death train

Chapter 1928

Ye Cha is a little confused.

I can't figure out what to do with it all of a sudden.

What's more, the tape recorder is a super old-fashioned one, not even electronic. It's not a CD, but an old-fashioned cassette.

Then, ye Cha just thought of the cassette, the other party really took out a cassette and put it into the recorder, and then began to play music.

Minghai said: "are you here to be funny? Hello, man. Do you want a speaker? "


As soon as the sound of Minghai dialect falls, the other party suddenly sweeps her head. Minghai's head sinks down, and then falls to the ground straight, with blood flowing from her eyes, ears, mouth and nose.

Ye Cha frowned, and the other side began to jump.

The next moment, the other side suddenly toward the front of a somersault, legs toward the leaf brake kick.

Ye Cha immediately crossed his arms and blocked his legs. But at that moment, his hands were pressed on the ground fiercely. A Thomas whirled and his legs were pushed on Ye Cha's waist.

Ye Cha stepped back two steps, hit the table, then looked at each other and said: "kapola?"

The full name of kapoera is kapoera war dance. It is a kind of fighting skill with a lot of kicking skills by using whirl, turn, somersault and music. The performance nature of this fighting skill is more than the practical nature. The main feature is weird. Using the rhythm of music and the twisting of the body, the attack is very weird, and it may attack any part of the human body, which is impossible to prevent.

Ye Cha licked the corner of his mouth and said, "no wonder you want to play music."

Music is an important part of kapola, music can let kapola have their own rhythm, is an essential part of this fighting skills.

Click, click.

Ye Cha squeezed his fist and said, "can we only use guns as weapons? Fists should not be regarded as weapons, so let's try to solve problems with fists. "

The leaf Cha didn't hesitate of a dive, toward the front rushed to go out, immediately raise a fist to bombard toward the other party.


The opponent suddenly raised his knee and blocked the attack of the leaf brake with his knee. Then he supported his left foot and kicked his right foot towards the leaf brake continuously. When he was blocked by the leaf brake, he suddenly turned his body, and the hands supporting his body turned into hands again. His left leg swept the head of the leaf brake fiercely.

Ye Cha shakes his body, takes two steps towards the rear, shakes his head, and the other side approaches again. After jumping up, he kicks Ye cha in midair.

Ye Cha's chest even five or six feet, constantly back, hard hit on the wall.

Ming Hai has come back to life and shouts to Ye Cha, "can you do it?"

"Your sister!"

Ye Cha scolded a little. He didn't have to fight. Ye Cha also had other abilities to use. But when he was yelled by Minghai, ye Cha's stubborn temper came up. After he stood firm, he put on his posture again.

The other side suddenly jump up, continuous somersault towards the leaf brake.

Ye Cha takes a deep breath!

Heaven and earth, martial arts supreme!

The breath on the leaf Cha body suddenly changes, see the instant that the other party comes to oneself, fiercely a hand.

Ye Cha grabbed each other's ankles, and with the momentum of the other side's somersault forward, he shook his hand and slammed the other side on the wall.

The next moment, ye Cha stepped forward with an arrow, and shot out with his fist.


Ye Cha's fist hit the wall and immediately smashed it.

The other side threw and fell to the ground, did not get up, hands on the ground, body floating, legs toward the leaf brake even kick.

Ye Cha was not in a hurry. He staggered his hands and put on a Tai Chi posture. He met each other's legs and took a lead, avoiding the past.

Taiji is not suitable for actual combat. The main reason is that it can't attack. It's deceptive to use force to fight, or it's not so mysterious. But Taiji's defense is good, and it's true that it can unload force.

To remove the strength of the other side's leg, ye Cha immediately kicked out, and the other side's hands immediately sent force, and the whole person soared into the air. Unexpectedly, ye Cha was just a shot in vain, and his right leg swept out fiercely towards the air.

The kite turns over!

Ye Cha kicked the other side in the chest, and at the same time, he turned over and jumped forward again.

Welcome door three regardless!


Ye Cha's palm is full of dark strength, and a fierce palm is printed on the other's chest, which blows people away.

The other side hit the table and pushed the table back continuously. After several tables collided, the other side stabilized and then opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood.

Ye Cha disdained to say: "on boxing, Chinese martial arts is the best in the world, kapola what bullshit!"

The leaf Cha side says, immediately a foot ghost shadow step toward the front step out, in an instant come to the front of the other party, raise the palm to force forward to split down.


The other side quickly dodges, the result leaf Cha's arm turns, a move splits to hang the inverted hair Wu Lei in the palm, toward the other side's chest to hurl.Poof!

The other side spewed out a mouthful of blood again, and was invaded by the dark force, feeling the great shock of the viscera.

As the saying goes, the eight pole plus split hang, ghosts are afraid.

We all know that Bajiquan is hard and fierce, but few people know that it's more fierce. Bajiquan's hard and fierce is obvious, and it's common to break people's arms and legs. It's very easy to break one's arms and legs, but it's hard to break one's internal organs. Bajiquan is great at breaking people's bones. It takes more skill to break one's hands. When one's hands fall, all the bones will be broken.

The leaf Cha sneers a, again toward the other side approach.

The other side gritted his teeth and kicked a foot again. Ye Cha's light cushion step jumped back, but at this moment, a ray of light appeared on the other side's leg and hit Ye Cha hard.

The leaf brake was blasted out until it hit the wall behind it. The steel plate inlaid on the wall sagged instantly. The wall in the steel plate interlayer was broken, and the leaf brake fell directly out of the building.

But the moment he was about to fall down, ye Cha grabbed the edge and then jumped back to the building.

"Since you use other abilities..." Ye Cha said: "then don't blame me."

Ye Cha's hands condensed into a fire ball, and then he threw it towards the front.

The power of Yan's son!


There was a huge explosion, and the flames were pushing wildly around.

"Damn it Minghai scolded angrily: "you are not afraid to kill me."

The fire covered the whole room in an instant, rolling and scattering. When it hit the wall, it rolled like a wave.

Vaguely, the other party escaped from the room, ye Cha sneered and pursued forward, but at this time, two shock bombs were dropped from the ventilation pipe.

"Your uncle!" The leaf Cha scolds a way: "come again?"

The shock bomb explodes, the flash and the noise make the blade brake hit again.

It's not that ye Cha doesn't want to avoid it, but that there is no place to hide in the room. Unlike a grenade, a grenade can find a shelter. The noise of a grenade is not afraid of a shelter, unless it's deaf.

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