death train

Chapter 1811

Ye Cha's eyes appeared strange mischief, and then appeared in front of the picture, those pictures are the memory in the man's head.


"Dammit, is it fighting but fighting?"

A moment later, ye Cha couldn't help scolding. All the pictures Ye Cha saw were pictures of men walking in this space and fighting with different people.

There are losses, there are wins, there are pursuits, there are escapes.

Apart from that, there is no other picture, in other words, there is no useful information at all.

The memory of 600 hours is obviously too short. Unless we can trace back to the time when a man entered the original place, we will not get any useful information at all.

Seeing that the time of three minutes is coming, ye Cha gives up and continues to read each other's memory. This time, it's a miscalculation.

However, time ice can not only take the opportunity to read each other's memory.

Ye Cha stepped back a few steps, and then raised his sword to the south of Xinjiang, aiming at the other side. Then he focused all his attention on the emperor of time.

Tick, tick.

Suddenly, at the end of three minutes, the emperor of time makes the sound of the second hand moving, which also means that time starts to move again.

Also in this instant, leaf Cha suddenly of hand.

The moon night of the twenty fourth bridge!

Ye Cha's sword swept forward. The light of the sword overflowed from the body of the sword that fell in southern Xinjiang. It turned into twenty-four paths and stabbed at each other's back.

At the same time, the man's shadow lengthened again, countless black thorns appeared from each other's shadow.

And then

Blood spatter!

The man didn't have the chance to react, so he was stabbed out of a dense blood hole. At the same time, a total of six black thorns materialized by the shadow were all stabbed into each other's body.


The man widened his eyes, opened his mouth, and then the blood gushed out.

In the state of time ice, the leaf brake can't attack, but it can use time ice to make itself in a favorable position and attack state.

In other words, it is necessary to take the lead.

This is the absolute advantage!


Ye Cha jumps forward, the sword falls, and the southern Xinjiang sweeps forward. Then the man's head flies up, and the wound between his neck gushes blood all over the ground.


The headless body fell forward and fell to the ground.

Ye Cha stood in the same place and stood quietly for a while.

The other side is dead. It's not part of water, but there's no mysterious voice.

So, the man in front of us, is this space an illusion?

Ye Cha didn't feel like that. The body didn't disappear. There was the Trident. Ye Cha bent down and picked it up. He was really grasped by Ye cha. It didn't look like an illusion.

"Maybe it's a mysterious voice?"

Ye Cha shrugged and speculated casually, then took the trident of the other party and walked towards the building.

Step up!

Ye Cha feels tired, physically and mentally. It's not very serious.

However, there are only five or six minutes before and after the battle.

Normal fighting, such fighting time can't make yecha feel tired at all, the only reason is that the use of the Apostle's power, the consumption of the body, is unimaginable huge.

When the blade brake uses two kinds of apostolic power at the same time, this kind of consumption will become more obvious.

Ye Cha can't help frowning. To deal with this situation, the only way ye Cha can think of is to reduce the frequency of fighting and prolong his recovery time.

, however, whether or not he met other people has the final say.

Walking up to the top of the building, ye Cha didn't think of any good way. At the same time, he looked at the building and found no entrance. In other words, the building should have no internal space.

After thinking about it, ye Cha took a look at the sky and sat down to rest.

The situation at night is not clear. Ye Cha doesn't want to move. At the same time, in order to get to the original place, ye Cha hasn't closed his eyes for three days.


Lean on the corner of concealment, let corpse flower alert after four weeks, leaf Cha slowly fall into sleep.

The space around is distorted. When ye Cha's eyes are bright again, he comes to the dream again.

It's still the room, and there are signs of fighting.

Ye Cha left the room, went back to the junction of the first floor and the second floor, and yelled to the hall: "roll out, if you want revenge, roll out."

Looking back carefully, although Ye Cha was sure that he had never seen the external structure of the house, he was familiar with the internal structure, that is, the internal structure of Duke Reinhardt castle.

It's meaningless to continue to explore other structures. It's misleading. What's important is the central hall.The hall with red carpet, if you think about it carefully, is the place where yecha met Prince Reinhardt.

At the top of the hall, there was a slight sound, and then a circle of black smoke condensed and burst into countless bats.

The bat flew two circles at the top, then quickly fell down and came to the bottom of the hall. In the hall, Duke Reinhardt suddenly appeared.

In his black suit and cloak, his eyes were red. Prince Reinhardt opened his mouth and showed two tusks on both sides of his mouth.

The next moment, Prince Reinhardt waved his cape, and countless black bats poured out from under the Cape, towards the direction of the leaf brake.

"Although you beat me badly at the beginning." The leaf Cha sneers a way: "however, that all was once affair."

Looking at the bats flying to their own front, ye Cha suddenly out of the sword, sword down in southern Xinjiang, swept forward, then cut those bats to open.


Prince Reinhardt bent over and kept on murmuring.

The next moment, Prince Reinhardt's skin gradually turned gray.

The skin of the vampire was originally pale, showing no blood color, but now Prince Reinhardt's skin is not as simple as no blood color, but white as a corpse, lifeless.


Yecha was not surprised. Prince Reinhardt did have the ability to corpse. Yecha had seen it, not only, but also almost died.

Then, at the moment when the corpse was finished, Prince Reinhardt suddenly jumped forward, and his sharp nails were shining, and he grabbed them towards yecha.

"But..." The leaf Cha suddenly clenches a fist, a fist toward front blast out a way: "I am not to say, that all was once affair!"


Prince Reinhardt smashed his fist on the floor, and Reinhardt's fist fell on the floor.

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