death train

Chapter 1926

"First of all, I'm Carlyle rose." The man said with a smile, "Hello, former purser."

Ye Cha said: "I will be called by the former purser. You should be the person of the dead train."

Karil said: "I used to be under the purser of Ganlin, but since Ganlin became the Deputy conductor, I started to work alone. You don't need to remember. I'm just a nobody. You should not know me or remember me."

Ye Cha took out his cigar and lit it. He sat down on a chair in the rest area and said, "well, this is the end of my introduction. Let's talk about something else. Do you want to kill me? If you want to kill me, you should stand in front of me, not behind the screen. "

"Karil said with a smile:" I have self-knowledge. I can't kill you in a normal way. Fortunately, I have a very good field ability, so I want to play a game with you

Ye Cha said, "what if I'm not interested?"

"I'm afraid it's not up to you to refuse. Let me introduce my field ability. It's called hunting game. Before the end of the game, the field won't disappear. You can't leave this building."

Ye Cha said: "it seems that I really have no choice. How do you want to play?"

Karil said: "there are ten people in this building, including you and me. Ten people will be divided into blue and yellow groups. When one of them dies, the field will be released. So, is this game very simple? Just find the people in the same group, and then jointly kill another group. However, it needs to be reminded that every person in the team dies, there will be something bad. Frankly speaking, this is also the chance I think I can kill you. "

Ye Cha said: "well, let's have a try."

"So, the game begins. I'm looking forward to meeting you," karil said with a smile

When karil finished, the screen suddenly disappeared.

Ye Cha looked around, but he didn't doubt the truth of each other's words. There are many strange abilities on the death train, and it's not surprising that ye Cha has such ability. Moreover, ye Cha can't leave now. The cube field has wrapped up the whole building.

The key words are: the same group of people died, something bad happened!

What is it?

Ye Cha is not very clear, but most of them should weaken their own strength, or enhance the strength of the other side.

Ye Cha has always liked a person for many reasons. One of them is that when you are alone, your destiny is in your own hands, but if you are in a team, your destiny may be in the hands of others.

Now karil has obviously taken advantage of that.

At the same time, ye Cha found a yellow aperture at his feet. Obviously, it means that ye Cha belongs to the yellow team. Like Ye Cha, other people with yellow aperture at his feet are the same team as ye cha.

On the contrary, the blue aperture is another team, which needs to be hunted.

Ye Cha took a deep breath, and then walked towards the direction of the safety stairs, and then came to the next floor, fiercely stuck to the wall.

There's a sound in the side channel!

Ye Cha held the sword horizontally in front of him. When the shadow appeared on the side, ye Cha raised the sword fiercely, but didn't cut it down.

It's Minghai!

It came out of the corridor.

Ye Cha looked at the foot of the sea, and then said: "bad luck."

Minghai said, "don't see me. That's it?"

Ye Cha said: "it's bad luck to be with you."

Ming Hai looked at her feet and said, "Oh, you're yellow, too."

The leaf Cha doubts a way: "do you know?"

Minghai said: "you mean aperture? Of course, I know. When I came up, a silly fork suddenly appeared on the small screen in the elevator. It said that there would be a hunting game, and it also said the rules. I thought I was insane, but when I saw that the other side had finished speaking and the aperture appeared at his feet, I knew it was true. "

Ye Cha nodded. It seems that the other party didn't just see himself. Instead, he met everyone and told them the rules. It's very likely that this is one of the rules launched by the field. He must tell others. After all, the name of the field is hunting game. Even if it's killing game, the game should have rules.

As for Ming Hai

Well, ye Cha thinks on the bright side, at least this guy and his group, the group with blue aperture, at least one person can't be killed by them, but on the contrary, Minghai's fighting power is equal to none, which is also very depressing.

Minghai said, "what should we do now? Can't we just destroy here and leave? "

"No Ye Cha said: "the ability in the field is decisive and cannot be destroyed by force. It has nothing to do with the strength. It's the rule. Let's find someone first. I'll rely on it!"

Ye Cha words fall half, suddenly scolded a, because, ye Cha ear appeared prompt sound.

"The yellow team has been downsized. At present, the number is four, which has a negative effect: only guns can be used as weapons, and the damage caused by any other weapons will be invalid."Minghai said, "did you hear that, too?"

Ye Cha said: "nonsense, this is the rule. Everyone should hear it."

Ye Cha wants to curse his mother, which is obviously premeditated. Otherwise, how can he reduce the number of staff at the beginning.

Karil didn't intend to play fair at all. Instead, he wanted to use the field to play the game, and then weaken the yecha, with the ultimate goal of killing yecha.

What's more, the negative effect seems quite ferocious.

Can only use guns as weapons?

Ye Cha looked at the sword in his hand. If the sword can't be used, it means that the sword technique is useless. Fortunately, it has no ability to seal. But it's hard to say. If another one dies, what about the ability to seal directly?

"Go." Ye Cha said, "we need to act as soon as possible."

Ye Cha guessed that karil probably knew everyone's position, and it must be the group of people with blue aperture. Then he quickly gathered his hands, and at the same time, he quickly reduced his staff on this side of Ye cha. That ye Cha would be very disadvantageous.

Ye Cha and Ming Hai go to the next level quickly.

The leaf Cha side walks a way: "that pursue to kill you of guy is light gold short hair, hawk hook nose, eyebrow corner have a scar."

"Ah?" Ming Hai was stunned, then shook his head and said, "no, it's an Asian with a black hat."

The leaf Cha also Leng next, the characteristic that he says is karil's characteristic, so say, karil is not that sniper? It's two people?

"Damn it

Ye Cha scolds again. His grandmother's two people are in the same group. A sniper is good at using sniper guns. He must also be good at other guns. He must have other powerful weapons in his hand. Now he can only use guns as weapons.

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