death train

Chapter 1846

Ye Cha frowns and looks straight at Aries.

Although Aries appears suddenly, it seems to be solving the problem for the leaf brake.

Even so, ye Cha will not relax his vigilance, because the one kneeling in front of him is an extremely dangerous guy.

Also, that weird name.

"Because..." The leaf Cha way: "my blood?"

"Yes." Aries smiles and says, "you gave me life. Naturally, you are my father."

Ye Cha said: "is Dr. Davis a mother?"

Aries seems to be thinking, then thought: "if you want to think so, I don't object."

Ye Chayu chokes. How can he feel that he has an abnormal taste? Moreover, he always feels that he is delicious.

Yecha deep suction port airway: "and then? What's your reason for being here? "

Aries stood up, looked at the leaf brake, seriously said: "I hope you can continue to nurture me."

"You have a son." Minghai see nothing, come up a way: "although long some strange."

Almost for a moment

Ghost step!

The leaf brake retreats a step back, with Aries open distance.

At that moment, ye Cha felt the dangerous breath, very dangerous!

Aries "Nurturing" is definitely not general nurturing.

Aries is expressionless and doesn't seem to care about the sound of the sea, but in the next moment.


The hand of Aries pierces Minghai's chest, and the whole arm runs through it. It opens a blood hole in Minghai's body, and then raises Minghai's body and throws it aside at will.

Aries looked at the leaf brake and said: "so, my father, in order to raise me, can you give me the rest of the blood, so that I can thrive."

Ye Cha said: "if you want to grow up, you should work hard, shouldn't you?"

Aries tilts his head and falls into thinking again. Then he nods and says, "you're right..."

When the last word of Aries falls, the body suddenly moves.

Fast, incomparably fast!

Yecha felt the incomparable speed of Aries again, and almost immediately came to yecha. Then yecha saw the fist of Aries toward his head.


Ye Cha instinctively put the Gemini serrated sword in front of him. With the fist of Aries hitting the sword, ye Cha kept going backward after a loud metal impact.

Not only speed, but also the power of Aries.

Aries serious way: "I should not beg for father's alms, but should strive to get their own, thank you for your teaching."

As you speak, you rush forward again.

It's too late!

Also in this instant, the leaf brake force toward the front of the sword, with the sound of electric current surge, an electric current toward Aries.

Aries doesn't care about the electric current at all. As soon as you shake your hand, you will smash the electric current and turn it into countless electric arcs.

But in this moment

Light appeared in the dark sky.

The sun and the moon shine together!


The moon!

Almost at the same time, the sun and moon floating in the sky began to pour out their own brilliance and set towards the bottom.

Hot, cold!

In front of Aries, a lot of moonlight falls, and then the beach in front of Aries is frozen.

Frozen beaches are harmless, at least they don't seem to.

But the attack of sunlight and moonlight, the biggest threat itself, does not come from the outside, but from the inside!

The feeling of cold begins to sweep through the body of Aries, infiltrating from the skin, extremely cold, as if to freeze the bones into ice dregs.

The cold feeling slows down the speed of Aries. The next moment, ye Cha raises his fist and blasts out toward the front.

It's too late!

Current toward the front surging, hard bang in the Aries chest, the Aries to push back out.

The leaf brake doesn't stay and rushes forward.

The moon can cause some restrictions to Aries, but it can't completely bind Aries, so you should take advantage of the moment when Aries is limited to kill.

Unfortunately, ye Cha guessed wrong.

Moonlight doesn't even limit Aries!

At the moment when ye Cha is about to come to Aries


Aries head up, a sudden roar, and then Aries chest cracks, emitting a red light.

It's hot. It's very hot.

The temperature of the air rises abruptly, and then a large number of flames suddenly appear in the red cracks on the Aries chest, which are billowing and burning.The fire envelops the body of Aries and dispels the cold feeling in the body.

Ye Cha looked at the oncoming fire wave and could only keep retreating towards the rear.

Because, it's not a normal flame

That's the power of Yan's son.

In a moment, the surging flame slowly weakens. Aries is full of fire and steps forward from the center of the flame.

Aries looked at Ye Cha sincerely and said, "father, this is the power you gave me, but I don't think it's enough. I want more."

Aries side said, while waving toward the front, and then a large flame toward the direction of the leaf brake, quickly spread out, forming a wave of fire.

The leaf brake is silent, just, spread out of the palm of the hand, has more than a fireball, and then by leaf brake force toward the front threw out.


Fireball toward the front with the fire wave hit together, followed by a huge roar sounded.

The power of firewave and fireball is not big. The horizontal distance of firewave has not reached one-third of the beach, and the fireball of yecha is only the size of fist.

But, at the moment when the firewave collided with the fireball!

The fire seemed to be poured oil in general, suddenly burst out, almost in a moment, the surging fire pushed around, in the blink of an eye covered the whole beach.

One by one, huge pillars of fire rose and surged towards the sky.

The dark night sky, in this moment, was rendered red, black clouds, emerged a red color, like fire clouds in general, covering the sky.

The two flames are constantly pushing and colliding with each other, showing incomparable cracking.

And then

In the center of the flame, suddenly split a hole, leaf brake and Aries rushed out at the same time.

In mid air, as soon as Aries raises his hand, a large flame emerges again in the crack of his chest, converging on his fist, and then bombarding in the direction of the leaf brake.

And the fingertips of the leaf brake light, soon, two flames appeared on both sides of the body, split up, toward the direction of Aries rushed out.


The violent roar sounded again, and the explosion shook the sky.

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