death train

Chapter 1965

Ye Cha didn't understand. In that case, he didn't want to use the most direct way.

Ye Chagou pointed, "come on."

"No!" The strong man knelt down and said, "I know who you are. Let me go. I don't want to fight with you. I'm forced to..."


The strong man's neck, the metal neck ring suddenly burst open, the strong man's eyes widened, a circle of blood holes on the neck, the body slowly fell back.

Dr. wittsell's voice rang out again: "people who are afraid of fighting have no value. If they have no value, they will die naturally."

The other five people looked at the corpse on the ground and immediately jumped up to the leaf brake and attacked it.

One of them came to Ye Cha and yelled, "don't blame us, we don't want to."

The leaf Cha lifted to lift eyelid, suddenly draw sword to sweep forward.


A spatter of blood suddenly came out, the man's throat suddenly a blood line, and then fell from the air.

Ye Cha showed pity and said, "don't worry, I won't blame you. After all, what's the matter with the dead?"

Ye Cha is really pitying each other, not affectation, because the other side really has no hope of living.

Dr. wittsell didn't intend to let them go at all. If he didn't give his hand to Ye Cha, they would die and give his hand to Ye cha

Of course, they will die.

Ye Cha raised his sword in front of him and said softly: "heart sword!"

As ye Cha's fingertips hit the body of the sword, the body of the sword vibrated gently and kept on making the sound of the sword. Then the second man who came to Ye Cha froze and his eyes were staring at him.

Poof, poof, poof!

That person's body continuously explodes a wound, the blood crazy spray comes out, falls all over the ground, then kneels toward the front, falls on the ground, completely has no breath.

In front of the leaf brake, there is a man and a woman, look at each other, and then rush toward the leaf brake.

The man stretched out his hand toward the front, and a piece of purple light and shadow bloomed on his body. The purple light and shadow quickly turned into two big purple snake virtual shadows, surrounding each other's body.

Woman a low drink, the whole body electric current around, unexpectedly is lightning to make ability.

It was originally the ability of the leaf brake, but after the leaf brake evolved the lightning strike into the thunder emperor, the lightning strike was lost and returned to the treasure list.

The leaf Cha suddenly has a kind of nostalgia feeling, then looks at a thunder blade to cut down toward oneself, the leaf Cha casually stretches out a hand.

At the moment when the thunder blade cuts the brake, it is absorbed by the thunder core, and there is not even an arc left.

Ye Cha said: "thunder blade should be used like this."

Ye Cha's backhand raised his palm into a knife and cut it toward the other side. There was a thunder blade in Ye Cha's palm, but it was more than twice as big as the other side's and hit the other side's body hard.

The woman's body current surge, trying to resist, but after the thunder blade hit burst, she found that it was impossible to resist, with the thunder blade burst, she was directly blasted out.

The leaf Cha a blow blast flies after the woman, the movement doesn't stop, backhand stretch out a hand to toward the man who rushes over to grasp past.

In a flash, ye grasped the virtual shadow of a big snake and directly crushed it with a blow. Then he sent the sword to the front and poked it into each other's heart.

Ye Cha said: "at least I'll leave a whole corpse for you."

Leaf Cha draws sword, bring out a blood flower, the man then kneels down on the ground.

Ye Cha came forward. Before the remaining woman got up, it was a sweep of the sword. At the moment when the light of the sword swept, a blood hole appeared on the woman's throat, and then she fell to the ground.


Ye Cha turns his head and looks at the last person.

The man was wearing a sportswear, about 30 years old. He stood up with the others, but he was the only one who didn't work together to besiege yecha.

Ye Cha said: "you're the only one left. Why don't you join them?"

The man said: "because I also know you, the former purser, it doesn't make any sense to work together or not, so it's better to expect them to consume you to a certain extent. Unfortunately, they are too useless to consume."

Ye Cha said with a smile, "what about you?"

The man said, "I think I can still struggle."


At the moment when the man's words fell, he kicked the table in front of him, and the table rolled up and smashed in the direction of the leaf brake.

Ye Cha with a sword, the table to cut in half, but in this moment, the man has rushed out, a punch toward Ye Cha blast out.


The leaf Cha left hand a collect, direct hold the fist of the other party.



The leaf Cha suddenly spurts out the mouth blood, continuously toward the rear retreat.

Ye Cha stretched out his hand to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth and said, "is martial arts the most important? What's your strength

At this time, it's not the normal way to see whether the attack is in the front of the attack list.The man didn't answer Ye Cha, but roared. He grabbed the two chairs beside him and threw them towards Ye cha. Then he rushed to Ye Cha again.

Ye Cha directly left and right sword, two chairs to cut open, then a punch toward the front.


The invisible power gushes forward and blows the opponent out.

Ye Cha has his own martial arts supremacy. Naturally, he knows that the most important thing to deal with martial arts supremacy is not to let the other person get close to him. Any physical contact may give the other person the chance to deliver dark energy.

Of course, on the contrary, as long as you don't give the opponent a chance to attack, martial arts supremacy is useless.


The leaf Cha low drinks a, the body front appears a thunder pillar, toward the front sweep to go out, the ground continuously burst to pieces.

The man rolled to the side, then put his hands together and said, "thorns of thorns!"

The man immediately released his hands and pressed them to the ground.

Ye Cha felt that the ground around him was shaking, and then it kept cracking. Countless black and gray thorns came out of the ground and stabbed at Ye Cha continuously.

Ye Cha retreated and slashed with his sword. Countless sword lights swept forward, chopping the thorns.

The man murmured again, spread out his hands and said: "the armor of thorns!"

The man's body soon emerged a purple black armor.

On the top of the armor, there are spikes everywhere, shoulders, arms, hands, thighs, legs, back, covering the whole armor.

The man stretched out his hand and pinched in front of him: "the spear of thorns!"

All around the thorns suddenly entangled together, quickly into a gun shape, and then fell into the man's palm.

The man pulls out a gun flower, and the tip of the gun points to the leaf brake.

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