death train

Chapter 1969

The leaf Cha quickly jumps toward the rear, the fist wind sweeps, and tears the clothes in front of the leaf Cha's chest.

Leaf brake landing, deep suction mouth airway: "it seems that you really can only be dismembered."

Head and heart, normally speaking, it is possible that the weakness of a zombie does not include the heart, but the head is absolutely the weakness.

Now, the head and heart attack are useless. Obviously, the headless zombie in front of us is special. The general weakness attack is invalid for the opponent.

I think the other party should have another weakness. However, ye Cha is too lazy to look for it. It's too time-consuming.

Therefore, dismemberment is not a joke, but the most effective solution.

Headless zombie again toward the leaf brake approach, at the same time, leaf brake suddenly let go.

This is the sword falling down towards the ground, but at this moment, there is a trace of arc in the palm of Ye Cha's hand, beating.

Because of the attraction of electromagnetic force, the sword suddenly hung in the air, and kept spinning under the traction of the leaf brake.

The next moment, the sword sounds!

Ye Cha sneered and put out his hand to wipe it in front of him

With the sound of the sword, an almost transparent invisible sword suddenly appeared, and then killed the headless zombie.

Poof, poof, poof!

Headless Zombie's body constantly appeared wound, blood suddenly flew out, forward running speed is also suddenly slowed down.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the body of headless zombies was covered with wounds, all over the body, and the blood flowing out completely covered the body.

Then, the leaf brake suddenly moves.

Fierce grasp this is the sword, leaf brake toward the front jump out, the body in the mid air twist, and then a sword thrust.

A light of sword came forward and ran down three ways. As soon as it passed by the headless zombie, the legs of the headless zombie broke.


The body of the headless zombie fell forward and fell to the ground.

The sword in Ye Cha's hand kept pointing forward again. Two big empty swords appeared out of thin air. After falling, they directly pierced the palm of the headless zombie and nailed the headless zombie to the ground.

Even so, the headless zombie is still alive, crawling on the ground, crawling forward.

But the hands and feet are useless. Even if the headless zombie is not dead, it has completely lost its fighting ability.

What cannot fight is not worth caring about.

In fact, this headless zombie is similar to Ming Hai. It has no weakness of traditional zombies. However, it's useless to bear beating if you can't beat your opponent.

Ye Cha continued to go forward. After opening the door again, it was no longer a bar, but a narrow passage.

Dr. wittsell's voice rang out in the channel: "after passing this channel, it is the core area. I will wait for you in the central control center. I hope you can come here alive, and it's better not to let me wait too long."

Dr. wittsell's voice disappeared, and then the channel, which was already a little dim, suddenly glowed with incandescent light, illuminating the whole channel.

Ye Cha narrowed his eyes and took a step forward.

Suddenly, the sound of mechanical rotation rings, the floor in front is opened, two sentry machine guns suddenly rise up and fire towards the leaf brake.

Suddenly, suddenly, suddenly, suddenly, suddenly

The muzzle of the gun kept sparking, and then the bullets flew towards the leaf brake.

The red flame armor suddenly started, the flame pushed out toward the front, stopped the bullet, and fell to the ground jingling.

Leaf brake forward, the two ends of the wall suddenly appeared laser cutting beam, towards the direction of the leaf brake.

Ye shameng's fist blasted out towards the wall, the wall was sunken, the laser propulsion equipment was damaged, and he stopped at the same place, and ye Shashi jumped over.

The next moment, an electric current suddenly appears on the ceiling and falls down like a curtain. The leaf brake doesn't care. The electric current is a tonic for the leaf brake.

Yecha didn't care too much about the smooth passage. It's not Dr. wittsell's fault, otherwise it's too low-end.

Dr. vetchaye didn't use this trap to stop it. Of course, it doesn't exist.

After passing through the passage, the blade brake continues to move forward.

After walking for about half an hour, ye Cha passed through two areas. One area is the office area, which is nothing to say. The other area is the leisure area. There are all kinds of leisure places, sports, fitness, oxygen bar, tea bar, everything.

Then, the blade brake comes to the third area.

Ye Cha glanced up at the front area, which should be a military training area.

There is a huge training ground in the center, where you can see barracks like buildings, jeeps, arsenals and so on.In the front, there is a huge metal door, which is about seven or eight meters high and three or four meters wide. If there is no accident, through this door, it should be the core area of the honeycomb.

This military area is probably where the armed personnel are trained, and it is also a defensive area. Anyone who wants to pass through this area will be attacked.

However, there is no one here at present. It's very quiet. I'm afraid I can hear a needle falling on the ground clearly.

It's a little strange.

It's no big deal that there are people. Some ordinary armed men can't stop yecha. No, they can't stop almost all the people who arrive here.

Because ye Cha didn't see any technological products. They were all ordinary guns. RPG was even the most ferocious heavy fire.

But it's not going to be completely ignored, is it? The value of this place's existence is to defend against invaders, isn't it?

Leaf brake toward the front, came to the huge metal door.

The metal door adopts a physical lock, which is the size of a person's head, and the steel bar used in the lock mouth has the thickness of a wrist.

However, as long as it is a physical lock, the leaf brake is not in the eye, reaching out to pinch the steel bar.

But, a start, leaf Cha Leng for a while, that lock unexpectedly is to open.

Open the door to enable the electronic switch, normally no one's strength enough to push open such a heavy metal door, of course, that is normal.

The leaf brake pushes the door open directly.

Behind the door is a huge space, very dim, almost no light.

And the leaf Cha is in at the moment, is also suddenly wring up eyebrow.

Blood smell, very strong blood smell.

The leaf brake took a step forward, and then felt that it had stepped on something. From the touch, the leaf brake had probably guessed what it was.

Sun and moon in the sky!

Ye Cha spread his hand, a moon and a circle of sun appeared in his palm, and then floated towards the air to illuminate the surrounding.

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