death train

Chapter 1836

Ming Hai happily put down the photon energy gun and said, "it's a little interesting."

Ye Cha said, "I don't think it's trivial."

Kara, Kara.

When ye Cha said something, the broken bone shelf began to move, quickly gathered together, and soon became a skeleton again.

Minghai glared and said, "just like me."

Ye Cha is not very surprised. Gan Lin has mastered the underworld, and has called skeletons. These skeletons are not zombies, that is, living dead, but undead.

Of course, it's not necessarily impossible to kill. According to Ye Cha's experience, there are limits to the number of reconstitution. It's not possible to reconstitute all the time, or even grind the bones into powder, so they can't live.

Ye Cha said: "keep shooting."

Ming Hai is no nonsense, continue to pull the trigger.


The skeleton had no time to bow, and was blasted into broken bones again, but it was soon reorganized again.


Minghai didn't need Ye Cha's command this time. He opened fire again, totally seven times. The skeleton finally stopped standing up.

The leaf Cha silently remembers in the heart, this may be the number of times that the skeleton reorganizes, also may be the integrity degree of the bone, already can't recombine again.


A little delay, mainly in order to find out the characteristics of the skeleton, then ye Cha and Ming Hai quickly passed through the woods.

Just outside the woods, there was a sandy beach. At the moment, a large area had been dyed bright red.

The number of armed personnel of CommScope has reached more than 200, and even many bodies have been left behind.

On the other hand, it's all skeletons.

Freedom pirates!

There are about 40 or 50 skeletons, and there are a lot of them. Although it seems that there are not as many people as CommScope, the key is that the skeletons can be reorganized. If a skeleton can reorganize its body seven times, it means that the number of skeletons is actually seven times.

Ye Cha and Ming Hai lie in the Bush, and Ming Hai whispers: "what should we do now? We've found the main one

"One of the key things we need to figure out is what the purpose of CommScope is," he said

Minghai said, "for example?"

Ye Cha said: "let's assume that people from CommScope are here for the ruins, right?"

Ming Hai nodded.

Yecha said: "well, according to the current situation, the ruins are likely to be at the bottom of the sea. On the contrary, what's the matter with the skeletons of the freedom pirates? They are probably protecting the ruins, so at the moment, the two sides are at war. "

"It makes sense." Minghai said, "let's try to sneak in first."

Ye Cha said: "I'm just speculating. I'm not sure it's right. Besides, don't forget that there are many relics in the hands of CommScope. If the skeletons of the freedom pirates will stop CommScope, how can they be brought out?"

Ming Hai grinned: "can you stop thinking about things so complicated?"

"Use your brain to live a long time..." Ye Cha thought about it, shook his head and said: "forget it, anyway, you don't have a brain to live for a long time."

Ming Hai said: "I smell a strong smell of irony."

Ye Cha said: "that proves that you still have a little brain, and my inference is correct. Look at the sea."

"The boat?" Ming Hai squinted and then said in surprise, "ghost ship?"

On the sea, a huge ship is coming towards the island.

The ship is very old, even, tattered, white sails painted with a huge skull logo, the flag pole also hung with the skull logo of the pirate flag.

There is no doubt that this is the ship of the freedom pirates.

Of course, it was only once, and now, as Ming Hai said, this ship is a ghost ship.

But then again, the ghost boat is better. It can sail without wind and waves. You know, the main power of this ancient wooden boat is wind.

Ye Cha suddenly pointed to the side: "look over there."

Ming Hai looked in the direction pointed by Ye Cha, and soon saw several speedboats coming out from the other side of the beach, and quickly headed for the ghost ship.

At the same time, the scorching battle on the beach suddenly became fierce.

CommScope began to use some technology weapons, at the same time, sentry machine guns suddenly rose in the woods.

Those sentries don't shoot ordinary bullets, because ordinary bullets are useless for skeletons. Most of the time, they will shuttle between bones. Even if they hit, the damage is not great. If a few bones are broken, skeletons can still fight, and even they don't need to reorganize their bodies.

Therefore, all those sentry machine guns have been transformed. The muzzle of the guns has been transformed into a gun barrel, and the metal balls the size of fists are fired out. This will cause great damage to the skeletons, and soon they will be smashed.At the same time, some armed personnel of CommScope opened their backpacks and found that they were equipped with diving suits. As for the Tianlong soldiers, their powered backpacks directly had the underwater propulsion function.

Yecha can see that CommScope didn't make any effort before.

Ming Hai is not stupid. If he can't see any more clues, he can test his IQ and directly say, "do they want to go to the sea? No, they're going on the ghost ship? "

"Yes, it's obvious." Ye Cha said, "let's go."

What's on the ghost ship? Why is CommScope on board?

Ye Cha is not very clear, but the goal of CommScope is obvious, that is, ghost ship. In this case, let's get on the ship. Other questions may be answered naturally after getting on the ship.

Ye Cha said, "can you swim?"

Ming Hai said: "nonsense, I can swim in the bath when I was three years old."

Ye Cha rolled his eyes. Can you brag and force me to draft? Even if you can swim at the age of three, the bathhouse won't let a three-year-old in at all.

However, if you can swim, ye Cha makes a gesture, then goes around the battle circle from the other side of the beach, and then jumps into the sea.

Yecha didn't plan to fly over. It's too conspicuous to fly over. People from CommScope don't pay attention to yecha. However, CommScope has a lot of scientific and technological weapons, which is always a problem. Secondly, it has been proved that Gemini is also on the island. That guy is not easy to deal with.

Since you can't fly, swim.

When swimming in the sea, Minghai's water quality is not blowing. Its speed is faster than that of yecha, but its physical quality can't be compared with yecha.

The ghost ship probably stopped at a certain distance, because it would run aground. Yecha and Minghai soon swam to the bottom and saw the yacht parked on the side and the rope hanging, which were left by the CommScope armed men who drove the speedboat to the ghost ship in advance.

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