death train

Chapter 179

Ye Cha paced to the side, looked at Jin'an Yi with a sneer and said, "are you here to kill me? Just like those people before. "

The reason why Jin'an Yi can't be here is very simple. The passengers on the dead train can't enter the metropolis. During the trial mission, the only one who can enter here is the leaf brake.

At the same time, Jin Anyi can't be a zombie or an ancient species.

So, what's going on?

Ye Cha doesn't know, but ye Cha can think of a possibility, that is, the group of people who tried to assassinate him before.

Those guys are very strange. They can pick things from their corpses even though there is no secret voice to kill them. There are Gauss guns and corpse chemicals in the hands of the one eyed old man, which is also a problem that doesn't make sense.

But are these important?

It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter at all!

At least, for the moment, it doesn't matter at all!

Now for yecha, the only important thing is to kill Jin Anyi, that's all.

"Since you come to kill me, you should be more tough." The leaf Cha suddenly feet a pedal, toward Jin an easy to pounce on a way: "rather than flinch."

Ye Cha said, waving a silver machete, he cut down Jin'an Yi.


The weapons collided and gave out a clear sound again.

But ye Cha didn't mean to stop. He continued to wave the silver machete and cut it forward.

One, two, three

Ye Cha is just like a mad devil. He doesn't mean to defend himself at all. The only thing he does is to cut at Jin Anyi.

But just at this time, there was a "click" sound on the silver machete. Ye Cha's action was a little slower. Looking at the blade of the silver machete, a cut suddenly appeared.

With the appearance of the cut, a small crack also appeared on the body of the silver machete.

Jin Anyi said in a deep voice: "do you think the weapon I use will be ordinary Nepal machete?"

The leaf Cha disdains a way: "so what!"


Ye Cha didn't care about it. He raised his knife to Jin Anyi again and cut it down. The sound of the cross sound was loud again, and the crack on the silver machete became more obvious.

Yecha's silver machete is "hard" and will not be damaged easily. That is to say, the Nepalese machete in Jin'an Yi's hand must have the effect of "breaking" and can break the enemy's weapons.

Therefore, it is almost impossible to prevent the silver machete from breaking completely, but this is not the reason for ye Cha to shrink back.

Ye Cha's face showed a fierce color and said, "then I'll kill you before the weapon is broken!"


The silver machete in yecha's hand fell down again and cut on the Nepal machete.

Jin Anyi felt numb in his arm. The power of Ye Cha was really great. Moreover, the attack was too crazy. This was something Jin Anyi had never thought of before. The man in front of him was much stronger and more fierce than he thought.

Jin Anyi clenched his teeth, suddenly holding a knife in both hands, stubbornly withstood Ye Cha's chop.

Jin Anyi is going to die!

Everyone cherishes their own life, especially in the end, survival becomes more precious.

Then, in the face of death, we can only play with our lives!


Jin Anyi's feet once again appeared red halo, forcefully pushed the silver machete away, and then raised his feet to sweep towards the leaf brake.


Ye Cha didn't care about Jin Anyi's attack at all. He let Jin Anyi sweep his foot on him. Then he raised the Alaska whaling fork and stabbed Jin Anyi in the thigh.

Jin Anyi immediately yelled again, "Jinli!"

The aura under Jin Anyi's feet immediately turned gray, which is the aura to improve his defense.

However, improving defense does not mean that we can ignore the attack.


The Alaskan whaling fork pierced Jin Anyi's thigh and brought out a little blood, but it was not as deep as before. The Alaskan whaling fork only pierced about one third of Jin Anyi's thigh.

Jin Anyi feels the pain and kicks Ye Cha's chest, kicking Ye Cha away.

Ye Cha looked at his chest, with a ferocious smile on his face. He didn't care at all, and rushed to Jin Anyi again.

Jin Anyi gritted his teeth. This time, he really ran into a madman. Looking at Ye Cha holding the silver machete, he chopped at himself again, and immediately raised the Nepal machete to meet him.


The clear and crisp voice has not known how many times it has sounded, but this time it is very clear.

Because ye Cha's silver machete is broken!

Half of the silver cutlass rolled in the air and fell to the ground.

Jin Anyi's face, can't help showing a happy look, which is absolutely good news for him, losing the silver machete, ye Cha's combat power is bound to weaken.

But in this momentPoof!

Ye Cha suddenly raised his hand to send forward, and directly stabbed the half silver cutlass into Jin Anyi's abdomen.

The blood continuously seeps out from the clothes and drops to the ground.

Ye Cha said coldly, "you must die here today!"


Jin Anyi raised his head and roared, then swept the Nepal machete and cut it on yecha's waist.

The sound of the blade entering the flesh sounded. Half of the blade of Nepal machete was cut into yecha's body. The severe pain made yecha's body tremble.

However, yecha still did not release the handle of the knife, but sent the Alaska whaling fork forward and stabbed Jin Anyi's body again.

Jin Anyi was no better, his body was shaking, because of a lot of blood loss, his face had become very pale, no blood.

Now is a real battle of "blood" and a contest of will.

The whole person of the fierce brake leaf sprang forward on the shoulder, then bited.

The next moment, he shook his head and bit a piece of flesh directly from Jin Anyi's shoulder.


Jin Anyi screamed loudly, looking at Ye Cha with some fear, and growled: "madman, you madman."

"Bah!" Ye Cha spat out the flesh and blood in his mouth and said, "as long as I can kill you, what is this?"

The leaf Cha side says, the side again toward Jin An Yi pounced on past.

Jin Anyi kept retreating, trying to struggle to escape, then faltered, and they fell to the ground together.


This time, ye Cha opened his mouth and bit Jin Anyi's neck. Like a wild animal, he tore a piece of flesh from Jin Anyi's neck.

Jin'an Yi's eyes widened, and involuntarily released his right hand holding the Nepal machete. He covered his neck, but he couldn't stop the blood from flowing out between his fingers.

"It's over!" Ye Cha knelt on the ground, raised half of the silver machete, and then stabbed it down: "let's go!"


With a dull sound of the blade into the meat, half of the silver cutlass stabbed into Jin Anyi's heart.

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