death train

Chapter 1919


The clear sound of the cross sound!

Ye Cha narrowed his eyes and said, "you are really everywhere!"


Gemini can be said to be the most annoying Zodiac monster that Yasha has ever faced. This guy has a body close to the limit of physical fitness, an evolutionary type, especially fast in speed, and also has the ability to hide.

I'm very good at melee. I'm good at sneak attack and assassination. It's really a headache.

The most important thing is the fighting style of Gemini, which is also an extremely annoying type.

If you don't hit it, you'll get back!

Gemini's power will not be inferior to that of Yasha, but their weapons collide with each other. Gemini doesn't even have the meaning of competing for power. With a flash of shadow, they quickly move to the side, and then disappear.

If the target is human, Yasha will also provoke a few words, such as spineless, but for Gemini, this kind of provocation is useless.

It's also where constellation monsters are in trouble.

In addition to Virgo, Zodiac monsters have a complete set of combat mode, and the zodiac monsters will fight strictly according to the combat mode, which will not be changed easily because of external factors, just like a smooth running machine.

In fact, the constellation monster's research strategy is the battle machine.

There are both advantages and disadvantages in this way of fighting. Regardless of the disadvantages for the time being, the advantage is that there will be no flaws and it is exceptionally stable.

What's more, Gemini and Sagittarius have cooperation!

When Gemini flash disappear moment, the first reaction is to catch up.

Gemini is great is to have a similar stealth ability, stealth to stealth, but does not mean that disappeared without a trace, as long as the blade brake continued pressure, or can determine the position of Gemini.

However, at this moment, Sagittarius arrow came.

Boom, boom, boom!

At the moment when ye Cha is ready to catch up, Sagittarius's arrow comes. Three arrows in a row form a line. After hitting the ground, the building collapses.

"Get out of here!"

The leaf Cha does not hesitate an arrow cuts toward Sagittarius, then searches Gemini's trace.

Yecha and Sagittarius are new to each other. It's not good to evaluate the combat effectiveness of Sagittarius, but at present, it seems that Sagittarius is a long-range attack type.

Sagittarius bone arrow range is very terrible, attack power is not bad, but, ye Cha was also a good hand to play bow, know the characteristics of this kind of guy, if you open the distance, Sagittarius is very terrible, especially cold not Ding to give you an arrow, pressure is very big.

However, Sagittarius is more than ten meters away from the leaf brake, so the threat is greatly reduced. To deal with this type of Sagittarius, the closer it is, the smaller the threat is.

Of course, Sagittarius if there are other means, it is naturally another matter.

At present, in the eyes of Yasha, the biggest threat is Gemini.

However, Gemini appears.


Gemini's four arms come out at the same time, and take the sword light from the leaf brake, and then disappear again, while Sagittarius is shooting at the leaf brake again.

Ye Cha picked his eyebrows and said, "I see."

Sagittarius is responsible for the attack, and contain, for Gemini to win the chance of sneak attack, and Gemini is responsible for sneak attack, but also to protect Sagittarius, without the control of Sagittarius, ye Cha always keep the spirit of high concentration, Gemini may not be able to find the chance of sneak attack.

Ye Cha pondered for a while. It's a good cooperation mode. However, in that case, no matter which one it is, it's OK to kill one first.

Ghost step!

Ye Cha's figure flashed, and quickly moved towards Sagittarius.

To Ye Cha's surprise, Sagittarius has no intention of facing the enemy at all. Suddenly, he jumps up, but instead of coming towards Ye Cha, he jumps out of the building.

The leaf brake is not from of Leng for a while, then Gemini suddenly appear, wave the arm toward the leaf brake to carry on sweeping chop.

Clang, clang, clang, clang!

The leaf Cha will this is the sword erect in front of, Gemini's black knife cuts continuously, a knife then a knife cuts on this is the sword.

Gemini has four arms, so, a total of four knives, the strength of each knife is greater than the previous knife, the leaf brake's body in the force of the push, is also constantly back away.

The next moment


The ground suddenly burst, a bone arrow suddenly flew out.

Sagittarius in the lower part of the building, a direct arrow shot through the building, with an oblique angle, through after the attack leaf brake.

Yecha's reaction was very fast. When the ground cracked, he quickly jumped away. Even so, after landing, yecha touched his cheek near his chin, with some blood.

The blade brake dodged the arrow, but even if it was just the strong wind, it also caused some abrasions to the blade brake.

Ye Cha looked at the corner of the building, and then scolded: "this son of a bitch is not positioned with his eyes."There is also a building on the opposite side of the building, 15 meters apart on both sides. The building is about 20 stories high. When it falls to the ground, it looks up and forms four corners. Sagittarius can't know where the leaf brake is.

However, the arrow is quite accurate. Sagittarius can't be so accurate without knowing the position of the blade brake.

There is only one possibility. Sagittarius doesn't use his eyes to confirm the position of the blade brake. In other words, besides his eyes, Sagittarius has other ways to confirm the position of the target.

The leaf Cha thinks, the action on the hand is not slow, again a sword cuts toward Gemini.


The sword collided with each other, making a huge noise, and constantly shivering.

Ye Cha suddenly put out his finger and flicked it on the sword.

Clear and crisp sword sound rings out, and then a circle of sword light swings open and cuts on Gemini's body.

Poof, Gemini's chest was cut open a wound, continuous blood flow out.

Gemini face expressionless, as if they don't care about their injury, quickly retreat.

In fact, this kind of wound is not a big problem for zodiac monsters. Zodiac monsters have strong regeneration ability. If the frequency of damage can't exceed the regeneration speed, or can't give fatal damage, then Zodiac monsters can't be killed.

Ye Cha narrowed his eyes and said, "apostle zero!"

Aries at the beginning, has always been unable to make success, and finally with the blood of the leaf brake to complete.


It's very simple, the power of the apostles, or the cells and genes of the apostles.

Dr. wittsell was so generous to give the zodiac monster information to yecha, and did not cheat. Why?

Because Dr. wittsell thinks that it's useless for yecha to get the information, and he can't make a constellation monster at all. The reason is that yecha doesn't have an apostle in his hand!

In fact, it is true that the cells and genes of the apostles are the core of the constellation monsters. This is really beyond yecha's expectation. Yecha doesn't have no apostles, but doesn't know that it needs apostles to make the constellation monsters. However, the profile also proves why the constellation monsters are powerful.

At the same time, the only thing that CommScope can provide apostle cells and genes is

The zero apostle!

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