death train

Chapter 1781

In the dark, there is a light.

The light in the dark is not necessarily hope, but also death.


When the light flashed by, the small room where the black boy was standing suddenly burst into a corner, and then the black boy was thrown out and hit on the street.

The black boy in the street immediately ran over and cared for his companions.

Light gradually dark down, but the next moment, and suddenly light up.

"Fire at me!"

Leaf Cha just want to hand, Ming sea a face of fearless rushed out, toward the light rushed out.


Ming Hai's body flew out and splashed brightly on the ground. Ming Hai's chest was opened with an opening the size of his head, which directly penetrated his body.

This wound for other people, absolutely the first time to die, but because it is Ming Hai

"It's killing me, it's killing me..."

Minghai kept rolling on the ground. The voice was sad. However, ye Cha knew that this guy was just crying. With the rolling, the blood hole in Minghai's chest had begun to heal.

Every time I see Minghai's appearance, ye Cha also laments that the other party's ability is abnormal, and there is no way to speed regeneration. Let's live when our hearts are smashed!

At the same time, figures appeared on the streets.

Ye Cha raised his eyebrows and said, "it's really from CommScope."

In front of yecha, there was an iron man, or in other words, wearing full covered steel armor. His head, body and limbs were all wrapped up.

As for ye Cha's ability to know that the other party is a person of CommScope, it is because the other party's chest bears the logo of CommScope. Then on the other party's left shoulder, there is a skull with two needle tubes crossed below, and on the right shoulder, there is the number of zt1510.


At the same time

In a research base, there are hanging displays in all directions in the control room with a cone shape.

A researcher in a white coat pushed aside his chair and suddenly stood up and said, "Sir Julius, we have found an unknown target, suspected of two humans."

A man in a military uniform stood in front of the largest display and nodded: "I see it, but you call him a human when you are bombarded by photon energy?"

The researcher spread out his hand, looked at the data on his display screen, and said, "at least according to the life body scan, both of them are human life body characteristics."

Julius thought for a moment and said, "I want to live. Let zt1510 capture them alive. These two people seem to have research value."

The researcher nodded and said, "well, what about the original goal?"

Julius said: "of course, we have to finish it too. Take back experiment 27 and experiment 47. As for other hidden experiments, we can talk about them later."

The researcher nodded and said, "I understand."

Julius said: "in addition, I would like to remind you that the major accident of absconding like this kind of experimental object should not happen again. Do you understand? Otherwise, they will not be taken back and finished

There was a cold sweat on the researcher's forehead and he stammered, "I understand, I understand."


On the other hand, ye Cha looks at the steel armor man in front of him, and feels that it's a human weapon made by CommScope.

Kick kick still lie on the ground of Ming sea way: "live up, don't pretend to be dead."

Ming Hai got up and said, "it's very painful. You have to give me a buffer."

Ye Cha said: "don't talk nonsense. Go and look at the two kids. Don't let them run away."

Ming Hai nodded and said, "I work hard."

After ye Cha ordered Minghai, he walked towards the front and quickly approached Gangjia man.

All of a sudden, the part of the steel armor man's eyes suddenly lit up, and then raised his right hand fiercely.

On the right hand of the steel armour man, red and white colors appeared, as if overflowing from the inside of the steel armour, and then the light that I had seen before appeared again.

Photon energy cannon!

Ye Cha immediately flashed, quickly disappeared from the original place, and made use of ghost step to get closer to each other.

Light bang in a low room behind the leaf brake, boom, low room collapsed half, countless debris collapsed.

At the same time, the leaf brake appeared in the steel armor person's rear, mercilessly one punch blew out.

However, at this moment, on the back of the steel armor man, a spiral cover plate suddenly opened, and there was a turbine underneath.

Boom, the turbine jet air, the blade brake to boom out, at the same time also let the steel armour man suddenly accelerated, toward the front to flee out.

With a kick of both legs, the steel armor man jumped into the air, floating three or four meters above the ground, and stretched out his arms toward the leaf brake again.

Photon energy combo!Boom, boom, boom!

With the continuous emergence of light, the street is constantly broken.

Ye Cha bent his body and ran forward to avoid the explosion. At the same time, he was scolding his mother.

The structure of the other side is mechanical in any way. Even if there are people inside, the shell must be mechanical. That's right. The blade brake has an advantage against this kind of thing.

However, the reason for adding the word "once" is very simple. At present, Lei Di can't use it.

Reid's current can easily destroy the mechanical structure, overload the other party's cable, or burn the circuit board.

Now, the blade brake can only be hard.

When he came to the bottom of the steel armor man, ye Cha jumped up fiercely, jumped to the same height as the steel armor man with a single bounce, and then shot out with one punch.

With a bang, the steel armor man got a blow on his head and was blown out directly, smashing through the outer wall of a building. However, he quickly stood up again.

"It's hard!"

Ye Cha shook his hand and looked at the steel armor man. The shell was not damaged. It was only slightly depressed.

Obviously, the material of the steel shell is very unusual. The general metal shell can't get a punch from ye cha. Nothing happened.

The next moment, the man raised his arm again.

However, this time it's not a photon energy gun. In the circle of the steel armor man's arm, the shell kept popping open, revealing a circle of gun barrel and shooting at the leaf brake.

Suddenly, suddenly, suddenly, suddenly, suddenly

The sound of shooting is particularly obvious in the quiet night. However, ye Cha doesn't care so much about the gun shooting, and rushes out directly towards the front.

When the bullets hit, the red flame armor started on its own, and the crystallization flame appeared in front of yecha. Then when the bullets hit the crystallization flame, they all fell to the ground.

There is no way for ordinary guns to break through the defense of ChiYan armor.

Come to steel armour person's front again, leaf Cha then fiercely lean out left hand.

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