death train

Chapter 1803

"It's prudence that keeps me alive." Ye Chadao: "for example, just like now."

It seems that ye Cha has relaxed his vigilance, but at this time, ye Cha suddenly grabs the sword with both hands and cuts it toward the rear.


The air suddenly twisted up, and then, the figure of Gemini suddenly appeared behind the leaf brake, the hand of the black knife toward the leaf brake head cut off.

After the clear cross sound, Gemini quickly jumps back to the ruins in the rear, and then jumps down from the other side of the ruins. This time, it's really gone.

The leaf Cha sees Gemini disappear, not from lick mouth, a little dry.

It's not known what kind of zodiac monster wittsell can make, but Gemini will probably be the hardest Zodiac to kill if there's no accident.

It has nothing to do with strength, but even if the strength is enough, Gemini's characteristics are doomed to this guy is not easy to kill.

Can win, but not easy to kill!

Mo Xi stepped forward and said, "how did you find this guy? The guy's hiding is terrible. Even his breath can be completely hidden."

Anyway, I can't leave here without a sword

"Hum." Nanrong Zhishi sneered: "you are really not the general fear of death."

Ye Cha said, "is that right? Do you want this place to be targeted by CommScope and harass if you have nothing to do? Then I'd be happy to stay here and hide behind you to see how many apostles walk enough to die. "

Nanrong Zhishi gritted his teeth and said, "you..."

Mo Xi had a headache again. He patted his forehead and said, "don't make a noise. What he said is reasonable. I'll go and ask mace how long it takes to make the mask."

For four days, this was the answer given by mace, who rushed to work all night. Then, yecha boarded the plane.

Mask: according to one of the oldest demons in the Dead Sea Scrolls, the mask made by Abaddon, the king of the abyss, the monarch of the land of destruction.

Demonic body (Fantasy): a random part of the body becomes a demonic body, lasting 15 minutes, with an interval of 12 hours.

Abyss (illusion ability) (mental ability): create an abyss, pull the target into it, and determine the effect according to the target's mental power and will. The interval between each use is 90 minutes.

The mask made by mace for yecha is very simple, but it's too simple to believe, because it can't be seen that it's a mask.

Because, the mask turned out to be a black mist.

The black mist was flowing. In yecha's palm, he was able to grasp it as if he had substance. Then at the position of his forehead, he had a very long angle, which was crescent shaped and tilted upward.

Then there is the position of the eyes, flashing dark blue light, there is a very deep feeling that people will be absorbed.

When ye Cha put on the mask, he completely covered his face. He could only see the blue eyes and the one-man. His face was completely covered by the black fog, and then he put on the hood of his cloak, which made him feel miserable.

Mo Xi shakes his head and says, "this is the most abnormal mask I've ever seen."

Ye Cha said: "I'm quite satisfied. It's better than your white one."

Mo Xi's mask is pure white, with crescent shaped holes dug in the position of eyes and mouth. It looks like it has no characteristics.

Mo Xi said: "this is a symbol of my ability. Under the light, there is nothing else."

Ye Cha shrugged his shoulders, then looked at the side of Ming Hai and said, "I'd like to know why this guy is here, too?"

Minghai said: "I am your guard now. Of course I will come. Don't worry, I will protect you."

Ye Cha rolled his eyes and said, "you'd better protect yourself."

Minghai said, "do I need protection?"

Ye Cha is really choked by these words. The guy who can't die doesn't need any protection.

"Hey, we're going to Manchu, aren't we?" Ming Hai suddenly said, "I have seen Mount Everest."

"Yes, that's right." Mo Xi said: "however, although we are going to Manchu, you have just said the real destination."

Ming Hai was stunned and said, "no? "Mount Everest?"

Mo Xi said: "the answer is correct!"

Ye Cha said: "the origin of the land in Mount Everest?"

Mo Xi said: "is it worth making such a fuss? Do you know how many years that snow mountain has been standing there? How many civilizations are buried in the snow? "

Ye Cha shrugged his shoulders, noncommittal, just a little surprised.

Ming Hai said with a smile: "the dog leg machetes here are very famous. We can make some for fun."

Ye Cha said: "the zombies here are probably more famous."

Minghai disdained to say: "all talk nonsense, now where the zombie is not famous? Zombies are the world's specialty, the treasure of all mankind, the material and cultural heritage, and the top ten wonders of the world. "

During the conversation, the helicopter has begun to land. The landing point is located in a custom market in the city, because this is the only open place.The propeller kept spinning, blowing everything around, and then slowly stopped on the ground.

When yecha three people landed, zombies constantly appeared in the roadway around the market. They were wearing local ethnic characteristics clothes and were lurching towards the three people. It was obvious that the huge sound of helicopter landing attracted the zombies.

The leaf Cha way: "how to walk?"

Mo Xi pointed to the side and said, "this way, we can make a gap. The rest of the zombies will be attracted by the helicopter."

Leaf Cha nods, the shadow behind suddenly wriggles up, a corpse flower vine suddenly darts out toward the front.


Corpse flower vine directly into the side of the house, forced a sweep, the whole house collapsed, just the side of the zombie to overwhelm below.

Corpse flower vine quickly take back, leaf brake way: "go."

Yecha three people stepped on the ruins and quickly went forward. Zombies in other directions wanted to pursue, but at this moment, the helicopter took off again and flew low in the opposite direction.

The zombies were attracted by the sound of the helicopter, and immediately chased the helicopter away, completely forgetting yecha three people.

On the other side, yecha three people jumped over the ruins and saw that there was no zombie chasing behind them, so they naturally slowed down.

Ming Hai picks up a cutlass for decoration in front of a stall and blows. Then the dust flies.

"Cough, cough." Ming Hai coughed, pulled out the knife and said, "the knives here are really good."

Ye Cha said: "nonsense, it's someone else's national Dao. Moreover, the natural mineral resources in this place are very rich. Therefore, metal manufacturing is very popular here. Knives are just one aspect of it."

Ming Hai nodded, then hung the knife on his waist and said, "this belongs to me."

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