death train

Chapter 1924


Ye Cha looked up and saw a figure falling from the air.

The next moment, the figure fell to the ground and turned into a puddle of meat.

Ye Cha Leng Leng, and then went to one side with a cigar, about a quarter of an hour, the meat mud recovery as before, Ming Hai Xing Fen way: "you finally come."

Ye Cha said: "so you jumped from the roof excitedly?"

Minghai said: "can I be cheap? It was thrown down by someone. It's still fighting on it. "

The leaf Cha way: "who follow who?"

Ming Hai said: "the people of the death train and the people of CommScope are, well, barely human."

Ye Cha rolled his eyes and said, "what are you doing here? It's nothing to do with you, isn't it? "

Ming Hai is now an apostle walking.

Minghai said: "it happened to happen. What can I do? His grandmother's, I'm miserable. People on the death train beat me, and people from CommScope beat me. Who did I recruit and who did I provoke? I didn't kill anyone. "

Ye Cha said, "what's the situation now?"

Minghai said: "what is the situation?"

Ye Cha said: "I'm not here to change the Apostle? Anyone here? And the guide? "

When ye Cha entered this place, he felt that something was wrong. At that time, he didn't want to understand it. Now he understands it. That is, the number of people is not right.

The death train has been abandoned, which means that all the people on the death train have come down.

How many people were on the dead train?

Ye Cha really doesn't know!

However, at present, the death trains are all death carriages, with about 15 to 20 people in each carriage. When ye Cha was on duty, there were more than 100 carriages, but he never saw more than 200.

In that case, even if there are 200 cars, the number of about 2000 people should be the same. Even the most conservative estimate is that there must be more than 1000 people.

It's a bit miserable for the apostles to walk, almost hundreds of people. However, the apostles walk more elitism, and the minimum standard is also the standard of flight attendants. In fact, the combat power is still equal.

In the end, there are a lot of queer people in CommScope, and then there are a lot of queer people in some companies, and there are a lot of queer people in some companies.

Don't forget, CommScope still has mass-produced Gemini. Of course, those Gemini products are parallel products. They are of two grades with real Gemini, but the quantity is still good. They are very destructive together.

It seems that there is something wrong with this calculation. It's true that there seems to be fighting everywhere in this damned place. There are fighting sounds everywhere. Black smoke seems to be fighting everywhere. However, compared with the number estimated by yecha, it's far from perfect.

Minghai scratched his head and said, "I don't know."

Ye Cha said: "I don't know? You're not the first to come? "

Ming Hai said: "I'm the first group to come. Let's talk about the guide first. It's true that the guide is going out. But do you think the guide can walk with the ordinary apostles? They won't report to me where they are going. Anyway, I heard about the dispatch, but I didn't see any of them. "

Ye Cha nodded. This is understandable. For example, subordinates in the company want to report to the manager. Have you ever seen the manager report to subordinates?

Ye Cha said, "who did you come with?"

Minghai said, "Nanrong knows the world."

The leaf Cha way: "then?"

Minghai said: "where else? The people on the death train arrived first. By the time we arrived, we had already started fighting here, fighting everywhere. Anyway, I'll walk around. Don't tell me. I didn't pay attention at first, but now I find that there are fewer people. "

Ye Cha sighed: "what can you do?"

Minghai thought about it and said, "to die?"

Ye Cha rolled his eyes, then pondered, what was the situation?

As far as the current situation is concerned, the most likely thing is to find the core area, but it doesn't make sense. What else can we do when we find the core area? Yeah, there's no way to get in touch here, but it's not right. There's no reason to find the core area. Gemini and Sagittarius don't kill people inside, but they're still wandering around, right?

Ye Cha scratched his head. What the hell is this?

Ye Cha asked again: "you've been wandering for such a long time. Do you understand the building conditions here? What about the general area? "

Ming Hai pointed to the big corridor in the rear: "this is the experimental area. There are a lot of things in the building behind. All kinds of zombies are thrown in the jar. In front of it is the office area. I don't know what to do, but it's similar to the office building. There are a lot of desks, scattered documents, and there's an ammunition depot over there. In addition, the area that comes in seems to be the same It's residential. "

Ye chatuo felt that he should change his mind. For example, if he was from CommScope, where would he hide the zero apostle?

It's probably the experimental area, but the experimental area must be more than apostle zero. It seems too conspicuous.Ye Cha rubs his hair a little crazy. He knew that he would contact Mo Xi after he left the place of origin. Now he's a little late, and there's no clue. It's a headache.

"Hello At this time, Ming Hai suddenly called out: "be careful."

Ming Hai suddenly pushed the leaf brake, and then stood in front.

Is it dangerous?

The leaf Cha doubts to see all around, have no reason oneself didn't feel, the sound sea first perceived just right.

The next moment, a light beam suddenly appears, and then runs through Ming Hai's chest, leaving a big hole.

Ye Cha immediately flashed to the back of a building on the side.

Ming Hai crawled on the ground and came to Ye cha. Pen thumb said: "you are really interesting. It doesn't matter to me?"

Ye Cha said: "you can't die again."

Ming Hai's chest wound healed quickly, and then he got up and said, "it's true."

Ye Cha said: "who is the attacker?"

Minghai said: "a psycho, like a person on the death train, has been chasing me for two days. He says he doesn't believe that he can't kill me."

Ye Cha said: "how did you find the attack?"

Ye Cha didn't have to be afraid of the other side, but he was surprised at the concealment of the blow just now. Ye Cha didn't find any sign of attack at all.

Minghai said: "that bastard is at least a few hundred meters away. Of course, it's not easy to find out."

Ye Cha said: "sniper?"

Ming Hai nodded, then said: "however, before he attacked, there would be a light spot in his position for a short time, and then the light beam would appear. I didn't find it every time, but I just turned around and was right at the position of the light spot, so I saw it.


At this time, the roar suddenly rang out. They were about one meter high above their heads. Suddenly, they were pierced. The light beam appeared again and hit the ground with an oblique angle. After a loud noise, the ground was blown to pieces.

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