive in the city.

As an apostle, Mo Xi has similar ability. Otherwise, he can't entangle with the people on the train of death.

They didn't even think of planes.

So, habitual thinking is sometimes terrible.

Mo Xi said: "so, let's go to modiye to find a plane?"

Ye Cha said, "is there an airline in this poor place?"

Minghai said, "it's true."

Ye Cha said: "that's OK."

Minghai said: "however, it seems that it has been suspended for more than ten years because of the civil war."

"Your grandmother's." Ye Cha scolded: "can you stop talking nonsense?"

Minghai said: "you are silly. Although there are no local airlines, or they are nominal, they represent that there are international airports. They are undertaken by airlines of other countries."

Ye Cha's eyes lit up and said: "well, you can look for it. However, you should also look after the ship. It is estimated that even before the end of the world, there won't be too many planes. It's hard to say whether there are any planes left that can fly."

Mo Xi thought about it and said, "well, you and Ming Hai go to the airport to look for the plane, and I'll look for the fuel. If it doesn't work, I'll go to the next city by boat and continue to look for it."

Ye Cha nodded and said, "let's do this."

Ming Hai looked at the time and said, "there are still several hours left. It's time to go to sleep. Don't you have a rest?"

Ye Cha said: "you go. I'll go to the deck to blow. It's better to stay awake. It's hard to say when I sleep."

Mo Xi said, "nightmare?"

Ye Cha picks next eyebrow way: "do you know?"

Mo Xi nodded.

Ye Cha said: "there are many things you know when you apostles walk. Is there any way to solve them?"

"There must be a way." Mo Xi said: "I'm not sure, but if there is a way, the guide will know. After all, they have lived for a long time and know a lot of things."

Ye Cha nodded and said, "I'm looking forward to you."

Ye Cha and Mo Xi brush past, and then walk toward the deck.

Although the pursuer behind him has been solved for a while, the problem of nightmare still plagues Ye cha.

It's the power of the death train, and it's not so easy to solve.

Of course, nightmares don't have a great impact on yecha at present. During the days on board, yecha tried to reduce sleep and sleep time as much as possible, but it's impossible not to sleep all the time. He still entered several dreams and was chased by nightmares.

The bad news is that nightmares are getting stronger!

With the more and more times that ye Cha entered the dream, ye Cha clearly found that the intensity of nightmare was much stronger than when he entered it for the first time.

In addition, the frequency of special nightmares, such as giant nightmares, is also significantly higher.

Although it's far from being able to cope with the situation, yecha is worried about whether those nightmares will continue to grow stronger, and whether there is an end to this growing stronger.

If there is no end, then things are in trouble.

On the other hand, fighting nightmares is more or less a little hurt, which will be reflected in the reality, followed by the spiritual influence.

Sleep is for recovery, both physically and mentally.

Physical problems are not big. Although the injuries caused by nightmares will be reflected in reality, they are all minor injuries. With the ability of regeneration, the problem is not big. Moreover, physical fitness has really recovered.

The problem is spiritual.

Sleep is sleep. Even in nightmares, mental recovery still exists.

But nightmares certainly have an impact.

It's like deep sleep, like light sleep.

Scientific data show that if people can keep deep sleep for a long time, three hours a day is enough, but if it is light sleep, many people will still feel tired after eight hours.

But even if it is light sleep, you will feel tired. Compared with before sleep, your mental state will definitely recover, but the degree of recovery is not so good, so obvious.

Ye Cha now feels like this. Although he has recovered in spirit, compared with the normal level of recovery, the quality of recovery is definitely lower.

Moreover, as the nightmares become stronger and stronger, this problem will become more and more obvious. When sleep can't help Ye Cha to recover from any spiritual level, or even make ye Cha more tired in the face of nightmares.

Death will cover the leaf brake.

Ye Cha stood on the deck and rubbed his face. The nightmare problem must be solved.This is a very serious problem, but it's not too urgent. The reason is that with the speed and frequency of nightmares increasing, it's impossible to threaten the blade brake in a short time.

"But it has to be solved." Ye Cha murmured, "I hope the Apostle's walk will give me a surprise."

If the guide can solve this problem, ye Cha and Mo Xi will not be in vain.

As for the cost, even if you help the apostles walk and work.

Just like Ye Cha used to work for the dead train and the conductor, if you give something, you will get something in return. In terms of equivalent exchange.

The cruise ship gradually entered the port.

There were not many people on this ship. Except for the seamen of Ming Hai and the silver robe who was responsible for protecting Mo Xi, the other apostles were arranged to walk on another cruise ship. The people who protected Ming Hai would float on the sea for about half a month and then return to the port city.

Mo Xi stayed in the port to make arrangements, and then took people to look for fuel, while yecha and Minghai left the port for the airport for the first time.

There are a lot of zombies in the street, their eyes wandering blankly. When ye Cha and Ming Hai appear, they are like sharks smelling blood, and they quickly gather towards them.

Ye Cha threw out 16 yuan alloy balls, and those 16 yuan alloy balls flew forward, turned into silver light, and blasted the heads of the zombies.

Ming Hai walked forward and said, "this place doesn't look bad either."

Ye Cha said: "it's normal that there are many sparsely populated countries, and many cities are pitifully small in population. But the capital is as overcrowded as big cities, and so is this place. Despite the chaos of war, the capital city can't be too bad."

A poor country does not mean that there is no rich people. However, the gap between the rich and the poor is very large. A large number of people in modiye can't even eat enough. However, the so-called warlords live in villas and drink good wine, and they are not bad at all.

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