death train

Chapter 187

"Damn it Ye Cha scolded: "how can you meet such a troublesome guy?"

Ye Cha quickly retreated, and then he found that his retreat seemed to be blocked. The two climbers did not know when they came around his back, and then they sprang up.

Snake bite!

Without saying a word, ye Cha put out his left hand again. At the moment when one of the climbers came up, he held each other's head directly. Then he shook his hand and pressed the climber directly to the side wall.

Although the crawler is also a variant zombie, the feeling of today's Ye Cha is not different from that of ordinary zombies, which is not enough to bring threat to Ye cha.

The real trouble is the poisonous corpse in front of us!

As soon as ye Cha pressed a climber to the wall, the corpse crawled to a place two or three meters in front of Ye cha. Then his mouth opened and smelly liquid dripped from the corner of his mouth.

The next moment, a dark green poison mist came out of the body's mouth.

Ye Cha jumps back continuously to escape from the position covered by the poisonous fog. Then he suddenly lifts his leg to sweep, kicks a climber from the side to the ground, grabs the climber's tail, and throws the climber directly into the poisonous fog.

After the climber fell into the poisonous fog, he immediately struggled painfully. It is obvious that the poisonous fog is not only effective for the leaf brake, but also powerful for the zombies.

The crawler's body quickly festered, and yellow abscesses grew on his body, and then made a "pa pa" sound. Those abscesses burst, and yellow abscesses flowed out, with an indescribable nausea.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the climber, who was thrown into the poisonous fog by the leaf brake, became a mass of rotten meat. His whole body was rotten and dissolved, and he lay on the ground motionless.

Taking advantage of this Kung Fu, yecha pulled out the Nepal machete and stabbed it into the head of the climber who was hit on the wall by himself, penetrating the head of the climber.

"You killed the climbers, cumulative number: 51."

The mysterious voice rings out, and the two climbers are dead. The guy who stops Ye Cha is no longer there. Ye Cha turns around and runs without hesitation.

Ye Cha actually needs to deal with poisonous corpses. First, he has never killed poisonous corpses and has a high probability of being rewarded. Second, the poisonous corpse of platinum 1 star can help Ye Cha complete the trial task.

However, it's not easy to deal with the poisonous corpse. Yecha also saw the death of the previous climber. Yecha didn't have the confidence to fight. In the process of fighting, he didn't get any poison fog or have any contact with the poisonous corpse.

Fortunately, poison corpse is not without solution, it also has a distinct disadvantage, that is speed!

The poisonous corpse walks by wriggling. It can't move slowly, but it doesn't match the word "fast". Ye Cha is confident to get rid of the guy behind.

Ye Cha immediately ran along the corridor, but at the moment of reaching the corner of the corridor.


A huge alloy door suddenly fell down, just before the leaf brake was about to pass through the corner, it suddenly hit the ground and sealed the way of the leaf brake.

Ye Cha Leng Leng, this change is really sudden, and then frowned, this is not like a coincidence.

Ye Cha instinctively looked around, then in the corner, saw a hanging surveillance camera.

The brow of leaf Cha suddenly Cu of more tight.

Just, the leaf Cha doesn't have time to think carefully at the moment, because, that poison corpse caught up with again.

"Hoo Ye Cha spits out turbid airway: "it seems that you must be killed."

Looking at poison corpse open mouth to want to spit out poison gas again, leaf Cha doesn't hesitate of forward a punch to blow out.


With a bang, the corpse was beaten and staggered, and even rolled back and hit the wall directly.

This is the most effective way for ye Cha to deal with the poisonous corpse. The shock wave is made of compressed air. It's invisible. It's like a transparent wall smashing directly. It won't be affected by the poison fog and the poison on the corpse.

Unfortunately, only three shots can be released at a time.

Bang, bang!

The next two shockwaves were also used up quickly by Ye Cha, continuously beating the body of the poisoned corpse and throwing the poisoned corpse out.

The strengthening degree of the body is also a weakness of the poisonous corpse. In addition to the poison and fog, the body strengthening degree of the poisonous corpse is not high. The shock wave can bring very good damage to the poisonous corpse.

After the shock wave was used up, ye Cha immediately saw the endless bow when the poisonous corpse fell to the ground. Then he opened the bow string, and an explosive arrow flew out.


Before the explosive arrow hit the poisoned corpse, the poisoned corpse vomited poison fog, the explosive arrow dissolved rapidly, and exploded in front of the poisoned corpse.

The fire burst, and then the scattered flames spread all around the wall.

Then the expression of the leaf Cha then involuntarily a stiff.

A good news and a bad news!

The high stability of the flame can evaporate the poison fog, which is naturally good news.The bad news is that the spreading flames have a faint green color. Obviously, those flames were corroded by the poisonous fog and turned into poisonous fire.

"Damn it

Looking at the flame spread around, ye Cha stepped back a few steps, almost stuck to the alloy door, then raised the endless bow, and imagined an explosive arrow again.

Release the bow string, and the explosive arrow flies out. This time, what ye Cha aims at is not the poisonous corpse, but the ceiling above.


After the explosion arrow hit the ceiling, a large area of the flower board was naturally broken and collapsed toward the bottom, and then the spreading poisonous fire was put out.

Ye Cha was relieved. If the poisonous fire spread around him, there would be no place to run.

However, the danger of Ye Cha is still not over. The poisonous corpse climbs up the collapsed debris and looks down at Ye cha.

Ye Cha clenches his teeth, and his mind turns a hundred times. What should I do with this disgusting thing?

There's no way to get close, and the effect of long-range weapons is not good!

Shockwave is easy to use, but only three pieces can be shot at a time, and then the air must be compressed again. Ye Cha doesn't think the poisonous corpse will give him time to continuously compress the air.

At this time, ye Cha suddenly felt the backpack behind him shaking and shaking.

Leaf brake can't help frowning, Shun after the backpack will open a look, and then you can see the space pot with corpse flowers constantly shaking there.

Ye Cha took out the space flowerpot and said, "do you want to come out?"

The corpse flower can't answer Ye Cha, but the frequency of the space flowerpot shaking suddenly becomes more intense.

Ye Cha clenched his teeth and took the dead horse as a living horse doctor. He opened the flap of the space flowerpot.

The next moment, corpse flower suddenly ran out, after landing, then quickly toward the ground to drill.

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