death train

Chapter 1879


Ye Cha casually shook his hand, threw away the Sith's body, and then looked around.

There are no dead people around, ye Cha said in a cold voice: "Sith is dead, do you want to continue to fight with me?"

The faces of the people around him were hesitant.

Suddenly, the leaf brake cold not Ding hand.

A flame burst out from the fist of Ye Cha and hit a man's chest.


The man screamed, was hit by the leaf brake, flew out, fell from the ruins, wriggled, and then lost his breath.

Originally, he suffered a heavy blow in the thunder. After another blow, his life was completely engulfed by the power of the apostles.

Ye Cha said: "if you don't fight, roll for me, fight, I will accompany you!"

As ye Cha spoke, he walked forward and came down from the ruins. Those who stood in front of Ye Cha unconsciously gave way and let Ye Cha pass by.

Soon, ye Cha disappeared in front of the crowd.

At this time


In the direction of the tower of Babel, a huge roar came, which attracted people's eyes. When they looked up, they were shocked. In the clouds, the tower of Babel broke and fell down.

There was a huge noise, the base of Babel Tower was destroyed, and countless stones rolled around.

The ground is shaking.


Babel is shaking and shaking, and countless stone fragments are falling down the outer wall of Babel.

"Come on, we can't stay here any longer."

I don't know who took the lead in shouting, and then the flight attendants scattered one after another.

On the other hand, ye Cha has come to the edge of the black herd, and people who don't know the truth are rushing towards the black herd.

Ye Cha doesn't talk nonsense. He doesn't want to delay his time. He leaves a piece of paper and goes towards the periphery.

At first, some people attacked yecha, but when yecha killed two people in a thunderous manner, no one dared to fight, especially because yecha was flying outward, and there was no inevitable conflict with them.

All the way out of the black herd, ye Cha soon saw the sea of smoking on a huge rock not far away.

Ming Hai beckons to Ye Cha, and ye Cha falls down.

"Ge Laozi died more than 30 times before he walked a hundred meters." Ming Hai scolded and vented his resentment. Then he said, "how did you come out and solve it so quickly?"

Ye Cha said: "it's a long story. I can't stay here. Let's go."

Minghaixin has doubts, but he doesn't ask much. He gets up and follows Ye cha.

When we used the brake, did we still use it

Minghai said: "it's still there. I've hidden it."

Ye Cha said: "go, look for the car, leave, damn it."

Ye Cha said quickly, and then he couldn't help scolding. What's the matter? He came all the way here, and it turned out to be a trap, not a trap for them. What's more tragic is that it turned into a trap for them and was ambushed.

Originally, it was good to see a play. Let the conductor fight with Noah's Apostle. As long as the Apostle doesn't appear, yecha believes that the conductor still has a lot of ideas about Noah's Apostle. After all, the existence of Noah's Apostle should be a big trouble for the conductor.

Even, it can be said that the Apostle Noah is the only one who can fight the conductor at present.

The guide can't do it. At most, it can only consume. Moreover, it's not enough to send one guide to deal with the conductor, and it's not the match of the conductor when several guides come out together.

Driving along the road quickly left, ye Cha looked back at the rear, the black herd is still, the important thing is that Babel Tower, is constantly collapsing.

Is that marfarian?

Mafalian is sure to be in Babel Tower, but yecha is sure that mafalian is not enough, because only mafalian can't beat limes.

Last time I didn't work for limes four on one. This time, I don't think it's enough for me to have only one mafalian. I think the conductor has other arrangements. Just as ye Cha said, the conductor still has some ideas about Noah's Apostle.

"Shit, what is it?"

At this time, the sea cry, ye Cha side face look, found that the side appeared a nearly transparent aperture, a cuckoo flew out.

Cuckoo issued a voice: "yecha, is the military green jeep you?"

Ye Cha said, "yes."

Mo Xi said, "stop the car. I'll be right here. I've seen you."

Ye Cha signals Ming hai to stop. Soon, Mo Xi appears, and he follows noy and Nan Rong to know the world.

Three people on the back seat, Mo Xi signal after driving way: "already know what limos is to lure the conductor to appear."

The leaf Cha way: "what?"Mo Xi said, "apostle zero!"

Ye Cha doubted: "apostle zero? What's that? "

"We don't know," noe said

Ye Cha said: "that sentence is nonsense."

Mo Xi said: "it's not nonsense. Let's say that the apostles are numbered. Of course, this number has no meaning. It's only numbered according to the order of the appearance of the apostles. For example, the first one we found was Yan's son, and Yan's son was the first one to be found. When Yan's son or the embryo of the apostle, it's difficult to determine what kind of Apostle it is, so we call him The son of Yan is apostle 1. Similarly, the second discovery is the son of light. We call the Apostle embryo of the son of light apostle 2. "

Ye Cha said, "is the third apostle Moya the water spirit?"

Mo Xi nods a way: "be like this."

The leaf Cha is puzzled a way: "that zero how calculate?"

Nanrong Zhishi said abruptly, "there is no zero apostle at all."

Mo Xi explained: "according to our number, of course, there is no zero apostle, because the first appeared apostle is No. 1, but now the situation is obviously problematic."

Ye Cha said: "because there is a zero?"

Mo Xi said: "it's not so simple. According to our number, this number has no meaning at all. It's the order of appearance. Even the order of appearance is not equal to the number. Strictly speaking, it should be the order of finding the apostles."

Ye Cha said: "that is to say, the number is purely represented by the number for the convenience of the apostle. However, the number zero suddenly appeared. This is not the normal number. The problem is not the apostle, but the number itself?"

Mo Xi thought about it and said, "that's about what it means."

Noe said: "in conclusion, the Apostle may have a number, but the meaning of the number should be different from what we understand, and the number certainly does not exist just for convenience

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