death train

Chapter 1849

"Well." Nie po said: "I saw you fighting with malfarian and Aries. It's normal for you to know what the other side wants, but do you know the function of that sword?"

Ye Cha shakes his head. He really doesn't know. Moreover, ye Cha is very curious.

Nie po said: "the reason why marfarian and Dongfang Yu are looking for you is the same. They are all for the sword. At the same time, I know some reasons. The first reason is that we all know that Dongfang Yu has the sun and the moon in the sky, but in fact, Dongfang Yu is the strongest..."

Ye Cha interjected: "it's sword. I know. I've fought with Dongfang Yu. Besides, theoretically, I killed him once."

Nie po said: "that's the point. It's said that Dongfang Yu was an ordinary passenger before, but she became a steward in the second stop. In the third stop, she became a steward, relying on her powerful swordsmanship. All Dongfang Yu's swordsmanship came from that sword."

"Oh?" Ye Cha said, "didn't he exchange things on the death train?"

Nie po said: "this is not clear, but that sword is the most important thing of Dongfang jade. No doubt, no matter how specific it is, I don't know. Moreover, this is not the only important reason for that sword."

Ye Cha said, "what else?"

Nie po said: "that sword may be a key. I'm sorry. I don't know what the key is for. But according to the information I know, it's not for dongfangyu's swordsmanship that mafalian wants that sword, but because it's a key. Moreover, there is a more important place."

Ye Cha nodded to indicate that he was listening.

Nie po said, "you killed the conductor once, didn't you?"

Ye Cha said: "probably, I'm not sure if the conductor was dead at that time."

Nie po said: "the conductor can't be killed. At least the general method can't kill the conductor. I don't know if there are other ways to kill the conductor, but that sword is one way to kill the conductor."

Ye Cha frowned. Although the first two news had surprised Ye Cha, this news was the most powerful.

Ye Cha didn't know how to describe his mood. In other words, he didn't have an accurate word to describe, surprise, amazement, joy and so on. There may be, or even doubt, the truth of Nie Po's words.

Nie Po is not anxious, seems to be waiting for ye Cha to digest these.

A moment later, ye Cha said, "is there anything else?"

Nie po said: "finally, there are two words. It's not a secret on the death train, but for you, I think it's very important. It's said by the conductor."

Ye Chadao: "you say."

Nie po said: "first, do you want to live forever?"

Ye Cha said: "eternal life?"

Nie Po nodded and continued: "when the death train arrives at the terminal, you may have eternal life."

"To whom?" he said

Nie po said: "all the crew members, of course, the purser and the Deputy conductor, as for whether the people in the dead carriage know it, I'm not sure. The conductor said it in the way of mysterious voice, which can be distinguished because it's the voice of the conductor, not the mechanical, emotionless synthetic voice of the mysterious voice."

Ye Cha said: "that is to say, is the death train going to arrive at the terminal?"

Nie po said: "I don't know, but a lot of people guess that. Therefore, the train that died recently is just like crazy, because the conductor's words reveal an obvious message that not everyone can get immortality. The conductor uses the word" May. "

Ye Cha stretched out his hand and pinched the bridge of his nose, and then said, "apostle Noah!"

Yecha has no evidence, but there is a feeling that it seems that everything has changed since the appearance of Noah's Apostle.

The Apostle thought that the root of everything was Noah's Apostle. What about the conductor?

Who is the conductor?

What do you know?

Ye Cha always felt that the meaning of the death train coming to the terminal station was not so simple.

Nie po said, "are you satisfied with the intelligence?"

Ye Cha said, "it's yours. I'll leave here."

"Wait a minute." Nie po said: "the transaction has not been completed."

Ye Cha Leng for a moment, and then said: "you don't want me to help you get things?"

Nie po said: "why not? There's a little bit of trouble on the island. "

Ye Cha was happy. He pointed to himself with a smile and said, "Hey, I'm an apostle walking!"

"The apostles will not deal with me." Nie po said: "what's more, I won't let you do things that are not good. There's a good thing here. It's not clear what it is, but it's related to those skeletons."

"Oh?" Ye Cha was a little interested and said, "isn't it related to the relics of ancient civilization?"

"It's about it, too." Nie Po thought for a moment and said, "what ye Yue said is that apart from the magical power of the legacy of ancient civilization, there are other things. As you know, the perception of super human beings is far more than us in some aspects."Ye Cha nodded and said, "what do you need me to do?"

Nie po said, "you see the ghost ship, right?"

Ye Cha nodded.

Nie po said: "the ghost ship will appear at the same time every night. That's why Ye Yue destroyed the ship. If you are interested, see you tomorrow. If you are not interested, see you next time. I hope we can talk face to face in such a friendly way next time."

Ye Cha suddenly, no wonder Ye Yue's destroyer has withdrawn. People from CommScope have also withdrawn when they see that the ghost ship has been destroyed. It turns out that they have had more than one chance.

Yecha deep suction port airway: "goodbye."

Nie po said, "goodbye."

Ye Cha walks towards the bottom of the sea cliff, and Ming Hai trots to keep up with Ye cha.

Minghai said: "is that really enough? If you don't take things back, you may be in a bad situation. "

Ye Cha said with a smile, "what do you know?"

Ming Hai said: "please, I'm not stupid. What's your situation when you walk in the Apostle's side? I can guess other people's attitude towards you. This is an opportunity to show yourself. Only when you show yourself well, will they change their attitude towards you."

Ye Cha said: "first, I don't care what attitude they have towards me. Without the apostles, I can still live well."

"I don't deny that." Ming Hai said with a playful smile: "it's a big deal. Let's work alone. Who's afraid of who? However, I feel a little silly, so I can't run out of Hong Kong City and go back?"

"I didn't say I was going to fool around with you. If you want to go back, you should go back by yourself." Ye Cha said: "second, this mission, I may die, but it is absolutely impossible to fail."

"Ah?" Ming Hai said in amazement: "why?"

Ye Cha said: "because I have redundant relics of ancient civilization."

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