death train

Chapter 1789

"Don't be so intimate." "I don't think we are our own people," he said

"I understand your caution." Taratus said with a smile, "please sit down."

Taratus stretched out his hand, and then behind yecha and Moxi, the light suddenly converged and turned into two chairs.

Taratus sat down on the other side and said, "son, I'll tell you what you want to know, and then it's up to you to make your own decision. No, it should be said that when you hear it, you have to make your own decision."

Ye Cha said, "that's my own business."

Taratus nodded and said, "first of all, you want to know how the apostles came to walk? Is that right? "

Ye Cha nodded.

Taratus said, "it's a long story. We have to go back to history. First of all, let's talk about a well-known story. Do you know the ark?"

Ye Cha frowned and said, "genesis?"

"The answer is correct." Taratus said with a smile: "Genesis mohi said:" but God also chose one of the good people. His name is Noah. God asked him to build an ark with his family, and clean animals, with seven males and seven females. Unclean animals, with one male and one female. Finally, the birds in the air should also take seven males and seven females. "

Taratus said: "when the end of the world comes, all life dies out, and Noah survives. Those livestock mate and begin to reproduce again. Noah, as the only surviving human, is known as the new human. It is precisely because of his existence that human beings do not completely perish, but begin to reproduce again."

Ye Cha said: "although I'm not familiar with Western mythology, I know this story. Because it's very famous, it's better to be direct. Don't talk so much nonsense."

Taratus said with a smile, "do you really think it's a story?"

Ye Cha said, "do you want to tell me that the ark really exists and that the world has been destroyed by the flood?"

"I don't know if there is Noah, or if there is an ark, but the world has been destroyed countless times, and the end is not just now," taratus said

Ye Cha said, "cylindrical tower?"

Taratus said with a smile, "yes, there are many reasons for the coming of the end of time and the destruction of civilization. Sometimes it's war, sometimes it's natural and man-made disasters, sometimes it's just like the great flood in the story of the ark. Who can guarantee that it didn't appear?"

Ye Cha said, "what does this have to do with the Apostle's walking?"

"Don't worry, child." Taratus said, "next comes the part of the Apostle walk. In these stories of the collapse of civilization, there are always some people who survive, or are chosen."

Ye Cha said: "who selected it?"

Taratus pointed to his head and said, "maybe it's like Noah in the ark story, who is called a God? Or something else? I'm sorry, that's something I don't quite know. "

The leaf Cha didn't entangle this problem, but nodded.

Taratus continued: "maybe it's because the ark story is too famous, maybe it's because they think that Noah is the first chosen person, so they regard Noah as the ancestor, so they call themselves: the apostle of Noah!"

Ye Cha picked his eyebrows and thought of limes.

Taratus continued: "the next step is the Apostle walk. As for the origin of the Apostle walk, you can think of it as the eliminator of Noah's Apostle."

Ye Cha said: "eliminator?"

Taratus nodded and said, "well, every time the end of the world comes and civilization is destroyed, some people will survive. But not all people are chosen. People like Noah are qualified to be Noah's apostles. What about others? If there are other survivors in the flood, then they are apostles walking

Ye Cha said, "what's the difference between the two?"

Taratus said: "of course, there is a difference. The former is recognized, while the latter is not recognized. That is to say, the latter should have died, but survived because of all kinds of accidents. Therefore, in ancient history, some people call us people who were abandoned by God."

Ye Cha said with disdain: "but the question is, is there a God in this world? Recognized? Who is qualified to recognize me? Destiny should belong to itself. "

Taratus said: "I agree with your last sentence. No one wants his destiny to be controlled. That's why there are apostles walking. As for the previous question, I'm sorry, I can't answer it. I don't know whether there is God in the world, or who is in charge of everyone's destiny, but..."

Taratus suddenly spread out his hand. In the basement, many things suddenly floated. Yecha looked up and was surprised. Those floating things were all relics of ancient civilization.

Taratus said, "you are from China, just like Moxi, aren't you?"

Ye Cha nodded.

Taratus said: "I really can't answer your question and explain the reason, but I can't ignore it. There is an invisible force that dominates everything. In the words of you Chinese, it's the will of heaven."After the words of taratus fell, a white light and shadow appeared in front of taratus, and then the picture appeared on that light and shadow.

It was a lush land, which seemed to come from very old times.

Then the fighting broke out.

People can be seen fighting everywhere in the mountains, grasslands and canyons.

Those human clothes look very old. Most of them are made of animal skin.

But in fact, it can be seen that those humans are obviously not savages of ancient times, because the weapons of each other are extraordinary.

Although we don't know what kind of metal the other party's weapons are made of, they are definitely not made in ancient times. Humans wearing fur in ancient times can never make such metal weapons.

Whether it's technology or technology.

In fact, the people fighting are not only carrying metal weapons, but also some very magical things.

One man covered his body with a cloak of animal skin, and then disappeared. The edge of another man's shield seemed to be able to open an invisible barrier, and its defense range was much larger than that of the shield.

Suddenly, the picture came to a canyon. Ye Cha looked at the two men fighting and said, "is that you who are holding a spear?"

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