death train

Chapter 1833

Ye Cha moved quickly and ran to the place where the little cat was shouting.

Soon, ye Cha saw the man entangled with the kitten behind the tree. He kicked the kitten's body with one foot and held a metal bow.

The bow is quite unique and full of a sense of technology. It is made of pure silver, equipped with a sight glass, with pulleys on both sides, and can even be directly fixed on the arm.


The leaf Cha doesn't hesitate to come forward, one foot kicks on the face of the opposite party, the person kicks to fly out.

The little cat, like chasing a wool ball, quickly went forward and bit the man's calf.

"Son of a bitch!"

The other side scolded, while kicking the cat, and then quickly take the arrow, and then an arrow shot toward the leaf brake.

Although the bow of the other side is full of science and technology, the arrow is full of ancient flavor. Wooden poles, triangular arrow clusters and tail feathers are really made of feathers.

The leaf brake a side head, then fiercely stretch out a hand.

Snake bite!

Ye Cha's left hand was twined with the purple Python's virtual shadow. He grabbed the arrow shaft and pinched the feather arrow into two pieces.

Ye Cha came to the other side again, moved the mask away and said, "what gave you the courage to kill me?"

The other side was shocked and said, "conductor? You joined the Apostle walk

Ye Cha knows each other. He doesn't know his name, but he just knows each other. He is a steward. Moreover, he should have been a steward for a long time. Ye Cha has seen each other many times in the dining car, and seems to have his own team. They all go in and out in groups of five, which is more eye-catching. Ye Cha remembers each other's appearance.

The man immediately lost the meaning of struggle, he did not participate in the pursuit of Ye Cha, but also know how many people died in that pursuit.

Hundreds of pursuers in the death carriage died, 17 crew members died, and four stars fell into the sky. This guy is the real killer.

If they are all in the team, maybe they can try to fight, or at least run away. Yecha has only one person, and there is no way to chase five people at a time. That means that he can survive, but now he is the only one. The man really can't think of any resistance.

"Damn mask."

The man weakly scolded in the heart.

Ye Cha squatted down in front of each other and said, "I'll give you two choices. Either I kill you or you follow me. Come on, choose."

The man said decisively, "I'll go with you."

Ye Cha said with a smile, "I like clever guys. Let's go."

The leaf Cha didn't take any fetters to restrict the other side. It's meaningless. The other side can't beat and run themselves.

Back to the place where he was attacked, ye Cha looked at Ming Hai lying on the ground. He stepped on Ming Hai's head and said, "still pretend to be dead?"

Under the man's astonished eyes, Minghai pushes Ye Cha's foot away and says: "it's troublesome to have a hairy head. It's lack of oxygen. It's a little dizzy. Let me lie down a little longer."

Ye Cha said: "then you continue to lie on your stomach. I'll go."

"No," he said Minghai jumped up from the ground, looked at the man beside the eye leaf brake and said: "got it?"

Leaf Cha way: "leave again."

Yecha's goal is the island bay where they arrived. There are few people there. It feels like a safe place.

To the place, leaf Cha hand signal man at will, just, the other party really dare not at will.

Ye Cha said, "what do you call it?"

The man said, "Ruan Mingzhi."

Ye Cha said, "be direct and answer my question. I can let you go."

Ruan Mingzhi said simply, "good."

Ruan Mingzhi is a kind of person who knows current affairs very well. The most important thing is to understand the situation. He knows that he is not qualified to talk about conditions. Ye Cha can probably guess what he wants to ask, and this is the key.

Yecha doesn't necessarily need Ruan Mingzhi. If Ruan doesn't answer, yecha just needs another person. Therefore, Ruan doesn't care whether yecha will keep his promise, so he can only gamble.

Ye Cha said, "tell me the mission of the death train."

Ruan Mingzhi said: "the task is divided into three parts. The first part is to kill the members of the freedom Pirate Group. Every one killed can get points. The captain, vice captain, first mate, second mate and third mate will get higher points. Finally, they will be rewarded according to the ranking of points."

Ye Cha doubts a way: "freedom pirate regiment?"

Ruan Mingzhi said: "I don't know the specific one. Just after leaving the death train, the designated person's name is Harman, vice captain blaki, first mate singier, second mate Dagu and third mate kiaril."

Ye Cha nodded and said, "go on."

Ruan Mingzhi said: "the second task is for CommScope. However, the main task is to find a man named Mark Ford, who is a senior manager of the headquarters of CommScope. He has a treasure map in his hand. The specific content is unknown. The task only contains a treasure map."The leaf Cha nods again a way: "finally?"

Ruan Mingzhi said: "look for ancient relics, find the relics of ancient civilization, and then bring back the train of death."

The final task is simple and straightforward, and it's not unexpected. The legacy of ancient civilization must be one of the standards of death train.

However, there seems to be some inside information about this mission. The pirate group doesn't care. CommScope's mission is not only hunting, but also treasure map? What is the treasure map?

Ye Cha said: "how many people are on the death train?"

Ruan Mingzhi said: "there are five dead carriages, 17, 29, 55, 78 and 198, about 70 or 80 people. The crew is also a collective task. I only know that at least 12 of them were seen when I left. I'm not sure if there are more crew members."

Ye Cha narrowed his eyes and said, "there are a lot of people. I killed a lot last time. How could I send so many people out?"

Ruan Mingzhi said: "we have conducted the selection of flight attendants. At the last stop, the total number of flight attendants is about 156, which is a little more than before."

"So it is." Ye Cha left his mouth and said, "it's really time to select."

In Senhai, many crew members died. In pursuit of yecha, a group of crew members died. Almost one third of the crew members saw God in a short time. If they didn't recruit people, the conductor would not be called.

Ye Cha thought about it and said, "what's the big deal on the recent death train?"

Ruan Mingzhi said: "no, it's mainly about the collective assessment of the crew members, as well as job changes."

Ye Cha narrowed his eyes and said, "my position, whose is it now?"

Ruan Mingzhi said: "Nie Po!"

The leaf Cha Leng Leng, immediately smile a way: "also not bad, still have other change?"

Ruan Mingzhi hesitated and said, "steward Gan Lin, it's time to call her deputy conductor."

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