death train

Chapter 1912

Leaf Cha slants next head, understand a little bit.

Dongfang Yu said, "but that's not the only reason why marfarian also wanted this sword."

Ye Chadao: "because it can kill the conductor?"

Although Ye Cha knew about it, he didn't think it was reliable. The reason was very simple. The sword was in Dongfang Yu's hands all the time. If the sword could really kill the conductor, why didn't Dongfang Yu start?

Dongfang Yu seemed to see through what ye Cha thought and said directly, "it's about to start with the conductor. Who do you think the conductor is?"

Yecha thought for a moment and said, "there is no answer to this question. I asked this question when the apostles walked there, but the answer given by the guide is that I don't know. Although there are many guesses, there is no definite answer. Moreover, those guesses are not very reliable. They also think that the origin is actually Noah's Ark."

"Ignorance." Dongfang Yu showed obvious disdain for the Apostle walking, and then said, "I don't know who the conductor is."

Ye Cha rolled his eyes and talked with him for a long time. Since he didn't know, where are you better than to walk in vain.

Dongfang Yu said: "what kind of existence is the conductor? What does he represent? Everyone has a position, so what is the position of the conductor? "

Ye Cha said: "if I knew, do you think I would be here to chat with you?"

Dongfang Yu ignored Ye Cha's abuse and continued: "that's why one of my sword soldiers is on the train of death. The conductor may be the will. No, it's not right."

The leaf Cha way: "exactly what meaning?"

Dongfang Yu said, "if I find something, the will will become obvious. Or if the end of the world is what the will wants, when the end of the world appears, of course the will will appear."

Ye Cha said, "do you think that's the conductor?"

Dongfang Yu shook her head and said, "the will can't be seen or touched, but it does exist. My idea is that the conductor is the embodiment of the will in the human world, but I'm not sure. The conductor may also be an apostle, or zero? Maybe the ultimate apostle. Who knows

Ye Cha said: "the answer needs to be found by ourselves. Why can this sword kill the conductor?"

Dongfang Yu said: "this is based on the fact that the conductor is the embodiment of the will, because I had a fight with the will, just when the eternal night came, above the clouds."

Ye Cha said: "you win, or lose, forget it, or don't answer this question, I think I know the answer."

If Dongfang Yu wins, he won't be imprisoned here. Yongye should end.

Dongfang Yu looked at Ye Cha coldly, and then said, "I didn't win, but I didn't lose. I cut off a part of the will, and the will was sealed in the sword. If the conductor is the embodiment of the will, the sword is the only thing that can kill the conductor, because they have the same will."

Ye Cha said: "if the conductor is not?"

Dongfang Yu's eyes became deep, looking into the distance and said: "so I haven't started all the time, although there are also reasons why I can't leave here. On the other hand, it's also because I'm not sure. However, since I failed, it's just another wait, maybe a thousand years? Maybe two thousand years? Maybe ten thousand years? When the next doomsday comes again, when the next doomsday comes, it is the opening of a battlefield again. "

Ye Cha said, "how sure are you?"

Oriental jade way: "who can know?"

Ye Cha didn't speak, but thought deeply.

Dongfang Yu said, "now it's time to talk about our business."

Ye Cha said: "do you want to take back this sword?"

Ye Cha was very calm and put the sword on the table.

Ye Cha simply returns the sword to Dongfang Yu. The standard for him to judge this is whether Dongfang Yu is telling the truth.

If Dongfang Yu is telling the truth, they have the same enemy.

When the goal is the same, all hatred can be put down. If you can kill the conductor, is dongfangyu more likely or yecha more likely?

Many things are not simple mathematical problems, but many things are so simple sometimes.

Ye Cha can give up for the probability. This is a sword.

As for whether Dongfang Yu is telling the truth or lies, ye Cha doesn't think Dongfang Yu has the meaning of deceiving himself. He can use a more direct method.

Dongfang Yu took a look at Ye Cha and said, "as I said, you are qualified to fight with me only when you get to the peak."

Ye Cha doubts a way: "you don't want sword, but want to kill me?"

Dongfang Yu said, "what's the advantage of killing you? What's the use of giving me your sword? "

"Yes." Ye Cha suddenly said: "you can't leave here at all. It's useless to take the sword."

Dongfang Yu gritted her teeth and said, "who do you think destroyed my plan?"Ye Cha said: "at that time, we were hostile. Since you wanted to kill me, of course I could kill you. Moreover, you have explained that you were not killed by me, but by malfarian."

"The old man, sooner or later, I'll let him break up." Dongfang Yu snorted, and then said: "that guy is not a good thing. He looks like an old dog and is very loyal to the conductor, but in his heart, it's another matter. However, that guy has self-knowledge. He won't show any clues until he knows that he has no strength to compete with the conductor. However, I seduced him with that sword, and he showed great confidence It's exciting. I wanted to make use of it. Unfortunately, marfarian doesn't know more than I do. "

Ye Cha said, "let's get down to business."

Dongfang Yu said, "what's the matter? I think I've made it clear enough. If you don't understand, it just means you're stupid. "

Ye Cha said: "your other sword soldier is separated?"

Dongfang Yu said, "it's not stupid."

Ye Cha said: "I don't quite understand. I can give my sword to your sword soldiers. As long as I'm sure it's beneficial, I can give up."

Dongfang Yu said: "it's not that simple. The division of swordsmen is also the will. It comes from my will. When you take the sword, it's my will now. There can only be one will. It's right to say that it's the sword and the key. Have you ever seen a lock with two keys?"

Ye Cha said: "usually there will be a spare one, right?"

Dongfang Yu is speechless. What she said is reasonable. She can't refute it completely.

Dongfang Yu took a deep breath and said, "in other words, one key can't open two locks, right?"

Ye Cha said: "a master key can open dozens of locks."

Dongfang Yu patted the table and said angrily, "do you think I dare not kill you?"

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