death train

Chapter 1785

Ye Cha frowned and said, "is it possible to repair it?"

The consul shook his head again.

Ye Cha cursed again, then looked at the private parking area.

The area was seriously damaged. Visual inspection showed that most of the planes could not be used, but there was still some hope. Yecha asked the consul to have a look, and the news he received was not gratifying.

Minghai said, "what should I do? If we can't find the plane, we'll have to go on the sea. "

"No Ye Cha said, "I know there is a place where I can definitely get a plane."

Minghai said: "where? Oh, you mean the hotel? There should be helicopters there. "

"No!" Yecha walked out of the airport and said, "it's the base of CommScope."

"Wow Ming Hai followed Ye Cha and said, "you don't want to go to the base of CommScope, do you?"

Ye Cha said: "since those bastards can trouble me, why can't I trouble them?"

Yecha went back to the side of the broken steel armor man parts, and then said to the consul, "there should be communication equipment inside. You can try to use the signal of communication equipment to locate."

The helicopters carrying the armored men have already run away, otherwise, just catch one helicopter.

The consul squatted on the ground, fiddled with the parts, quickly found some devices, and then pieced them together.

Ming Hai said on one side, "is that ok?"

Ye Cha said: "he is more useful than you. Go to inform Mo Xi."

Minghai said: "let her help us collect the corpses?"

Ye Cha said: "if it's not that beating you is useless, I'll beat you until you can't take care of yourself."

Ming Hai said with a smile, "I'm kidding. I'm just telling her something about CommScope? I've got it. "

Ming Hai went to one side to contact Mo Xi. Ye Cha was quiet. In about a quarter of an hour, the consul connected a cable to Ye Cha's PDA, and then an electronic map appeared with a red dot on it.

"Where is the CommScope base?" yecha said

The consul nodded with certainty.

Ye Cha said, "let's go."

Ye Cha greets Ming Hai, and then goes out. Besides the map, there are some information.

Looking at the information, ye Cha was surprised that the base of CommScope was actually a medical assistance station. Strictly speaking, it was formerly a medical assistance station.

However, ye Cha understood when he thought of modiye.

It's a place of years of civil war, poverty, and misery.

It's not unusual for the medical aid station to be here.

Of course, there are a lot of twists and turns in it. Some are purely charitable investment support, while others have some channels.

The most typical way is to make war money in this place on the one hand while giving support on the one hand. This place is really poor and has no money, but there are mines.

Secretly provide weapons for warlords here, and then exchange minerals, there are some obvious protection, set up rescue stations, or transport arms to this place under the banner of transporting support materials.

As for CommScope, yecha thinks that he can also guess some situations. The lives of civil war countries are worthless. CommScope has set up a medical relief station on the surface. Moreover, the scale is very large, but the investment is also very large.

And then

Because the medical assistance station of CommScope has indeed saved a lot of people, often giving out drugs free of charge, no one will doubt that CommScope is doing something in private.

Even if someone guesses it, they will not say it, because many people have benefited from it.

In fact, it is not correct to say that the medical assistance station is located in the suburb.

CommScope has built a lot of rescue stations on this land, but modiye, as the capital city, is relatively peaceful. It doesn't need any help here, mainly the Medical Rescue Station Office of CommScope.

Out of the airport, ye Cha unfolded his paper wings and said, "you drive down here. By the way, what does Mo Xi say?"

Minghai said: "whatever we do, just get the plane back. She has found the fuel."

Ye Cha said: "then speed up."

The leaf brake spreads out the paper wing and flies towards the front quickly. As for whether Minghai can keep up, the leaf brake doesn't care.

Anyway, Ming Hai can keep up. Sometimes it's useful. For example, if there's a minefield or any trap mechanism, you can let Ming Hai go.

In a word, I'll send you to death and enjoy the happiness. Let Minghai be the cannon fodder.

As for Ming Hai, if he can't keep up, it doesn't matter. Ye Cha thinks he can handle it by himself.

All the way out of the city, ye Cha quickly found the so-called CommScope medical station. It was a very ordinary house, and it didn't look luxurious. When ye Cha entered it, there was an office hall, and there were several offices on the second floor. It seemed that there was nothing special about it.Ye Cha looks at the consul, and then takes his eyes back. Ye Cha is still at ease when the consul handles affairs. Since the consul says that the other party's base is here, it must be there.

Since you have no chance to play in the air, I'll take a breath


The sound of the sword started.

Ye Cha raised his sword and cut down the building below.

Six dragons flying into the sky.

Ye Cha's sword swept out from below. The bloody light of the sword diffused and quickly turned into a dragon shape, charging towards the bottom.

With a roar, when the first blood dragon fell, most of the building collapsed, and ye Cha didn't leave his hand, followed by the second blood dragon charging.

Boom, boom!

Continuous loud noise appeared, and the building was crushed to pieces almost instantly.

After the fourth blood dragon landed, the purpose of Ye Cha was finally achieved. Below the building, the ground was blown to pieces, revealing a big hole. The wall of the hole was metal, which was obviously a secret passage, but the exit was cracked by Ye cha.

Ye Cha doesn't talk nonsense either. He blows out the last two blood dragons and sweeps them down the cave. Then ye Cha swoops down and enters the cave.

Boom, boom!

There was a huge noise, and a piece of it was cracked under the cave, including the very thick metal gate, and then the leaf brake entered it.

In front of yecha, there were dozens of armed CommScope personnel. When yecha appeared, the other side raised their guns.

The leaf brake is not unexpected. It's strange that so much movement is not found. Moreover, monitoring equipment must be installed on the ground.

When the leaf brake appears, the other party should know.

"But..." Ye Cha said: "can these guys stop me?"

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