death train

Chapter 1872

Leaf Cha toward flank Nu next mouth way: "you change a direction to walk, then leave."

Noe said, "I know you don't trust me. I'll send a xenobiotic to fight. You can let your xenobiotics keep an eye on me, so you can rest assured, because you can kill me at any time."

Ye Cha said: "you misunderstood. It's just a reptile. You don't need two people."

Noe took a look at the leaf brake, then walked to the side, quickly across the roadway.

On the other side of the street, there's someone in the way.

Steward, Sith!

Ye Cha took out a cigar from his pocket and roasted it slowly. He didn't seem to be in a hurry. After lighting it, he spat out a ring of smoke. Ye Cha said, "since you are waiting here, naturally you want to open it, right?"

Sith said with a smile, "former purser, do you think I'm here for tea?"

Ye Cha said: "I only ask one question. Do you know the current situation?"

Sith said with a smile, "I heard that you once challenged the conductor? I admire that. However, because you have challenged the conductor, you should know more about the strength of the conductor than anyone else. That's why the Apostle Noah wanted to kill the conductor. However, I think the strength of the conductor is not only strength, but also wisdom. "

Ye Cha Leng Leng, then understand.

"Damn it, in the middle of the game!"

The leaf Cha can't help but break to scold a, he already guessed probably.

Although we don't know how limes lured the conductor, and the process is not clear, we can be sure that the conductor was not fooled.

This is the first round. The second round is set by the conductor. He takes advantage of Noah's round to deal with the Apostles' walking.

For the sake of the tower of Babel, the son of saints was all sent out in the aspect of Apostles' walking, and because he had experienced the power of limes, he came to two guides this time.

Sith said with a smile, "the conductor is here, just not here."

Ye Cha gritted his teeth and said, "guide."

Babel Tower is a fraud. This is what Mo Xi said. Why does Mo Xi know? Is that what the great sage said? Why do great sages know?

It's very simple. The conductor appears.

Not in the tower of Babel, but in front of the guide!

Sith looked at Ye Cha and said, "there are two people on the conductor's list who must die, one male and one female. I believe you should know who one of them is, as the traitor of the death train, right?"

Ye Cha said: "the key is to send a fish to kill me? Who are you

Ye Cha directly held up with both hands, and a flame gushed out of his palm. The flame kept gathering and growing, forming a fireball.

This fireball is so huge.

Ten meters, thirty meters, fifty

The fireball was like a balloon blown with air. It became bigger and bigger crazily. At last, it became a thing with a diameter of at least 100 meters. It was like a rising sun, illuminating the surroundings and making the Sith look very small.

The next moment, ye Cha roared and pushed forward with both arms. The terrible fireball flew forward and pushed in the direction of Sith.

Sith looked up at the sky, at the huge fireball.

"I'm a former purser."

Sith took off a cloth bag from behind, which was

A sword!

"Hell wails!" The Sith light drinks a way: "the ghost calls!"

Sith said as he cut the bone knife out.

The bone knife swept forward, whistling, the body of the sword gushed out countless white ghosts, and then gathered together, turned into a knife light, and cut fiercely toward Ye cha.

Ye Cha's palms burst into fire, and then he felt the power of the light. Ye Cha's face changed a little. He was pushed back and rolled in the air. It was not easy to stabilize his body.

Sith looked at Ye Cha and said, "I dare to appear in front of you, of course, because I am confident."

Ye Cha said: "do you have confidence to die?"

Ye Cha's arms opened to both sides, and a large amount of electric current poured out from ye Cha's arms, crazy toward the front.

"Hell wails!" The Sith light drinks a way: "two type ghost cry!"

Sith's bone knife cut forward again, burst out a more terrible feeling, everything around became gloomy, gloomy, gloomy, with a strong sense of death.

There was a lot of black smoke at the foot of the Sith, and it was pouring wildly around, and it covered the ground.

In the black smoke, a terrible hand with a length of tens of meters suddenly came out and grabbed it in the direction of the leaf brake.

Ye Cha stretched out his hand and pinched the void. The current was surging. A thunder blade was formed in Ye Cha's hand. The next moment, ye Cha raised his hand and cut the thunder blade out.

The current is constantly surging and diffusing. Every time it surging and diffusing, the thunder blade will expand and then hit the bone hand.Boom!

There was an angry roar in the black smoke, and then the bony hand retracted. However, when it retracted, the bony hand had only the white arm, and the palm had already disappeared.

The roar in the black smoke was more angry, and then there was a ferocious outline in the black smoke, with a ferocious face. Suddenly, with a mouth, a piece of black smoke came out and rolled down.

The Sith's face was livid, and it could be seen that he was slightly injured in this confrontation.

"That's all." Ye Cha said: "what qualifications do you have to fight with me?"


There was thunder in the sky.

The next moment, an electric current splits downward and falls toward the Sith.


After the thunder and lightning fell, Sith directly got a note, opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood.

The electric current ran wildly on Sith's body. The intense pain and the feeling of paralysis made Sith's body tremble gently.

"It's really strong." Sith clenched his teeth and said, "in that case, what are you waiting for? Kill him for me

Around the leaf brake, people constantly appeared, slowly came towards the leaf brake, surrounded the leaf brake, and those people ambushed in the surrounding buildings early.

Sith raised his hand and wiped the bloodstain on the corner of his mouth. Looking at Ye Cha, he said fiercely: "since one person is not enough, I can only find more helpers."

Ye Cha sneered: "the difference between an ant and a group of ants is beyond our capacity."

The Sith Yin ruthlessly way: "give me to kill him!"

Ye Cha looked at the crowd approaching him and sneered. After spreading out his palm, the moon and the sun appeared in his palm and floated away in the air.

"Come on." The leaf Cha low drinks a way: "don't be afraid to die of come, meteorite!"

The sun is shining high in the sky.

The huge fire mass, like a meteorite, suddenly appeared, burning and smashed down.

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