death train

Chapter 1959

Ye Cha picked his eyebrows and said, "because of the task of living?"

"Maybe." Nie po said: "who knows?"

Ye Cha said, "is this really the last stop of the death train?"

Nie po said: "I think it should be."

Ye Cha nodded, then raised his sword and said, "I'll give you a good time."

Nie po said: "I thought I said so much and told you what I could tell you. You should not kill me."

Ye Cha said: "if it's a normal fight, I think it will. You can't fight any more. Unfortunately, it's not a normal fight. One of us must die. If I don't want to die, you can only die."

Nie po said: "unfortunately, I don't want to die either."

The next moment, Nie Po disappeared, ye Cha was stunned.

"Damn it Ye Cha Leng for a moment, then scolded: "when is the double doll so worthless?"

The dolls are very rare. Because they can't be bought in the dining car, they can only pass the task of the death train. Therefore, the production of these dolls has not been high, but after all, they are only disposable props. It's not impossible to find a way to get them. Especially Nie Po is now the purser. With this identity, it's impossible to hoard a lot of them, but as long as he can get them It's not hard to have a double doll.

It doesn't matter if ye Cha doesn't kill Nie Po, but ye Cha is crazy. It's true that Nie Po doesn't die, he just runs away. What's the endless battlefield?

The rule of endless battlefield is that both sides of the battle must die before they can end the field. Now people are not dead, but they can't fight. Do you want to be trapped here by your own ability?

Thinking of this possibility, ye Cha felt like a dog. If it was calculated by Nie Po, ye Cha felt terrible.

Fortunately, the endless battlefield is not so immoral. After Nie Po disappeared, the endless battlefield quickly disappeared and became invalid directly.


Ye Yue is very simple. All the people on his side are dead. He's the only one left. Xia you ran with Comus. Now Nie Po ran away, so she ran, and quickly withdrew to the direction of the passage.


Ye Yue takes people to evacuate quickly, and noe kneels on the ground with soft feet, and then falls to the ground.

Minghai comes forward to help noe up.

Ye Cha has to admit that he wants to look at noe with new eyes. This guy didn't die with one against three, but survived. You know, Minghai, if you don't take care of him, his ability to die is meaningless.

Of course, noe's appearance is also tragic to the extreme, the whole body is injured, a lingering appearance.

Ye Cha came to noy and squatted down and said, "it seems you need a rest."

Noe gasped: "I hope I can tell you that I can still insist, but I'm afraid it's very difficult for me to walk now."

"Well, don't force it." Ye Cha said, "I'll go first."

Noe should have the means of treatment, and probably has the ability of regeneration and self-healing. However, judging from the current injury of NOE, if it is not for speeding regeneration, it should not be able to recover in a short time.

In this case, we have to lose noe first. As for whether it will be dangerous

Yecha and noe both know this. Of course, it's dangerous, but yecha won't take NOE and become a burden to himself. And noe, who has faith, won't let himself become a burden. It's more sad than death. Especially with the help of yecha, noe can't accept it.

However, as long as Nie Po doesn't come back, the danger is not as great as he thought.

There are only a few people who can pass through the hive quickly. Although the people on the train are killed to kill the apostles, there is no sign of union, that is to say, they also roam in the hive and then hunt.

Among the few people who can get close to the core area, they may not all come in this direction. After all, there are six channels leading to the core area, which is just one of them.

So, as long as noe is not too unlucky


The next moment, the cry sounded.

Ye suddenly looked back, and then saw that the metal cover plate of the reservoir was broken. A huge thing, like an octopus tentacle, pierced out of the reservoir and directly penetrated noy's body.

Noy opened his mouth and spewed blood. In his current situation, he had no resistance at all. After being pierced, the tentacle rolled directly around noy's body, and then forced noy into the reservoir.

Noe's xenobiotics stand still. If noe dies, the existence of his xenobiotics will be meaningless. If the archon's xenobiotics with relatively high intelligence are OK, he will rescue or make a reasonable judgment by himself.

But if the beast's level of intelligence is alien, it means it's all over.

As for yecha, yecha thinks that he should not care about noe, but himself.

Leaf brake can clearly hear the sound of water surging under the metal plate under his feet.And then


The metal plate at the foot of the leaf brake also broke suddenly, a lot of water flowed out from below, and then the huge tentacle appeared, suddenly stretched out from below to attack the leaf brake.

The leaf brake jumped up quickly and jumped back to dodge. But at that moment, the metal plate on the other side made a loud noise, and then it cracked. The second tentacle appeared and rolled towards the leaf brake.

In mid air, there was no point of exertion. It seemed that ye Cha could not avoid it. But at this time, the corpse flower vine suddenly surged in, entangled with the tentacles.


The tangled corpse flower vines and tentacles fall down and dent the metal plate, making a huge noise.

The leaf brake took the opportunity to land, and then ran around. Behind the leaf brake, there was a loud noise.

Boom, boom, boom!

One by one, the water jets spray out one after another, lift the metal cover plate and catch up with the blade brake.

"Damn it."

Ye Cha low scolds a, can affirm in the reservoir hide thing, just don't know exactly is what.

At this time


Just in front of the blade brake, a water jet comes out and lifts the metal cover.

Ye Cha was caught off guard and hit by the water column. He was shocked back and fell to the ground.

Lying on the ground, the blade brake didn't have a chance to breathe, because the metal cover plates on both sides were lifted off, and then two huge tentacles came out again and smashed down toward the position of the blade brake.


The tentacles fell, while the leaf brake jumped up and passed between the two tentacles.

In mid air, ye Cha raised his sword and cut it down.

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