death train

Chapter 1831

In yecha's opinion, those signs are probably sentries, campsites and so on.

Yecha said: "if these signs are the places where things were found, doesn't it mean that the ruins are at least half of the island? Not so? "

"It's impossible," he said with a smile

Ye Cha scratched his forehead. The trouble with less people was that there was less intelligence. Moreover, the intelligence system of the apostles was obviously not as perfect as the death train.

Ye Cha said: "if it's really not possible, I'll go to the camp and touch someone again."

Minghai said: "those ordinary armed men should not know anything, right?"

Ye Cha said: "but they must be responsible for the transportation. Maybe it's directly from the location found. Wait a minute. We seem to have overlooked a very important problem."

Minghai said, "what?"

Ye Cha said: "how do you get these things out? I'm referring to the relics we saw in the camp just now. "

"Dig, chisel..." Minghai stares: "dig?"

Ye Cha said: "yes, no matter whether the relics are on the ground or under the ground, these relics may be embedded in the wall or in the ground, and some large relics can't be directly transported. What should we do? After cutting, try to keep the integrity, and then carry it out. "

"So, there must be a mining team in CommScope," Minghai said

Ye Cha said, "if you find the excavation team, you can find the entrance to the ruins."

Ming Hai slapped and said, "the problem is solved."

Ye Cha said: "only when we find the excavation team can we solve the problem. Now there are only clues."

Ye Cha called out the God of ice and snow, and then let him explore.

There must be a large number of people in the excavation team. Moreover, this is a complete set of engineering, and it also needs equipment. Therefore, in yecha's opinion, it should not be difficult to find. Moreover, the excavation team also needs a rest, so it needs a camp. There is a camp logo of CommScope on the map. If you look for it all, you can probably find it.

But even if ye Cha was confident in finding the excavation team, he didn't expect that the ice God would be so quick.

About a quarter of an hour, the God of ice and snow came back in circles in the air.

Ye Cha looked at the ice and snow God stopping on his shoulder and said, "have you found it?"

Ice and snow God shakes his head and nods to make ye Cha not understand the meaning. What is the meaning of shaking his head and nodding his head?

The God of ice and snow simply flew forward to lead the way.

Ye Cha understood the meaning and said to Minghai: "go."

Ye Cha and Ming Hai quickly get into the woods and walk forward, following the God of ice and snow.

To yecha's surprise, the place where ice God took them was the camp of CommScope.

"What does that mean?" Minghai said, "Why are you back? Is the excavation team here? I didn't see it before. "

"Maybe the excavation team was working before, but now it's back?" Leaf Cha wrinkles next eyebrow, suddenly way: "not right."

Minghai said, "what's the matter?"

Ye Cha said: "the smell of blood."

Yecha quickly entered the camp, and then saw a large number of bodies. The armed personnel of CommScope were all dead, lying on the ground, and there were some in the tent.

Ye Xie squatted on the ground and turned over a corpse.

There were many knife wounds on the body. The skin and flesh turned out. The wound was very deep. The fatal wound was in the neck, and the throat was cut by a knife.

Ming Hai said: "this guy was cut to death alive, and we can't see where the fatal wound is. Moreover, if the weapon used is a sword, I'm afraid the sword is not very sharp. The cut surface of the wound is very rough and not smooth at all."

Ye Cha touched one in the wound, rubbed his fingers and said: "it's not only the problem of being not sharp, even the rust knife."

The sound sea probe comes over a way: "rust?"

Ye Cha nodded and said, "well."

Minghai said, "who did it?"

The leaf Cha way: "this can say not."

Are the people on the death train here? Ye Cha is not sure. There are many strange weapons on the death train. Maybe there are rusty knives, as long as the effect is good.

As for the Apostle walking on one side, it should be impossible. According to Mo Xi and Jiu you, this task needs to be completed by Ye Cha independently. With Ming Hai, he became the guardian of Ye Cha spontaneously before Ming Hai, that is, the silver robe.

As a matter of fact, ye Cha felt that this task was for some guides to give themselves a bad impression. They didn't expect to take things back. They even expected Ye Cha's failure. So they had an excuse to punish Ye cha. As for sending someone to support them? That probability is really low enough to be ignored.

So, is there a zombie or something on this island? Or ancient species?

Ancient species don't use knives, do they?

Ye Cha said, "go and see if there is a live one."Ming Hai nodded his head, quickly turned around in the camp, and then shook his head towards the leaf brake.

Ye Cha looked at the ground carefully, trying to find some clues. Suddenly, ye Cha squatted down again and said, "have you found something wrong?"

Ming Haidao: "it's the corpse. There's nothing wrong with it."

Ye Cha said: "the color of the blood is very light, and..."

Ye Cha took a few steps forward and came to the place where there was less blood and body. He found a pool of liquid, wiped it with his hand, put it in front of his nose, smelled it, and then put out his tongue to lick it.

"It's the sea." Ye Cha said: "those blood water mixed with the sea water, so the color became pale."

Minghai said: "it's understandable that there is water in this place, but what's the matter with sea water?"

"How do I know?" Ye Cha thought about it and said, "go and find a place with sea water. Hurry up and find the edge."

Minghai spread his hand, no nonsense to find the sea, ye Cha also began to act.

Suddenly, Ming Hai called out: "I have a lot of water stains here."

Ye Cha immediately ran over, smelled it, licked it. It was really the smell of sea water, and immediately said, "go."

Along the sea all the way forward, very quickly, ye Cha and Ming Hai through the woods, in front of a beach.

Minghai said: "footprints, a lot."

On the beach, you can see a lot of footprints, especially in the sea.

But that's all.

At the beach, the traces and footprints of the sea disappeared.

Minghai said: "the footprints are not separated on both sides, but directly toward the sea. Is this swimming?"

Ye Cha didn't speak, but looked down at the footprints. Judging from the number of footprints, the number of people on the other side was quite a lot, probably about ten.

It doesn't feel like a good thing done by the mutant zombies. As for the death train, although the people on the death train form a team, there are few people in a team of ten.

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