death train

Chapter 1963

Ye Cha was dragged down by the tentacle of Aquarius, and soon came to the bottom, slamming into the ground.

This blow is just the beginning. The leaf brake hits the bottom, but it doesn't react yet. Other tentacles fall one after another, hitting the leaf brake continuously.

The leaf Cha continuously vomits blood, even the water liquid pours into the mouth to have no feeling.

The feeling of dying.

Ye Cha is extremely unwilling, especially to die in this way. What's more, ye Cha knows that his death is not an end. If there is no way to solve the current situation, he will continue to face death even if he has no meaning to live.


Ye Cha let out a blow, just at this time

All of a sudden, the water around made a sound, and then accompanied by the fist of Ye Cha, the water on both sides spread, forming two vortices, rushing out towards the front, knocking the falling tentacles open.

The leaf Cha not from of Leng Leng, immediately great joy.

The power of water elves!

Ye Cha opened his mouth and found that the water around didn't enter his mouth, and

I can breathe!

The power of the water elves is finally working.

"Son of a bitch, I'll see how you die this time!"

The leaf brake low scolded a, then stretched out a hand to push toward both sides.

Around the tentacle crazy toward the leaf brake, but at this time, the water around the leaf brake is like two walls, moving toward both sides.

At the same time, when moving towards the two sides, the water walls separated from each other cut off the tentacles around.

The leaf brake pedal on the ground, because the water wall is pushed away, the position of the leaf brake forms a vacuum zone.

"Die for me!"

The leaf Cha jumps up, a sword splits toward the front.

River sword!

The sword light overflows and pushes forward. Even the sword light is like a river, impacting Aquarius continuously.

Aquarius's body is constantly cut, blood constantly flowing out, with the surrounding water melt together.

But ye Cha did not stop. He took another step forward and raised his sword forward.

The sword goes north!

A huge virtual sword appears on the top of the head of Aquarius, and then stabs it fiercely downward, splitting the water and hitting the body of Aquarius.

Aquarius continues to struggle violently, tentacles have healed, quickly swing, again toward the leaf brake.

The blade brake didn't move, or put on a defensive posture.

But at the moment of tentacle approaching, the water around suddenly surged towards the leaf brake, forming a huge water ball, wrapping the leaf brake.

The water forms a barrier to block the tentacles. Those tentacles attack continuously, but after hitting the water ball, they can only leave ripples on the water ball, but they can't break the defense of the water ball.

Ye Cha sneered: "you play with water elves?"

Ye Cha turns over and sings. Now the terrain is no longer an advantage for Aquarius.

Yes, the power of the water elves not only enabled yecha to fight underwater, but also completely reversed the situation.

Aquarius is nothing more than aquatic creatures. It can adapt to underwater combat, and even has a bonus in underwater combat. However, water elves are another concept. Water elves can directly control water.

Ye Cha's toe a little bit, toward the front again jumped out, came to the front of Aquarius, the hand of this is a sword toward the front of a sweep, countless sword light toward the front gush out, constantly man dance flying, toward Aquarius fall.

"Die for me!"

Poof, poof, poof!

The dull sound of the blade into the flesh is constantly ringing, and then the body of Aquarius is constantly cut.

Aquarius's body is almost instantly fragmented.

However, ye Cha knows that this is not enough.

The regeneration ability of Aquarius is really amazing, and ye Cha can even feel the meaning of Ming Hai from Aquarius.

Therefore, even if the body of Aquarius is chopped up, ye Cha believes that Aquarius can still heal, as long as the pieces of meat can be pieced together.

Of course, the premise is that the pieces of meat can be put together.

As soon as the leaf brake hand stretched out, the water flowing around suddenly fell down.

The water liquid quickly separated, and then wrapped the meat pieces chopped by the leaf brake into water balls of different sizes, which firmly locked the meat pieces.


Ye Cha stretched out his hand to snap his fingers, and then the water polo began to spin at a high speed.

This is the same as the principle of a juicer. Water flows to form a water blade, and then compresses it in a very small space. With the use of rotary cutting, the higher the speed, the greater the power of cutting. In the end, everything can only become meat paste.

About ten minutes, those water polo scattered, Aquarius body completely into a meat sauce like things, Bata Bata on the ground.The leaf Cha sneers, he doesn't believe, do this situation, Aquarius can also recover?

Sure enough, all around the tentacles have fallen, or lost power, constantly floating in the water.

Aquarius is finished.

Ye Cha came to the edge of the wall.

The first layer of metal plate is not enough to worry about, the important thing is the second layer of meat, which is similar to the Aquarius body material, strong regeneration ability, not easy to be damaged.

But it's not easy, it's not easy, it can still be destroyed. It just needs continuous and high-frequency attacks, or in a word, as long as the attack speed exceeds the regeneration speed, it can be discarded.

It took a quarter of an hour for the blade brake to cut a gap, and then quickly drilled out.

Behind the wall was a narrow passage. The leaf brake sat down against the wall and twisted his clothes.

I feel so tired.

The battle with Aquarius consumes a lot of energy for the leaf brake. On the one hand, the ability to move two emperors of the time at the same time causes damage to the leaf brake's body.

On the other hand, ye Cha was beaten hard.

After a short rest, ye Cha gets up and suddenly finds that he seems to have forgotten something. Then he pats his head and scolds.

I forget the sea.


It doesn't seem to matter.

Minghai can't die. It's useless to carry him. It doesn't make much sense to take him or not. Let Minghai float in the water. As for whether Minghai will be drowned constantly

Anyway, I get used to it.

And there are corpse flowers, but there's no problem. Corpse flowers won't drown in the water and die. It's just that in the water, corpse flower's fighting power is very weak. Just throw it first.

Back to Dr. wittsell, restore the reservoir to normal, and Ming Hai and Shi Hua will come out naturally. As for the other species of Ye Cha, ye Cha will be taken back after Nie Po runs away.

The leaf Cha no longer thinks much, all the way toward the front continues to walk.

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