death train

Chapter 1820

Suspected Galaxy falls nine days!

The falling golden arc is as continuous as water and falls like a waterfall, covering the whole black mountain.

Click, click!

All around the cliff, constantly issued crisp sound, countless gravel began to roll down, under the impact of Jinlei, was abruptly cut off a piece.

The leaf Cha looks at the bottom, after a moment, suddenly toward the bottom again blow a fist.

The flame swept down and fell into the golden thunder, constantly stirring to form a thunder fire.


At this time, a sharp whistling suddenly appeared, and then the dark night rushed out from the thunder and fire, holding a double crossbow and shooting at the leaf brake.

The wind and thunder came suddenly.

You night left hand crossbow shot out of the hurricane, right hand crossbow shot out of the lightning, toward the air, entangled with each other, forming a field.

"Damn it

The leaf Cha low scolds a.

The thunder core of the leaf brake is not full, so if it's thunder alone, the leaf brake has no fear, but if it's thunder, the thunder core can't be absorbed.

Ye Cha's hands closed, and a large flame appeared in front of him, forming a wall of fire in front of him.


The next moment, the wind and thunder came and blasted hard on the fire wall. Ye Cha felt the fierce impact, and then the fire wall burst into pieces, and the wind and thunder directly fell on Ye cha.

Ye Cha felt the tremendous impact force, and then fell down.

The electric arc constantly surrounds the body of the leaf brake, and the fierce electric arc constantly moves on the skin surface of the leaf brake, showing a faint golden color.

"Damn it, it's thunder." Ye Cha gritted his teeth and said, "you absorb my God thunder."

"Not absorption, but simulation." Youye said: "it's amazing that you have the ability to control thunder and lightning. No matter how powerful your thunder and lightning are, it can't be more pure than Lei Jun's apostolic power. You can master the origin of thunder and lightning, so any type of thunder and lightning can be simulated."

Ye Cha licks the corner of his mouth, that is to say, after feeling it again, can the other party use shenlei?

The next moment, Youye raised his crossbow again and said, "you can start to run away now."

The leaf Cha way: "that can not necessarily."

Suddenly, the shadow behind the dark night surged up, rising from behind, like a huge curtain, fiercely shrouded the dark night, completely wrapped to death.

Ye Cha stretched out his hand to press forward, and the sphere formed by the shadow began to tighten, as if to crush the dark night.

But in the process of tightening


The shadow ball is like a broken glass, there are countless cracks, countless liquid water from the shadow ball gushed out, the shadow ball to completely support broken.

You night way: "originally your second kind of apostolic power is shadow demon, but it is a difficult thing, unfortunately, too weak."

The leaf Cha didn't say a word, but stretched out a finger to wriggle lightly.

The broken shadow moved again, coming from all around, like a black rope, rushing towards the dark night.

At the foot of the dark night, the wind gushes out, and then the speed becomes fast. It moves towards the rear constantly, avoiding the shadow ropes, and then raises the crossbow and pulls the trigger towards the front constantly.

Wind, fire, lightning

The crossbow in Youye's hand continuously launches these three elements, shooting towards the front, breaking the shadow rope.

At that moment, ye Cha's hands suddenly closed and said, "close!"

All of a sudden, those broken shadows were combined together, turned into a long gun, and ejected towards the front, skimming over the shoulder of the dark night, marking a wound.

You night looked at the eye wound, take the wound deep visible bone, but you night but like can't feel pain, don't care.

Ye Cha said: "it's almost time to show your real skills, isn't it? I came all the way here to see how much I've grown up in the original place. If you don't fight with all your strength, it's meaningless at all. "

You ye said with a smile, "I'm really fighting with you."

Yecha said, "but you didn't use the power of the apostles."

You night way: "but I have been using."

Ye Cha said: "I mean your own apostolic power, not the apostolic power stolen from others. It's the two crossbows, right?"

Youye suddenly laughed and said, "yes, you're the first one to see through this. I'm very curious. How do you know?"

Ye Cha said: "you use the wind to speed up. First, you use the crossbow to pull the trigger towards the ground. If you use the crossbow to attack, you can understand it. But with the help of wind, you can directly gather the wind. Why use the crossbow? Besides, you don't have a sense of apostolic power. "

In fact, ye Cha always felt that something was wrong. You ye didn't feel the power of the apostles. Only when you attacked, you could feel the power of the apostles.Therefore, there are some guesses in Ye Cha's head.

It's true that Youye is using the power of the apostles, but the power of those apostles does not come from Youye itself, but from the two crossbows. After confirming this point, we can roughly guess something.

The two crossbows probably have the effect of absorbing the power of the apostles, which were left by those who had fought with the dark night before.

So you want to see my apostolic power

Ye Cha said: "otherwise, what do you think I'm standing here for?"

"Unfortunately..." You ye said with a smile, "I refuse. If you want me to use the power of the apostles, then show me your ability."

Yecha deep suction port airway: "as you wish."

"Feel the user's desire for power, which is triggered by the character of demigod."

"Half man and half god Lv2: if you want to, you are God!"

"The random acquisition ability of Demi human and demigod characteristics: concussion and fluctuation."

Concussion wave (temporary) (natural ability) (fantasy ability) (disillusionment ability) (demigod ability): causes the concussion of all objects to destroy, lasting for 15 minutes.

Ye Cha's eyes suddenly became sharp, and a half human and half god trigger sound sounded in his ear.

Click, click.

Ye Cha clenched his fist and his knuckles crackled.

Youye frowned. She felt some changes in yecha's body, but she couldn't say what such changes were.

There was no fluctuation of apostolic power, but suddenly, the dark night felt that the leaf brake became dangerous.

Almost instinctively, Youye raises the crossbow and pulls the trigger towards the leaf brake. A flame appears from the front of the crossbow and flies away towards the leaf brake with a rolling heat wave.

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