death train

Chapter 1933

Ye Cha doesn't belittle himself, but it's really troublesome.

There are so many steel plates from the ground into the city of the future, and there are so many layers. Cutting down one layer at a time can kill people. There must be steel plates to prevent violent invasion outside the hive. There is no reason to tighten the outside and loosen the inside. The defense measures are either tight inside or loose outside.

So, it's not impossible to enter by violence, but it's not easy to use. It's also possible that ye Cha has become a dog after entering the hive.

Minghai said, "what should we do now?"

Ye Cha said: "go to see Mo Xi first, and see what information she can have."

The leaf Cha sees time, already exceeded the time that oneself and Mo Xi agree, then, direct toward that agreement good building past.

When he went to the top of the building, Mo Xi was fighting.

Mo Xi's opponent is a huge crow, three and a half meters high, legs are bird feet, but no wings, wings position is a pile of thick human arms.

This is a sutured zombie, a product of CommScope. The crow is a shadow night crow, a king class alien creature. Then the arm is sutured, and there are countless infusion tubes and some mechanical parts in the back.

So CommScope made a sewn zombie that could obey their orders.

I have to say that in terms of technological power, yecha really admires CommScope. They have mastered more technological power than this era.

Unfortunately, it's the end of the world, not the era of peace. This kind of technology can only be used for violence and killing. But then again, it may be that the living environment of the end of the world has given birth to the progress and development of science and technology. Otherwise, every war is the driving force for civilization.

Ye Cha and Ming Hai sit on the edge of the play, about 15 minutes, Mo Xi finished his goal.

Mo Xi wiped the sweat of wipe forehead, come over to a way: "you are still very good meaning, sit at a side to watch."

Ye Cha said: "I've played a lot, too. I'm very tired. Besides, you can handle it. Isn't it the king level goods?"

Mo Xi shrugs a shoulder way: "have what intelligence?"

Ye Cha said: "honeycomb, vortex device, do you know?"

Mo Xi way: "know."

The leaf Cha spreads a hand way: "that has nothing to say."

Mo Xi said with a smile: "it seems that I know a little more than you."

Ye Cha said, "what do you know?"

Mo Xi said, "I'm looking for the orphan of fog city."

"Ah?" Ye Cha Leng next way: "is the Fog Orphan that I know?"

Mo Xi nods a way: "yes."

Minghai wondered: "what is the orphan of fog city?"

Ye Cha said contemptuously, "it's terrible to have no culture. It's a world famous book."

Ming Hai suddenly said, "Oh, it was written by Shakespeare."

Ye Cha said: "no culture is terrible enough, no culture with culture is even more terrible, four tragedies are written by Shakespeare."

Ming Hai was dissatisfied and said, "I'm a Chinese. I don't know what's strange. You should catch a foreigner for me and ask if they know what outlaws of the marsh are? They call it the story of 105 men and 3 women. "

"Cough." Mo Xi coughs a way: "digress."

Ye Cha came back and said, "yes, what do you want to do with the orphan of fog city?"

Mo Xi way: "know absolute password?"

Ye Cha said, "I don't know."

Mo Xi said: "in short, absolute password is an unbreakable password. A string of numbers, such as 15112390, 55, etc., can't be understood or cracked at all?"

Ye Cha nodded.

Mo Xi said: "because we need props, the digital code corresponds to a book. Connecting the first word of the page number corresponding to the number is the answer."

Ye Cha took a finger to knock his head and said, "can you speak more carefully, I still don't quite understand the meaning."

"Well, I caught a researcher from CommScope. He's a researcher working inside the hive. He shouldn't have been here, but he happened to take a holiday, so he went out to meet his family."

Minghai said: "where shall we meet?"

Mo Xi explained: "the doomsday city we see now is the peripheral area. There are many residential areas where the families of the relevant personnel live. The researchers usually work in the hive and are not allowed to go in and out at will, but they have holidays. When they have holidays, they can leave the hive and come to the peripheral area to meet their families."

The leaf Cha suddenly way: "enter the honeycomb to want the password?"

Mo Xi said: "yes, it's an absolute password. The other party has a server, which changes the number according to the cycle, and the corresponding books. At the same time, it doesn't necessarily take the digital mode. It can also be a paper-cut with hollowed out words on it. According to the hollowed out position, the corresponding word is the password. The researcher has a 15 day holiday, and he knows the cycle password 15 days in advance It works, but there are about 16 hours left for the new cycle. We have to do it as soon as possible. "Ming Hai saw Ye Cha and said, "I think sometimes violence is good."

Ye Cha scratched his head and said, "it's just being late. It's such a big crime."

It is not difficult to enter the hive in essence. In fact, CommScope has already used the vortex device to get most people into the hive, and then used the defense facilities of the hive to annihilate them.

There are two reasons why a small number of people still stay in the periphery. One is that they didn't enter the city of doomsday when the vortex device started. The other is that they don't know whether they are lucky or not. The vortex device can't cover every area perfectly. These people just avoided it, so they didn't get into the hive.

Therefore, if we can trace back to the source of this matter and stand from the perspective of CommScope, we don't care if anyone enters the hive at all. They still want people to enter.

In terms of human resources, CommScope is definitely not the opponent of the death train and the apostle. It takes the initiative to get people into the hive and use the power of science and technology. CommScope still has the power of the first World War. If it does not use the power of science and technology, CommScope will be defeated long ago.

As a result, people want them to go in, but yecha three people are worried about how to go in. They have to say that it's really a bit abusive.

Mo Xi said: "in fact, it's not a matter of whether we can get in or not. According to the information I got, there are a lot of organs and dangers in Fengchao. Those who are taken in by the vortex must be sent to the dangerous area. On the contrary, if we get the password to get in, it may be a safe area, or even have the opportunity to go directly to the core area, which can surpass others."

Ye Cha said: "the question is where can we find the orphan of fog city?"

Mo Xi said: "strictly speaking, it's the French version of Oliver Twist in 1992."

Leaf Cha Wu face way: "kill me to calculate."

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