death train

Chapter 1915

Ye Cha said: "that is to say, the zero apostle has been in the hands of CommScope, and now the conductor is finally going to rob it?"

Mo Xi way: "probably is such."

Ye Cha frowned and said, "I'm very confused."

Mo Xi way: "how?"

Ye Cha said: "when I was on the death train, I received a task from the conductor. The conductor wanted to start the zombie virus."

Mo Xi doesn't understand a way: "have what meaning?"

Ye Cha said: "of course, it is meaningful. According to my comprehensive information, the initial zombie virus came from the apostles. CommScope used the apostles to make medicine, and then played with fire to get the initial zombie virus out. According to the point that the conductor looked for the initial zombie virus, he must know about it, but since he knew, why didn't he kill CommScope What about it? As far as the standard of CommScope is concerned, it's very easy for the conductor to kill each other. "

Mo Xi said, "so what is your conclusion?"

Ye Cha said: "there must be a reason. The most simple and direct reason is that the conductor knows that the zero apostle is in the hands of CommScope, but he doesn't know where the zero apostle is, but it's far fetched. Just go to the zero apostle directly. Why did he start with the Zombie virus? If we find the initial zombie virus, we can definitely find the zero apostle? "

Mo Xi said: "I think you think too much. Maybe it's just to find a place, because it's really hard to find the new cedars."

The leaf Cha doubts a way: "eh?"

Mo Xi said: "new cedars is a small town around a small city, completely unknown, just like you should know all the cities in China, but do you know the towns around those cities? Especially around small cities. "

Ye Cha said: "those who study geography don't know."

"What's more, the most important thing is that the place is not on the ground, but underground. CommScope has built an underground fortress, or even a city."

Ye Cha said: "it's like the one I saw when dealing with apostle x?"

Moxi nodded: "it's called the city of doomsday. Now it's the headquarters of CommScope."

Ye Cha nodded.

Mo Xi way: "moreover, still don't think too much now, all wait for us to rush past to be able to know naturally, moreover, the guider all dispatched."

Ye Cha said: "all the guides are out? How much? "

Mo Xi way: "all."

The leaf Cha picks next eyebrow way: "this is to want to move real?"

Mo Xi said: "in order to fight against the conductor, it's inevitable. In fact, when you're away, a lot of things happen."

For example: "brake leaf way?"

Mo Xi said: "the conductor has a direct dialogue with the great sage."

Ye Cha was surprised and said, "ah?"

Mo Xi said: "the conductor came to the door in person. Although it was just a projection, he had a direct dialogue with the great sage. Then the great sage went to fog city, and then everyone went to the city of the last days."

"Interesting. What did the conductor say to the great sage?" Ye Cha said: "this was a few days ago?"

Mo Xi said, "seven days ago."

Seven days is not the time of Ye Cha, but the time of the real world. Because the time on both sides does not overlap, it is difficult to convert. Therefore, it is good to directly ignore the time of the original place.

Ye Cha said, "don't you know what the great sage said to the conductor?"

Mo Xi shook his head, and then said: "I don't know, or I don't have time to say this. The meeting of the guide only lasted for 15 minutes, and then he informed everyone to rush to the city of doomsday, and it was the first time that all the staff went out. I think it should be very urgent, so we'd better rush to it first."

When they were talking, they were not idle. Yecha needed to relocate the coordinates of the episode space and went directly to new Cedres.

"All right." Mo Xi said, "let's go."

Ye Cha nods and strides forward with Mo Xi, then the figure gradually becomes empty until it disappears completely.


Around the space scenery circulation, when the distorted space gradually restored, ye Cha smelled a very strong smell of smoke.

Looking forward, ye Cha squinted and said, "this is a small town?"

Mo Xi said, "maybe it used to be a small town."

Yecha didn't see the town, but saw a large area of ruins. The houses completely collapsed and became pieces of ruins. There were collapsed debris everywhere, and only the low walls were left on both sides of the street.

The black smoke was rising, and the smell of gunpowder was everywhere.

Besides, there are bodies!

Lots of bodies!

Looking up, you can see the bodies behind the low walls, on the ruins, under the rubble and so on. There are countless bodies everywhere.

Ye Cha said: "it feels like a war broke out here."Mo Xi look indifferent, but with a trace of pity, then resolute way: "this is a war."

Ye Cha nodded and said, "it seems that we are late."

Seven days can do a lot of things, the question is how late they are.

In fact, a week ago, it happened that ye Cha left the original place. If Mo Xi contacted Ye Cha directly with the communication equipment at that time, maybe they could arrive at the first time.

It's a pity that Mo Xi thinks that ye Cha is in the original place and can't get in touch at all, so she doesn't get in touch directly. According to Mo Xi's idea, the time after ye Cha comes out is the same anyway. After seeing the message, she can catch up completely, but she will be a few days late because she's on her way and dealing with things.

Which thought leaf Cha early came out, result two people together delay.

At the same time, yecha turned over a corpse, looked at it and said, "the armed men of CommScope."

Moxi nodded: "this town has been built into a military town. There is no problem on the surface. It has been disguised as a human camp for survivors. Barbed wire and walls have been built on the outside. In fact, people from CommScope are inside. However, the real doomsday city is underground. Let's go and find the entrance."

Ye Cha said: "why so much trouble."

The leaf Cha suddenly draws out this is a sword, then toward the front a sword cuts out.


The light of the sword flashed by, and Mo Xi only felt the silver light in front of him, and then a roar appeared.

In a moment, the sword light gradually disappeared, then Mo Xi was stunned.

In front of them, a huge cutting crack appeared on the ground, which was nearly 100 meters away. Looking down at the crack, it was dark below, and could not see the bottom.

Mo Xi looked at Ye cha in surprise and said, "what happened to you in Shiyuan? Why can strength grow so much? "

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