death train

Chapter 1897

Ye Cha thinks that the plan of Youye is unreliable, but he needs to rest physically, and he is also idle. If he does not waste his mental power, ye Cha will kill nightmare.

If you want to kill them, you should kill them.

However, ye Cha didn't expect that the blind cat's method of killing mice in Youye was really useful.

In front of Ye Cha, something that was not a nightmare finally appeared again.


It's Li Xuanhe!

Ye Cha looked at Li Xuanhe standing in front of him with his negative hand. His face was slightly dignified, and he wanted to curse people in his heart.

Ye Cha has killed so many opponents. Why is it Li Xuanhe?

Ye Cha didn't care too much about the appearance of his former opponents. Since he was able to kill them, of course he can now.

Of course, ye Cha doesn't deny that these guys must be more difficult than nightmare.

Moreover, ye Cha also pondered this matter, which is to recall the opponents he once killed, and then find out the opponents he didn't want to encounter again.

The first one is Dongfang Yu. Yecha absolutely didn't want to encounter the second one. At that time, he was able to kill Dongfang Yu because of the consumption of two horoscope monsters and the sneak attack of Gemini.

Frankly speaking, if you meet Dongfang Yu in its heyday, ye Cha's strength after mastering the power of the apostles is not impossible. After all, Dongfang Yu is indeed a deputy conductor, but ye Cha also has the strength of deputy conductor.

But at that time, ye Cha won at most 23%.

Moreover, even if we can fight now, it's hard to say whether we can win or lose. Between 50% and 70%, it's not absolute. Since it's not absolute, there will be life and death.

After Oriental jade, it's naturally a constellation monster. Get rid of the semi-finished parallel products of Scorpio. The rest of Leo and Taurus are in trouble. Virgo is a little better, but it's not a good stubble.

The problem is that ye Cha thought a lot of guys, but he didn't think of Li Xuanhe.

Moreover, when Li Xuanhe stood in front of yecha, yecha remembered that this guy might be very strong.

In a possible way, it is because if we measure the strength of Li Xuanhe when ye Cha fought with Li Xuanhe at that time, ye Cha could kill this guy with one finger.

But in fact, Li Xuanhe was a little special. At that time, the conductor forcibly suppressed Li Xuanhe's strength, which had nothing to do with Ye cha. It was Li Xuanhe who did something that the conductor could not bear, just like Ye Cha secretly gained the power of the apostle.

It is not so much Ye Cha who killed Li Xuanhe as the conductor who wanted Li Xuanhe to die, so he just killed him with Ye Cha's hand.

Ye Cha has never experienced Li Xuanhe's real strength, but this guy is the purser, or the only purser on the dead train at that time. His strength is not so bad.

So, here's the question. Li Xuanhe, who is now in front of yecha, is his strength when he was fighting against yecha at that time, or will his real level be displayed?

Ye Cha patted his forehead and said, "headache!"

You night way: "this guy is fierce?"

Ye Cha said: "I'm talking about headache, not that I can't kill it."

Youye nodded and said: "you fight first. If the opponent is strong enough, his spiritual power and apostolic power should also be improved. I can feel it and see if there is a way. Those nightmares are not good. They are too weak. The spiritual power consumed by the opponent in nightmares is not worth mentioning."

Ye Cha deep suction port airway: "then hit it."


Ye Cha drew the sword out of Southern Xinjiang and walked in the direction of Li Xuanhe.

"In fact, I'm so sorry that I have to kill the same person twice." Ye Cha suddenly grinned: "of course, if you constantly appear in front of me, I will not mind killing you for the third time, the fourth time, the fifth time!"

As ye Cha said, he cut a sword at his fingertip, and then he cut it down toward the front with his sword.

Blood world sword chop!

A drop of blood fell to the ground, but a blood mist floated in the air.

In the blood fog, a huge Blood Sword rises and cuts down towards Li Xuanhe.

Ye Cha narrowed his eyes. This blow was enough to see what level Li Xuanhe was. If it was Li Xuanhe who was suppressed by the conductor, then Li Xuanhe could not take this sword.

Li Xuanhe did not speak, no anger, no reluctance, no resentment, perhaps because the dream world of Li Xuanhe is just a puppet.

There are only


When the huge blood sword fell, Li Xuanhe suddenly hooked his fingers, the ground surged up and went to the air.


The surging ground collided with the blood sword, crushing it.

Ye Cha grinned and cursed in his heart. He was Li Xuanhe in his heyday, otherwise he could not take the sword so easily.


At the same time, Li Xuanhe snapped his fingers, and the ground surged again. The mud turned into mud and kept coming towards yecha.

Ye Cha raises his hand to the front.It's too late!

Electric current around the blade brake arm, toward the front of the blast out, the mud to the explosion of the crushing.

Li Xuanhe's ability to reshape the world is quite troublesome and abnormal.

Generally speaking, everything in the world can be reshaped according to Li Xuanhe's will. Environment, nature, as long as it is not a living thing, can be reshaped.

Yecha has really studied this ability, because it is powerful enough. After being qualified to buy items from the treasure list of the death train, yecha wants to buy the ability to reshape the world.


Not for sale!

The ability to reshape the world can't even be given by the conductor, but is given by the task of death train, and even if the task is completed, it can't be assigned, it's random.

This is more terrifying. The ability of this level and the tasks that need to be completed are very difficult, and the probability of random arrival is also very pitiful. Therefore, first of all, we need to have absolute strength and excellent luck.

Ye Cha didn't count on it after asking the landlady. Although this ability may be on the treasure list, it's absolutely the ability at the top of the pyramid, but it's not easy to get it.

After all, this kind of ability has a higher level than the apostolic power, just like the concussion and fluctuation in the demigod. There is no sale in the treasure house list. If the task of the death train is not given, we can only rely on the characteristics of the demigod, but there is no doubt about its powerful degree.

In his mind, the mud was broken by the current, and Li Xuanhe stood with his hand in the negative direction, looking at Ye cha.

Boom, boom!

Behind the leaf brake suddenly sounded a roar, and then, the ground surging up, toward the leaf brake wrapped up.

Yes, it is!

Li Xuanhe directly changed the geology, making the rock soft like a rope, but not hard. After he approached the yecha, he planned to tie it up.

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