death train

Chapter 1974

In the six dragons flying under the bite of Capricorn's body has become dilapidated, but it is just a moment.

After that, the Capricorn body begins to heal and regenerate rapidly.

Yecha is also very helpless. The zodiac monster is the living target when its shape changes. It can be said that it is the best chance to kill.

However, from another point of view, this time the constellation monster is the most unlikely to be killed.

Because, in the process of morphological transformation, Zodiac monsters have incredible ability of physical regeneration. As long as they can't be killed, flesh and blood will regroup in an instant.

Ye Cha certainly knows this.

But know to know, in any case, ye Cha always want to try, a good opportunity in front of you, don't try it is too bad.

Even, ye Cha did not hesitate to use time to slow down the flow, in order to use another six dragons flying.

The first five blood dragons tear Capricorn's body and make Capricorn hit hard. Then the last blood dragon gives a must kill blow to kill Capricorn completely.

Unfortunately, it's still a little bit worse.

Perhaps because of the attack, Capricorn's transformation speed becomes a little slow, but the leaf brake does not attack again, because it is meaningless.

Capricorn has begun to form transformation, there are some physical changes, at this time Capricorn's regeneration ability is the strongest peak, any attack is not enough to kill Capricorn.

In this case, ye Cha chooses to wait for the arrival of Capricorn in its second form.


In a moment, Capricorn suddenly raises its head and roars.

Capricorn's wounds have healed, and broken arms and thighs have regrowth.

At the same time, Capricorn's body has changed a lot.

There are six horns on the head, which are different in length. White hair grows on the chest. The scales on the body no longer fit the body, but become huge, and then cross to the side, turning into sharp blades.

Ankle and wrist position, the same white hair grow out, but those white hair is very thick, and very hard, erect roots, like spines.

And at the top of Capricorn's fishtail, there grows a huge round bone hammer. With the fish's tail swinging up and down, the bone hammer constantly hits the ground, making a "Dong Dong" sound.

Capricorn's shape change is quite obvious, the leaf brake has seen nearly all constellation monsters so far, among them Capricorn's shape change, is changes the body the most obvious.

Of course, this does not mean that Capricorn is definitely the strongest, such as Leo and Taurus, the degree of morphological change is very low, because they do not need to fill their bodies with more weapons.

The biggest weapon of the type of physical fitness extreme evolution is fist. Therefore, morphological change is purely to strengthen the body and make the body stronger. There won't be much change in morphology. What they need is internal, not external.

However, the more obvious the morphological changes are, the stronger nature is, because the more parts of the body can be used as weapons, the stronger nature will be.

"So..." Ye Cha licked the corner of his mouth and said, "let me see what you can do."

At the moment when ye Cha's words fall, Capricorn seems to feel Ye Cha's will and suddenly jump forward.

How fast!

The leaf Cha picks the eyebrow, Capricorn's speed obviously obtained the naked eye visible growth, is almost in an instant, arrives at the leaf Cha's front.

The red flame armor starts in an instant, but the crystal flame just emerges and is smashed by a blow from Capricorn.

However, it makes people feel strange that Capricorn smashes the crystal flame with one blow, but does not continue to attack, but the figure suddenly flashes, and then disappears without a trace.

Capricorn disappear fast, appear also fast, the next moment appeared in the leaf brake side, the body twist, the fish's tail is thrown over.


Ye Cha's face was hit solidly, and then it was blown out, while Capricorn in this moment, the figure is once again disappeared, when it appeared, it was forced to catch up with Ye cha.

Capricorn's body swings for a while, then raises the right leg, is a combat axe style split leg, toward the leaf brake mercilessly falls down.


Ye Cha crossed his arms in front of him, but he still felt the crazy attack of Juli. Then his back hit the ground, crushing the ground.

Capricorn's attack does not stop, directly jump up about three or four meters high, in mid air, behind the fish's tail towards the leaf brake will fall down.

The leaf Cha hastens of a turn over, dodge of at the same time homeopathy stand up.

With a bang, the bone hammer on the fish's tail smashes into the ground and is directly embedded in it. Then, using the fish's tail as a support point, Capricorn's whole body will crash towards the leaf brake.


Ye Cha's expression twisted for a while, although the quick side body dodges, but Capricorn's sheep horn or from own body delimits, leaves two wounds.The next moment, Capricorn landing, limbs pressed on the ground, behind the fishtail and began to swing, from the side.

Ye Cha immediately met each other with a horizontal sword. Unexpectedly, the fish tail went around the body of Ye Cha from the side and formed a whirl. The fish tail hit the back of Ye cha.


Ye Cha is hit again and staggers to the front. Capricorn rushes out like a shell. Six sheep horns point at Ye Cha again.


Ye Cha quickly raises his hand and pushes forward with invisible force to shock Capricorn out. If this blow is solid, ye Cha's body will be penetrated directly by sheep's horn.

Looking at Capricorn flying out towards the rear, ye Cha took a deep breath and suddenly said: "Hello, fatal, is this asshole your relative?"

Yecha finally knows why he felt that Capricorn's attack mode was strange, and there was a similar feeling.

This guy's attack mode is similar to the lethal attack mode. They are all weird attack modes. They can use all parts of the body to attack and defend. The movement mode is like human, animal, and completely confused.

The fatal voice came from yecha's brain and said, "it's ok if you have to think that. There are apostle's cells and genes in his body."

Ye Cha grinned and said, "there is no humor cell."

He said directly, "do you need me to do it?"

Ye Cha said: "do you want to play? You haven't come out for a long time

At first, ye Cha was very alert to the existence of death. After all, no one likes to have another life in his body and take over his body.

But frankly speaking, I'm very honest. I come out when I need to, and I don't say a word when I don't need to. I have a dialogue with yecha. I only suggest but don't make a decision, which is the most satisfactory part of yecha.

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