death train

Chapter 1822

You night looking at Ye Cha way: "dying struggle!"

Ye Cha gritted his teeth and said, "that's not necessarily."

Ye Cha spread out his palm, and Shi Zhi Di suddenly slipped out of his sleeve and fell into Ye Cha's palm.

Leaf brake quietly, the clock dial to 11 o'clock position.

11:00 (time split): can summon 2 split from the past period to fight, lasting for 15 minutes.

The space around the blade brake began to twist and rotate, and then formed two vortices.

two leaves as like as two peas came out of the whirlpool, and there were three leaf brake. They looked exactly alike, without any difference.

Because, one leaf brake comes from 1 second ago, the other leaf brake comes from 1 second later.

Poof, poof, poof!

The sound of the fire beat at the moment, and then one by one fireball, constantly emerged around the leaf brake, constantly floating in the air.

Ye Cha raised his head and said: "if there are three me, the attack power is three times, but the consumption is the same."

Three leaf brake at the same time toward the front hand push out, those floating around the fireball toward the dark night pushed out.

Boom, boom, boom!

The fireball is constantly pushing forward, and then constantly exploding, the fiery flame rushing and rolling, toward the sky.

The night is no longer dark, because the fire lights up all directions.

In the sky, that small sun is waving its own brilliance crazily, making the surroundings become more hot.

You Ye's face finally became dignified, and then

Reach for the sky!

The dark night sky collapsed again, toward the bottom.

Like smoke, like fog, like water!

It's like mercury.

Black night will be all around to completely shrouded, but also the dark night to swallow in.

At the same time, the fireball from the leaf brake completely burst open.

Looking from a distance, you will find that on the wilderness, like being bombarded by missiles, huge fireballs appear one by one, as high as 100 meters, stretching for thousands of meters.

It's burning!

The flame face is continuous, forming a sea of fire, burning crazily, pushing around crazily, and the earth has been completely submerged.

And on the flame, a curtain of night was pushed out, stacked with the flame, up and down, showing extremely bright, crazy, pushing each other.

The next moment, the three leaf brake jumped out of the fire at the same time, and in the sky, the night suddenly gathered together, the dark night also showed its figure at the moment.

"It's not over yet."

At the same time, the three Ye Cha murmured, and then the shadow behind rushed out to the front, quickly wrapped Ye Cha's body, and then ran into the dark night.

Dark night's eyes become more profound, toward the front of the fierce hand to push.

The night is like a tide!

Dark night around the night quickly toward the front rushed out, with three shadows hard hit together.


As if something had exploded in this instant, the dark color around quickly receded.

The sky is clear again.

Like the sky after the rain, it becomes very clear, with a sober feeling.

You Ye's figure appears and stands on the ground. Suddenly, you Ye's face turns pale for several minutes, and suddenly becomes bloodless. Then she opens her mouth and sprays a big mouthful of blood onto the ground.

Bang, bang, bang!

Ye Cha also appeared at this time and fell on the ground. There were countless cracks on the two bodies of Ye Cha, just like the pottery figurines that were roasted and cracked.

Two Ye Cha raised their hands and looked, then their bodies began to fade, and finally turned into a piece of light and shadow, which disappeared with the wind.

You night wiped the bloodstain of wipe mouth corner, looking at leaf Cha way: "can force me to this degree, you are still the first, you already feel proud enough."

"It seems that I really should run," he said

Ye Cha said that he would do it. He didn't mean to drag his feet. He turned around and ran.

A series of ghost steps.

After several consecutive flashes of shadow, the leaf brake directly came to a hundred meters away, and opened the distance with the dark night.

The dark night suddenly laughs, looking at Ye Cha's back and says: "well, my favorite hunting, now start!"


The place of origin, the Southern District is shaking!

All the people who are living in the Southern District of Shiyuan are in danger.

Many people look at the sometimes dark and sometimes bright sky, unconsciously shrink their necks, and then leave quickly with a long sigh.

"I don't know which madman is going to provoke the female devil."

"Harm others and yourself. Recently, people are in a panic. They dare not walk around at will for fear that it will affect the fish in the pond.""It has already affected the fish in the pond. A few days ago, some guys of Titan civilization suffered from reckless disaster. They were either engulfed by lacquer night or burnt into coke by the fire. That death was a tragedy."

"Titan giant? Those guys are so strong that they can't resist? No wonder a lot of people have left recently, and they dare not stay here any longer. "

"Well, it's been more than ten days, and I don't know when it will be a head."


Run, run, run!

Maybe he was chased by nightmares more. Ye Cha now has great experience in "running". He shuttles through the woods quickly and avoids the surrounding trees, but his speed is not reduced.

But in this moment, behind the leaf brake suddenly sounded the sound of wind, and then the trees in the forest kept making a loud noise, one by one falling down.

Ye Cha immediately turned back, reached out and swept towards the rear. The wind and rain in all directions started to spread towards his wind blade, which quickly dispersed and changed back to dissipate.

However, at this time, a stream of water followed behind the wind blade, suddenly hit Ye Cha's chest.


Ye Cha opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood. He stepped back two steps and leaned against a big tree.

Not far in front of the leaf brake, a night suddenly fell from the air, and the dark night came out of the night.

Ye Cha gritted his teeth and said, "dead women, are you finished?"

"It's 18 days. You still have 12 days." You night looking at Ye Cha play abuse way: "again hold up 12 days, I can let you go."

Ye Cha clenched his teeth, then an elbow hit the big tree behind him, and then he threw the tree trunk toward the dark night.

Youye raises his crossbow, and a purple light flies out towards the front. Then he smashes the big tree. Looking up, ye Cha has turned and continues to run towards the front.

"For hunters, the most joyful moment is not the moment of hunting, but the process of chasing." The dark night raised his mouth and said: "so, I like the prey that can run, tough and has excellent willpower. Only in this way can I get the greatest sense of achievement at the moment when I finish hunting."

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