death train

Chapter 1800

While ye Cha was talking, the two apostles had already met the armed forces.

Almost for the first time, the armed members of CommScope scattered on both sides, and the muzzle of the gun passed the horizontal position. It can be seen that they were well-trained and had good fighting quality.

However, combat literacy is not strength. Compared with ordinary people, the members of this team are elites and may be members of the three dragons team.

However, for the Apostle walking, there is no big difference with ordinary people, which is why Mo Xi does not intend to participate.

Suddenly, suddenly, suddenly, suddenly, suddenly

The sound of the bullet coming out of the chamber kept on ringing and flying forward.

An apostle walked with a sneer and drew a soft sword from his waist.

The soft sword is very long, at least close to three meters in appearance, and it's very soft. Although it's sword shaped, it's like a whip.

Next moment, silver light!

The Apostle walked and waved the soft sword. The soft sword danced in the air, bringing out countless silver lights to cover the front. Then the sound of Jingling continued to ring, and countless warheads fell to the ground.

Another apostle raised his hand as he walked, and the weapon he took out was funny. It turned out to be a catapult, and it was also equipped with infrared aiming.

However, the attack of the Apostle's walking was not funny at all.

"Crack bomb!"

The Apostle walked, put a silver metal ball on the catapult, and then shot it forward.

The silver metal ball into the crowd, suddenly burst open, countless shrapnel toward all around, scream instantly sounded, several armed men fell down, the body was hit by shrapnel.

At the same time, the two apostles walked forward and approached each other.

Ye Cha looked at Mo Xi and said, "I should have done it. Because of you, I didn't move. Therefore, the two apostles died because of you."

Mo Xi's heart clapped, but in this moment

An apostle came to the armed man and raised his sword to help him end the pain. But at that moment, the armed man's right arm turned purple and black, and his fingernails kept getting longer and sharper.


The Apostle did not think of such an accident when he walked. He was hit through the chest and the other side's arm penetrated his body directly.

On the other side, another apostle was shocked and immediately raised his catapult to rescue him. But at this moment, an armed man suddenly came behind him and brought out a strong wind, blowing through the hair of the apostle. The speed was amazing.

The next moment, two blades grew on each other's arms. After sweeping forward, the Apostle's head flew into the air.

Mo Xi stares big eyes, immediately way: "clean troops?"

Ye Cha said: "nine times out of ten."

Mo Xi Nu way: "since know, why not early say."

"I don't know." Ye Cha said: "the other party disguised very well, but I always believe that wittsell is not an idiot to send some ordinary armed men to expect to take me back. You don't believe my inference, but believe the information from other apostles."

As ye Cha said, he stood up on the roof.

Ye Cha said: "facts tell us that people should believe in themselves."

The leaf Cha side says, at the same time toward below jump.

Those armed men are not all members of the clean-up forces, they just mingle with them.

When you see the moment when the leaf brake falls, two members of the cleaning force attack in the direction of the leaf brake.


When the sword came out of its sheath, ye Cha suddenly waved his sword towards the bottom.

The sword light is cold!

The flow of time seems to be static at the moment, everything is like slow motion playback, and then suddenly, time flows.

Ye Cha appeared on the ground, the member of the cleaning force, leaning forward, stiff in place.

A glance at ten thousand years!

Poof, poof, poof!

All of a sudden, the member of the cleaning force was bursting with bleeding flowers, and blood holes appeared one after another. Then his body fell down and became a pile of corpses.

Leaf brake step does not stop, quickly toward the next member of the cleaning force.

Roar, roar!

Each other's throat, issued a whimper like hiss roar, and then stretched out his hand toward the leaf brake to grasp.


Ye Cha quickly swung his sword and collided with his opponent's paws. After a clear metal cross sound, ye Cha stopped his opponent's paws.

The next moment, the paper wings behind the leaf brake suddenly spread out and poured out towards the front.


The member of the cleaning force widened his eyes. The flying pieces of paper formed a line and swept directly from each other's chest, cutting each other's chest.

"DeathThe leaf Cha low drinks a, jump up, the sword in the hand falls south Xinjiang to sweep toward, will the other party's head to cut down.

Flying pieces of paper, quickly gathered in the air, and then shot down toward the bottom.

Boom, boom.

In the smoke, the rest of the armed men kept screaming, and then slowly, completely lost their voice.

Mo Xi is in contact with others, the armed forces are mixed with members of the cleaning forces, this information must be transmitted, for the general apostle walking, encounter cleaning forces, is also a fatal threat.

When ye Cha was a steward, he was almost killed by the cleaning troops. Although Ye Cha was a captain, to a certain extent, it also reflected the trouble of the cleaning troops.


At this time, there was a loud noise in the distance, and a lot of smoke and dust kept rising, which made it feel like blocking the sky and the sun.

Mo Xi said: "it's the direction of Nan Rong. There may be trouble."

As Mo Xi spoke, he stretched out his hand toward the sky. A pillar of light fell from the sky. Then Mo Xi disappeared into the light.

The leaf brake shrugged his shoulders, and then the flying paper fell back behind the leaf brake, turned into paper wings again, and the leaf brake flew out into the air.

Quickly from the city over, a moment later, ye Cha came to the place that made a loud noise, and then his face showed the color of consternation.

"This is..." Ye Cha surprised: "Gemini?"

A bunch of Gemini!

Looking down from the air, you can see that the Apostle walk is fighting with a large number of Gemini, the number of Gemini is at least more than 30, surrounded by the Apostle walk in the central area, dense.

Yasha feels like he's going crazy. When will Gemini be ready for mass production?

If this kind of thing can really be done, we will honestly welcome the domination of the world by CommScope. If the constellation monster level can be mass produced and there are thousands of constellation monsters, even if the conductor arrives, I'm afraid it's too much to bear.

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